Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1002 - Become a Part of Me!

Chapter 1002: Become a Part of Me!

According to Ice Storm and the method Big Buck told him, Meng Chao first unscrewed a few plastic soda bottle caps and mixed a few energy secret medicine, bone-strengthening secret medicine, and steel secret medicine together. Then, he carefully sprinkled a small pinch of insect powder that stimulated the activity of the secret medicine.

The originally colorful secret medicine that was like viscous oil suddenly began to “gurgle gurgle gurgle,” spewing out streams of heat. Even above the liquid surface, small clusters of fireworks bloomed.

Meng Chao did not even blink. He raised his neck and gulped down a large bowl of liquid that looked very suspicious.

Then, he stuffed a few pieces of golden milk that were rich in energy into the depths of his throat.

One of the milk pieces was embedded with a totem beast core.

These things were like lava flowing down his throat and into his internal organs.

It made every pore on his body expand to the limit, shooting out steam like an old-fashioned locomotive.

Following that, Meng Chao concocted another bowl of boiling secret medicine.

He also sprinkled every drop of the secret medicine that was emitting a faint fluorescent light onto the totem armor fragment.

A strange thing happened.

Even though the surface of the totem armor was as smooth as a mirror.

The medicinal liquid did not flow along the arc-shaped armor to the ground.

Instead, it was quickly absorbed by the totem armor fragment, not even a drop landed on the ground.

The totem armor that had absorbed enough spiritual energy, in the darkness deep inside the abandoned sewage pipe, blossomed with a magnificent brilliance.

It was like the shell of some kind of creature slowly squirming, with a few silver-colored metal tentacles sticking out from the edge, extending an invitation to Meng Chao.

This time, Meng Chao did not refuse.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed a totem armor shard.

He activated his life magnetic field to the limit, trying to resonate with the power contained in the armor shard.

He also meditated on his own spiritual vein, which was like a neural network that was growing crazily. Invisible “Nerves”pierced through his skin and wrapped around the armor shard, making his limbs and the totem armor… perfectly connected.

When all the broken pieces of the armor had completed an incredible ‘connection’.

They suddenly melted from the sharp-edged armor into a round liquid metal.

Moreover, they went along Meng Chao’s right hand and wrapped around his right arm, right shoulder, right chest, and right face.

Like mercury pouring down, they spread rapidly around his body and eventually covered and protected his upper body.

The totem power that originated from millions of years ago also flowed through Meng Chao’s spiritual vein and into his brain through his life magnetic field.

In an instant, Meng Chao felt an indescribable pain.

It was as if someone had extracted all of his blood and bone marrow.

However, it was replaced by a super alloy that had been heated to thousands of degrees.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had experienced a hundred times more pain during the rebirth of the Apocalypse and the fierce battle with ‘LÜ Siya’, he would have lost his mind due to the pain.

In the first segment, he would have lost his mind due to the pain, and he would have been at the mercy of the totem armor.

While the biological liquid alloy was transforming his body of flesh and blood, the vast amount of information hidden in the depths of the totem armor turned into a flood and a ferocious beast that rushed into his mind through his spinal cord, it started to stir up trouble.

Meng Chao felt that dozens of completely different memories flooded into his mind.

The clearest one was from Big Buck’s perspective. When he was putting on his totem armor, he was fighting with people cruelly on the arena, or he was sweating profusely on the training ground, he was going through all kinds of crazy training scenes.

The blurry part was the scene of seven or eight bull-headed warriors with different appearances, brandishing all kinds of strange-looking heavy weapons. They were fighting on the battlefield filled with corpses, killing advanced orcs from other clans, or the scene of Holy Light Knights covered in lumps of light like giant fireflies being smashed into meat paste and torn into pieces.

However, at the end of all the scenes, it was the scene where the bull-headed warriors were besieged by the enemy and collapsed on the battlefield in the most miserable state.

In the most blurry and ancient scenes, Meng Chao even discovered that he had turned into an enormous bull-shaped monster. Faced with the siege of dozens of rats and four or five warriors of the clan, he was still rampaging, he roared nonstop until the last drop of his blood was drained before he collapsed.

All the memory images were like whistling bullets that pierced through his cerebral cortex.

It made these memories feel as vivid as yesterday.

They included being surrounded by enemies that were dozens of times more powerful than him, being stabbed into a hornet’s nest by dozens of spears that were wreathed in holy light, and even his eyeballs were poked out and stuck to his cheeks. The pain that had penetrated deep into his bones was 100% preserved.

Meng Chao understood.

“These… are the memories of the previous owner of this totem armor, as well as the previous owner and the previous owner.

“Ice Storm said that totem armor can store the wearer’s combat skills and killing experience, allowing clan warriors who were not familiar with certain weapons and tactics to become masters the moment they complete their breeding equipment.

