Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 815 New Task for Jin

Chapter 815 New Task for Jin

"Alright, it seems that's settled then. Claire, I heard from the System that you've been scouted as a possibly Sub System User. Take this period as an extension of the internship. Organise Jin's finances, get the exact amount we need and while you are at it, use the practice you've accumulated and earn some extra money for the relief fund." Grandma Yuan commanded. 

Then she looked at Qiu Yue.

"Start building the prefabricated buildings for evacuees to stay for the moment. Try to make as many as possible just to be safe while ensuring the basic standards of living is met. As for Lynn. You are the one who proposed this counter-attack plan, so I expect you to follow through it with the rest of the group. Do not forget your responsibilities too, for you are now going to be responsible for the stomachs of over 200,000 people."

"And as for you, Jin, Yun will bring you somewhere you are needed right now. I will go to the Dungeon Maker and talk to the System in regards to that variant Bone Spirit Demon." Grandma Yuan commanded, and the rest acknowledged their jobs.

"Where do I need to go? Training?" Jin asked as Yun opened the portal without making any noise.

"Just enter, and you will understand. Don't even think about leaving until you are through with the whole situation! Else, I will forcefully teleport you back." Yun 'threatened' with a jaunty smile on her face as she nodded into the direction of the portal.


"AH! Master is here!!!" Wyrstriker shouted, and everyone suddenly looked upwards, which shocked Jin who had just come through the portal. He realised that he was in the Adventurer's Guild Tavern and all the bigshot monster had come together to celebrate here. From the three goblins testing their ability to gorge ale against General Nubwort to Ke Mi at the side drinking her favourite cherry peach juice alongside Sandy.

The entire atmosphere was the complete opposite from the conversation he had all morning that made him forget that their major defence had actually succeeded after months of planning. Everyone was partying crazily since they achieved the impossible.

"Master! Sorry, we did not invite you! The System told us you were sleeping when we wanted to send the invitation. That was why we went ahead with the victory party." Zhi Nu apologised on the monster's behalf. 

Ayse had taken the initiative to create the party since she was starving for good food and decided to splurge the System points she had accumulated so far. (Not to mention she had a windfall for eliminating Kiva.) The one and only General Nubwort who had been at the sidelines 'quietly' commanding and coordinating troop efforts had also decided to chip into the System Points which he got for the orcs who had worked hard.

When asked whether this was the only group of monsters celebrating, Zhi Nu told Jin that the Adventurer's Guild Tavern was only one of the places. "The stadium that we've used for the Christmas party is currently being utilised as a mess hall for the rest of the army. Knowing the Orcs, they are probably drinking their butts off. Some of the penguins had offered their time to make food for us and seeing that we took the initiative to create this party on our own, the System decided to bestow us some free System points to spend."

"System believes that User's minions have done a tremendous job and acknowledges that they indeed deserved such a reward." The System spoke out to Jin since it probably felt that he was about to question why the stingy System had decided to give out System points for free.

"You guys really did work hard for it, and I agree that you should have a party befitting of your achievements. Do not let me be the sour one here." Jin thought that he was merely getting the way of their parties being the only uninvited guest around. Then he remembered that Yun forced him here, so he was thinking of passing the time by travelling around the new Adventurer's Town to check out the infrastructure.

"What are you talking about, Master? You were vital in getting the boss down! You should not talk as if you were not part of it all! Come join us. Try this out. This drink is a Goblin speciality!" Flame Ripper drunkenly joined them as he slammed a cup of drink in front of him.

"Heh, Master. No need to even try that watered down piss. Take a gulp of this Orc Ale, instead! Even our King used to drink this on a regular basis!" Nubwort interrupted and that caused the two monsters to quarrel between each other.

To Jin's surprise, a smoothing instrumental was heard which caused both Flame Ripper and Nubwort to slowly fall to the ground asleep before the situation escalated further. "Is that how this place has not been trashed yet?" Jin asked Ke Mi as she giggled while waving back at her master.

"Zhi Nu has long since introduced a tavern refurnishing fund paid by the adventurers' tips in case they destroy the whole place. But as for today's party, we have Ke Mi around because the manager cannot have our own goons destroy the place repeatedly." Niu Lang, the cowherd boy explained to Jin while offering him a glass of iced ginger ale with a pinch of lemon.

"Are you still keeping score?" Sandy asked Zhi Nu which she nodded her head while carrying the two sleeping monsters away from the scene.

"14 to 9. I am still in the lead betting that General Nubwort will wake up first to drink even more." Zhi Nu smiled towards Sandy while Ayse from afar shouted for more ale.

"Zhi Nu! Faster, we need more ale! Else, Weslie's going to leave again!" Ayse demanded as she was basically pinning Weslie down to make her drink and divert more secrets about Gold.

"Then let her leave! She just recovered from her wounds. YOU just recovered from your wounds. What is your problem?" Zhi Nu shouted back but still sent an ale down the tavern using her thread magic to carry a pair of ale to Ayse's table. She knew the Orc would say that the ale was her magical healing potion.

Jin could literally see that there was chaos among the monsters, but nevertheless, they were having fun chatting and enjoying the company of each other. He also saw a difference when compared to the Christmas party. The party was milder in terms of their attitude partially because there had still been a strict hierarchy at each table while this was pure chaos and fun which made Jin recall how his high school classes had also been divided into a variety of groups.

"Hmm, I can't help but feel a little distanced since I am their master and not their equal. Still, this did bring up an incredible insight and-" Jin was suddenly pushed to the centre of the crowd by Zhi Nu.

"Master! What are you doing? Stop thinking so much, and go have fun! They want you to teach them some more ridiculous party games like at Christmas!" Zhi Nu prompted him as she noticed how Jin had been standing still and looking around the tavern.

He sighed but seeing as the atmosphere had suddenly turned still, with all eyes on him, he decided to entertain them. "There's a game I learnt back in school. Its called Beer Pong...well you can call it Ale Pong." Jin started to explain, but in the end, got pushed to demonstrate instead.

"Mission Complete, Yun!" Zhi Nu giggled seeing how Jin slowly integrated himself into the party.

"Thanks, Zhi Nu." Yun replied as she continued to serve the customers in the shop instance diligently.

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