Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 978

Chapter 978: 978

“They’re here!”

Wang Mang and the others were a bit nervous . Although they were Foundation Forging experts, they hadn’t experienced a battle of this scope . There were over ten eighth rank sea demons charging at them .

However, Long Chen stood indifferently with his hands clasped behind his back . Each one of the Dragonblood warriors had similarly relaxed postures . They didn’t show any nervousness, because they had all experienced even more nerve-wracking battles than this . This little scuffle was nothing .

The surface of the water exploded as huge figures charged at them . The first ones they charged at were Gu Yang and the others, as they were the closest .

However, because eighth rank sea demons were so huge, despite the three of them having spread out, a few of them charged higher, going directly at Meng Qi and the others .

“Kill!” Guo Ran shouted, and with a wave of his hand, three house-sized spheres flew into the open mouths around him .

Their mouths were huge, so no matter how he tossed them, he wouldn’t miss . These were his powerful bombs . As his cultivation base grew, his forging efficiency also increased, so it was no longer so painful to toss out his treasures .

These cold-blooded sea demons had very low intelligence . Without even understanding what was going on, the bombs exploded in their mouths, causing their heads to explode .

Guo Ran killed three eighth rank sea demons in an instant . Although it was a bit lucky, this efficiency was shocking .

Gu Yang had also erupted with his full power . Powerful Blood Qi soared from him, and his spear danced . He killed one in the first instant as well .

As for Wilde, he had summoned the Barbarian Blood Bronze Body . With a single smash of his hammer, he blew a sea demon to smithereens . His power caused the sea demon to explode along with its Neidan .

“Wilde, pay more attention . If you hit them like this, you won’t get anything . ” Long Chen was speechless . When would this fellow grow some brains? If he fought this way, its Neidan and corpse would be gone . What was the point of this?

“Oh, what should I do?” grumbled Wilde .

“Go gently . Just hit its head . I’d rather you beat it half-dead than make it explode,” said Long Chen . Wilde’s intelligence almost seemed to shrink as he grew stronger . He couldn’t even figure out something like this .

“Alright, I’ll listen to brother Long!” said Wilde . It just so happened that an eighth rank sea demon was coming for him, and he once more smashed his club down .

Blood mist filled the air . Once again, there was nothing left . Wilde was dumbfounded .

Long Chen almost coughed up blood . The difficulty in having Wilde control his power was heaven-defying . Long Chen directly gave up and let him do whatever he wanted .

Wilde’s brute power was appalling . Even Elder Sha was shocked . As the battle unfolded, his shock only grew .

Wilde, Gu Yang, Yue Zifeng, and all the others were displaying shocking combat power . That was especially true of Wilde . His club clearly landed on the sea demons’ heads, but it caused their entire bodies to explode . Even their incredibly tough Neidans exploded with them . This was a strange power that Elder Sha had never witnessed before .

Wang Mang and the others were first incomparably shocked that Wilde had such power . But then they became incomparably distressed . With each smash of his club, another eighth rank Neidan disappeared…

They decided to do their best not to look over at Wilde, as watching was too painful . Runes circulated around them, transforming into huge hands that constantly gathered the slain eighth rank sea demons .

They didn’t need to participate in the actual battle . Using their refined control over powerful magical arts, they were extremely adept at gathering the slain sea demons . With thirty-six of them working together, they barely missed any at all .

Originally, they had been a group of thirty-seven, but one of them had been tossed out into the Eastern Wasteland by Elder Sha for saying something was unfair .

At the front, Gu Yang, Guo Ran, and Wilde were drawing most of the sea demons . Other sea demons managed to get by them, but the majority of them were seventh rank, and killing them was extremely easy .

The occasional eighth rank sea demons that got by would be instantly killed by a few squad leaders working together . Everything went extremely smoothly . Meng Qi and Tang Wan-er didn’t even need to do anything . Long Chen had them look after the group, but right now, no one needed their help .

The panicked Eastern Wasteland disciples also began to calm down upon seeing the Dragonblood Legion handle this many sea demons . They found their own positions, occasionally launching an attack . If they didn’t have a chance to attack, they used magical arts to help gather corpses .

As time went by, the sea demons did not drop in number . Instead, more and more of them appeared, and they only grew stronger .

In the beginning, their cultivation bases were only at the early eighth rank . But now mid eighth rank sea demons were appearing . When they appeared, Wilde became ecstatic .