“It turns out that through a similar method of ‘memory duplication’, it has the same effect as the heroic spirit messenger of Dragon City. It’s simply too magical!

“However, even the death memories of the previous masters were copied and stored together.

“This is not good.

“Other than me, who has experienced the apocalypse and is determined to contribute to the whole human race, how could ordinary clan warriors, no matter how fearless they are, withstand seven or eight or even a few pieces of ‘Death Memories’at the same time?

“No wonder those guys turned into the ‘Origin Warriors’who are neither human nor Ghost!”

Meng Chao thought quickly and roughly understood the principle behind the inheritance of the totem armor’s power.

However, at this moment, it seemed that his genes were ‘detected’, and there was a subtle difference between his genes and those of a high-level orc.

The totem power that had already stabilized suddenly surged again.

The previous owners of the armor appeared in Meng Chao’s mind and turned into ferocious ghosts at the same time.

The battle memories became extremely real, and they were even more real than real. They were illusions that could bring a hundred times more pain and fear.

However, they had dragged Meng Chao’s consciousness into a battlefield that was both real and illusory!

“This is..

Biological liquid metal flowed into my body and connected to my neural network, stimulating the cerebral cortex and creating illusions that are hard to distinguish between reality and falsehood in my mind

Meng Chao sneered in his heart.

If it had been a year or so ago, he might have been shocked.

However, after the fierce battle with the Demon God ‘Wisdom Tree’, ‘Monster Brain’, and ‘mother 01’, he was extremely familiar with the tricks of stimulating the neural network and brain cells to create illusions.

In the end, it was all left over from Mother 1.

Even the real Mother 1, which was parasitized in Lu Siya’s body, could not stop him.

It was just a piece of broken armor. What could a few brutal souls do to him!

After realizing that I was not a Turan, did he want to test whether or not I was qualified to wear the totem armor in such a way?

“Then… let’s give it a try!”

In Meng Chao’s hand, golden light flashed and gradually condensed into a Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber that was wrapped in golden chains.

Although the real Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber was left in Dragon City by him…

Since this was an illusion created through his neural network and cerebral cortex, then he was the true and only ruler of this illusion.

Not to mention the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber, even fantasizing about a railway gun would be enough.

Thus, when those ancient ferocious souls hidden deep within the totem armor screamed, roared, and pounced at him with bared fangs and brandished claws.

Meng Chao set off a golden storm in his mind.

“This is my body!

“This is my mind!

“Any power that comes here must fuse with my will, obey my control, and listen to my commands!

“Either you will become a part of me like an arm, and change this crazy world with me.

“Or you will let me burn all the ferocious souls with the most violent spiritual flame, burn the totem armor into scrap metal, and bury the scrap metal into the feces of hundreds of years ago in the deepest part of the waste pipeline!”

Meng Chao controlled the golden storm and tore the ancient ferocious souls into pieces again and again while he roared crazily.

Even though the ferocious souls would reassemble after each time they were torn into pieces…

Meng Chao also noticed that the ferocious souls that were reassembled tended to be thinner and weaker than before.

Finally, after the ninth time, the ferocious souls didn’t reassemble. Instead, they turned into clusters of golden sparks. Each cluster of sparks turned into a wedge-shaped character, forming a surging information flow, from Meng Chao’s field of vision, they flew down like a waterfall.

The illusion shattered like a shattered mirror.

The ancient battlefield vanished into thin air.

Meng Chao returned to the exhaust gas drainage pipe that could not be seen.

Looking at the continuously flashing wedge-shaped characters in front of him, he knew that he had already taken control of this totem armor.

Sure enough, when he looked down, he found that the totem armor had already wrapped tightly around his upper body in an orderly manner.

The totem armor seemed to have the function of adjusting its own shape according to its owner’s body size and combat style, perfectly fitting its owner.

When it was put on Big Buck’s body, it looked fierce and fierce, with sharp edges and corners. When it was put on Meng Chao’s body, although the distinctive features of the ox head on his chest and the ox horn machete on his arms were still preserved.

However, the arc of the armor itself had become more low-key and gentle.

Not only had the ox head on the chest armor, which had been protruding high and furious, become slightly protruding, stripping away the features of the ox head, leaving only a highly abstract conceptual pattern.

The two ox horn scimitars had also become thinner, longer, and more flexible. After being slightly bent, they could be embedded into the grooves on the arm armor, greatly improving the concealment and avoiding unnecessary trouble when moving in complicated terrain.

Even the main color of the gauntlet had changed from a bright, dominating color to a dull black that did not reflect light. It was like a slightly expanding shadow, which was more in line with the characteristics of Meng Chao’s ‘Ghost Assassin’.

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