Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 4701 Rising Power

Chapter 4701 Rising Power

Long Chen’s aura flowed within him like a raging river and circulated within him in an endless loop. As he did so, a powerful pressure roared against the world.

Long Chen was not in the training room. Instead, he was immersed in cultivation atop a mountain peak nestled within the academy’s rear mountain range. This territory was strictly off-limits to the academy's disciples, as it neighbored the home of the rainbow cranes. Thus, the academy had sealed off this area to prevent the academy’s disciples from disturbing them.

However, Long Chen was different. Within the academy, he was the only one liked by the rainbow cranes, so he could train here.

As Long Chen’s aura circulated within him in an endless loop, it gradually grew gentler. The process of realm consolidation was a must for someone who had just broken through to the next realm. Regardless of one’s innate talent, upon reaching a new realm, their aura would inevitably fluctuate, as if still finding its balance.

This was like a beggar suddenly obtaining an enormous fortune. Adjusting to such a dramatic change couldn't happen instantaneously.

Cultivation followed the same principle. A cultivator who had just advanced might have a powerful aura, but this apparent strength was often scattered and unfocused, limiting its potency. To harness their newfound power effectively, a cultivator needed to harmonize their essence, qi, and spirit, allowing them to resonate and assimilate with their aura.

It was only through this process that a cultivator could wield their new power effectively. Long Chen was circulating the aura of a Divine Venerate throughout his body, letting his essence, qi, and spirit get used to it and take control over it.

With every circulation, Long Chen’s control rose, and after thirty-six cycles were complete, a tremor ran through him.

As Long Chen rose, his aura dissipated. Long Chen had achieved full mastery over the power of the Divine Venerate realm. He could now effortlessly retract his aura, demonstrating absolute control and mastery.

“That was fast. Maybe I really am awesome,” Long Chen marveled at his own accomplishment. Consolidating his realm in just thirty-six cycles, completing the process in barely two hours, was unprecedented for him. In the past, it had always taken him several days.

Long Chen extended his hand and wondered whether this was due to the dragon senior’s essence blood. With a thought, blood-colored scales covered his palm, appearing almost instantaneously. He could now summon and dismiss the scales effortlessly, a stark contrast to before when he had to deliberately manipulate his dragon blood energy.

“My power responds to my will effortlessly, without hesitation. When did my body get this strong?” Long Chen couldn't help but feel astonished at the newfound strength and control he possessed.


The next moment, a flame lotus appeared in Long Chen’s hand instantaneously—the exact moment he opened his hand.

“It’s not just my power. I can even conjure Huo Linger’s power freely.” Long Chen was delighted by this discovery.

Following that, the flame lotus moved to the side, and a lightning sphere appeared beside it. He could now summon and control two kinds of different powers at once.

The lightning sphere seamlessly fused with the flame lotus, causing it to expand rapidly. However, with a simple closing of his hand, the flames and lightning dissipated directly.

“This is amazing!” Long Chen exclaimed, astounded by the newfound level of control he had over his powers. Everything flowed smoothly and effortlessly, a sensation he had never experienced before.

Long Chen then tried to summon his divine ring. To his surprise, the divine ring materialized first without the need for the usual hand gestures.

“I don’t need hand seals anymore!” Long Chen marveled at the huge change brought by his advancement to the Divine Venerate realm.

It felt as though these abilities were carved into the depths of his soul now, as if they were an inherent part of him. However, there was also a sense of unfamiliarity to them, as if they weren't entirely his own. Long Chen couldn’t help but think of the essence blood left to him by the mysterious dragon expert. Could this be the awakening of his bloodline’s instincts?

Long Chen hastily looked within himself. What he discovered left him astonished: countless dragon runes flowed throughout him, resembling true dragons in motion.

He then saw something shocking on top of these runes: violet and rainbow-colored lines like threads intertwining with the dragon runes. This revelation filled Long Chen with a pleasant surprise.

“That’s my violet blood and seven-color Supreme Blood!”

Upon closer inspection, Long Chen saw that his seven-color Supreme Blood and violet blood had merged into the dragon runes.

Although they seemed to be in a sealed state, as if they were suppressed to the very limit, they still seemed strong. Long Chen could sense their immense lifeforce.

His violet blood and seven-color Supreme Blood were still there, undergoing some kind of transformation or rebirth thanks to the pressure of the dragon blood.

Seeing this scene, Long Chen felt a surge of joy. After all, the seven-color Supreme Blood and violet blood were precious gifts from his parents. When the Sovereign clan expert had been about to destroy them, Long Chen had risked his life to stop him. He knew he had to protect the only memento of his parents.

“Hahaha!” Long Chen suddenly raised his head and laughed. “I hereby announce that the Martial Heaven Continent’s Boss Long San is back!”

Long Chen felt full of confidence. With Evilmoon’s return and his newfound power, what was there to be afraid of?

“For Little Crane to have not come after this much of a disturbance, she’s probably still sleeping.” Long Chen looked into the distance with a smile. Thinking of Little Crane’s cute face, he felt a burst of warmth.

Having been in the Void Spirit World for so long and brushed against death multiple times, Long Chen missed that girl. Those pure eyes of hers always brought him joy; it was like she could cleanse away all his vexations and worries.

“Long Chen, your cultivation base has improved. Don’t you want to do something?” Evilmoon suddenly spoke.

Ever since that battle, Evilmoon had been on Long Chen’s back. Evilmoon’s form was incredibly sinister and murderous, looking like a terrible and terrifying weapon. Long Chen hadn’t wanted to swagger about with it on his back.

However, Evilmoon adamantly refused to leave Long Chen’s side for two compelling reasons. Firstly, despite retaining the soul of Dragonbone Evilmoon, it had undergone significant physical transformations. By remaining close to Long Chen, it could adapt to Long Chen more swiftly.

The second reason was that Evilmoon simply couldn’t bear to stay with the Earth Cauldron. According to Evilmoon, being forced to accompany such an ancient fellow immediately after its rebirth was intolerable.

Long Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the second reason. What kind of joke was that? Evilmoon was looking down on one of the ten primal chaos divine items?

“That’s right, Evilmoon, how did you kill Wu Hun back then?”

The moment Long Chen thought of the ten great primal chaos divine items, Long Chen suddenly recalled something. Back then, Wu Hun had said that the only ones capable of killing the Three-Headed race were the ten great primal chaos divine items, but he had simply fallen to Evilmoon. Just what did this imply?

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