That was because he found that when he smashed a mid eighth rank sea demon, at least some of their body would survive . Their Neidans were also intact .

Wang Mang had been delighted at first to see this many sea demons; they were truly getting rich! But as more eighth rank sea demons appeared, they gradually became afraid . They had killed over a hundred eighth rank sea demons, and it was starting to be too much .

As more and more eighth rank sea demons showed up, they didn’t even have time to gather the seventh rank sea demons’ Neidans, letting them fall into the sea .

The sea was dyed red by the blood of the sea demons . Some corpses sank to the bottom, while some floated on the surface of the water, looking like floating islands, as well as huge burial mounds .

Currently, thousands of miles of the sea was dyed red, and countless sea demons were crazily charging forward . Furthermore, their numbers and power only grew . Wang Mang felt a chill .

But when he stealthily glanced at Long Chen, he saw that his expression was still calm, as if this intense battle before him was nothing more than a game that he didn’t care about .

Wang Mang took a deep breath and thanked his luck that he had acted pragmatically . He hadn’t fought against Long Chen to the point of you die or I die . Thinking of that, he patted himself on the back for being wise .

Long Chen hadn’t shown off any shocking attacks . But Gu Yang, Guo Ran, Yue Zifeng, Wilde, and the others were each more shocking than the last . From all this, Wang Mang could tell that Long Chen had to be more terrifying than he imagined .

“Wang Mang, don’t get distracted . You’ve already lost an eighth rank Neidan,” called Long Chen .

“Oh, sorry!”

Wang Mang’s runic hand had been destroyed by a sea demon, and as a result, an eighth rank sea demon’s corpse fell into the sea, lost .

“Don’t be so worried . This is just the opening scene . Once you’re accustomed, you’ll be fine . Everyone further back, there’s no need for you to attack . You should all focus on gathering the corpses . Dragonblood warriors, there’s no need to hold back any longer! We’ve pretty much drawn them all over, so the moment’s almost here!” said Long Chen .

“The opening scene?” Wang Mang and the others involuntarily shivered . This kind of terrifying battle was just the start? Then what was the main act?

“Kill! Kill to your heart’s content!”

The Dragonblood warriors roared, going all-out to slaughter the sea demons . The current sea demons were growing stronger, and even late eighth rank ones began to appear . The Dragonblood warriors were starting to find things difficult .

They all activated their Spirit Blood, each of them crazily attacking, and treasure items flew through the air, along with scarlet blood .

With their Spirit Blood and Treasure items, the eighth rank sea demons were rapidly cut down by them . Their corpses tumbled down .

Wang Mang and the others were red-eyed . They no longer had time to care about seventh rank sea demons anymore . They had to focus completely on gathering the eighth rank corpses .

There were too many, so even Wang Mang and the other Foundation Forging disciples found gathering them taxing . Even with the help of the Eastern Wasteland’s disciples, quite a few corpses fell to the bottom of the sea .

Once the corpses fell into the sea, there was no way to bring them out . The Heavenly Dao runes that they had condensed into hands could enter the water, but it would exhaust too much of their spiritual yuan .

Seeing those corpses falling into the ocean, Wang Mang and the others were filled with pain, but they were helpless . They could only do everything they could to gather the slain eighth rank sea demons .

As the Dragonblood warriors erupted with power, the number of sea demons didn’t drop . But all the sea demons were eighth rank ones now . They were like a tide, crazily charging forward .

The Dragonblood warriors also seemed to have gone crazy . Each one of them was like a killing god, mercilessly slaughtering the sea demons .

Toward the end, Wang Mang and the others were terrified by just looking at them . The Dragonblood warriors seemed like bloodthirsty fiends, completely different people from the ones who had chatted with them . They were merciless and cold, their killing intent causing their souls to tremble .

This was the Dragonblood warriors’ strongest state . That killing intent was something piled up from countless experts’ bones .

The number of sea demons continued to increase . In the end, their corpses were piled up like mountains on the sea .

This shocking scene shook even Elder Sha . He was deeply shocked by what he was seeing .

“Careful!” Suddenly, a huge crab-like sea demon charged in front of a Dragonblood warrior . It was a late eighth rank sea demon, and because it was covered in tough armor, it had managed to break through their defenses . Its claw smashed toward the Dragonblood warrior, causing the others to let out startled cries .

The Dragonblood warrior had only just forced back another sea demon, and there was no one around who could help him .

“Split the Heavens!”

A blood-red light slashed down, killing the sea demon .

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