Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109

“Senior, my name is Meng Qi,” answered Meng Qi . She was extremely uneasy in the face of this legendary existence .

The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow was said to have disappeared in ancient times . Nowadays, it was almost impossible to see one .

If it wanted to kill the two of them, there would be no doubt as to the conclusion . So she was naturally uneasy .

However, Long Chen wasn’t nervous . He held Meng Qi’s hand, giving her a bit of comfort . From the start, Long Chen hadn’t been able to sense the slightest killing intent from the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow . Perhaps it was worried about the true dragon blood flowing through his veins .

A lost species from the immortal era like the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow had its own inheritance, and its intelligence was not low .

“You’re not a bad human . I can give one of my children to you,” said the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow .

What? Long Chen and Meng Qi were both startled, unable to believe their own ears .

“Yes, I can give one of my children to you . I hope you’ll treat it well,” repeated the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow .

“Senior, I…” Meng Qi was still in disbelief . What mother simply gave away her children?

“I have my own reason for it . Right now, I don’t have the ability to raise both of them . Three hundred years ago, I went through a fierce battle . The children’s father died in battle, and I also received heavy injuries . I fled here and gave birth to them .

“Although my injury gradually recovered during this time, I also have to feed them my essence blood to incubate them . Now I’m stuck . Unless I give up my life, I only have enough essence blood for one child . If I go too far, I’ll die, and the surrounding beasts will immediately devour my children .

“I can’t die, but only one of my children can survive . As a mother, I was never able to make the choice . Now I’ve reached my limit . If I still don’t decide, both of them will die . ” The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow looked at the two huge eggs . Its voice was quiet and seeped with sadness .

For a mother to abandon one of her children, whether it was a human or a Magical Beast, it was always a painful choice . Meng Qi’s tears streamed down . She formed a natural resonance with the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow and understood its grief and pain .

“Senior, I can stay here and use my Spiritual Strength to help you incubate them . I have secret arts only a Beast Tamer knows that can help them hatch faster,” said Meng Qi .

The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow looked at Meng Qi . “You’re a good child . Thank you for your kindness . Perhaps this is simply destiny foreordained by this world . Just as I was preparing to abandon a child, you came . Or perhaps this is the guidance of the ancestors .

“However, having both of them stay by my side isn’t necessarily a good thing, and giving one to you isn’t necessarily a bad thing either . The Heavenly Daos are always unclear, making the future unknown . I trust you will treat my child kindly, so come, pick one . Their fates will now drift apart, and as for whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, it will be up the will of the heavens . Choose . ”

The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow had Meng Qi choose herself, but Meng Qi was now in a tough spot . How was she supposed to take away a mother’s child right in front of her?

“Long Chen…” Meng Qi looked toward Long Chen .

Long Chen sighed, “Foolish girl, what’s so difficult about this? Even senior has said that this is destiny . If we didn’t come, one of them would have died anyway . You’re helping our senior, and there’s no need for you to be apologetic . With your talent and abilities, whichever one stays by your side will grow limitlessly . Most importantly, considering your kind nature, you’ll definitely treat it as your most trusted companion . This is also why senior is willing to give its child to you . ”

Of course, these principles were understood by all parties . But when the choice was given to her, she found herself unable to decide . Meng Qi looked from the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow to Long Chen . Both of them looked at her with encouraging eyes .

Meng Qi made her determination . “I’ll let them decide . Let’s see which one of them wants to go with me . ”

Meng Qi touched her forehead, and two runes slowly flew out . They landed on the two huge eggs . These were Meng Qi’s spiritual seals .

When they landed on the eggs, one of the runes quickly brightened slightly . Meng Qi smiled . This egg had formed a slight resonance with her spirit .

As for the other egg, there was no reaction . The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow said, “As expected, it really was the will of the heavens . That was the one I was about to abandon . Maybe it feels that I was too cruel . ”

Its voice was full of sorrow, making Meng Qi feel sour . She didn’t know what to say .

Suddenly, the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow shot into the sky, instantly disappearing amongst the clouds . Then multicolored light bloomed, and a huge figure appeared in the sky .

A terrifying pressure spread throughout the land . The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow had revealed its true body .

Its whole body was covered in multicolored wings that shone brightly in the sunlight . The flap of its wings caused space to crumble, as if heaven and earth could not bear its existence . Long Chen and Meng Qi both looked at it in shock . This aura was absolutely terrifying . As expected, the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow’s name was well-deserved .

Its entire body began to shine, and then a drop of blood slowly fell from its forehead .

That drop of blood contained boundless flickering runes . Bright light came from it, and there was even a blazing divine flame within it .

The drop of blood landed on the egg Meng Qi had chosen . Runes lit up on the egg, and the blood was quickly absorbed . In the end, the blood disappeared and it was like nothing had happened at all .

The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow’s aura had clearly dropped slightly now . It returned to the nest and shrank again .

“This is the final thing I can do as a mother for my child . ” It looked at the egg . That drop of blood was the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow’s inheritance essence blood . Once it hatched, it would automatically awaken its innate abilities as its power increased .

But bringing out this inheritance essence blood was extremely taxing . The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow looked dimmer and fainter than before .

“In truth, taking away my child isn’t necessarily a blessing for you . The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow race is viewed as traitors of the Xuan Beast races . We are hunted down by the Xuan Beasts, and so this might bring a calamity to you in the future . Take care of yourselves,” said the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow .

“The Xuan Beasts? The ancestors of the ancient races?” Long Chen was surprised . The Xuan Beasts still existed?

“Correct . There are tens of thousands of Xuan Beast races, and the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow race is one of them . It’s just that… well, nevermind . These secrets aren’t suitable for you to learn . In any case, I’ve entrusted my child to you . I hope you’ll treat it well . ” The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow had said that last sentence several times now, but as a mother, this was its request .

“Don’t worry, senior . As long as I, Long Chen, live, no one can bully my companions . ” Long Chen patted his chest confidently .

“Yes, this is the style a descendant of the true dragons should possess . But you should be careful . As your cultivation base increases, the chances of you being hunted down will increase, and not because of the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow . You should know that true dragon blood is something that can cause greed in countless people .

“Alright, just now I released my aura . To be safe, I have to switch locations . Take care of my child . You should leave quickly as well, because this place is no longer safe . Good luck . Don’t hate me for being long-winded, but… please just look after my child . Thank you!”

The Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow opened its mouth, and the one huge egg rapidly shrank and entered its mouth . With a flap of its wings, it completely disappeared . There was no way to even tell in which direction it had flown .

“Quick, put it into your spiritual space . This place isn’t secure,” said Long Chen .

Meng Qi nodded . This time, the egg easily entered her spiritual space . But Meng Qi didn’t reveal the slightest happiness . Instead, she felt a heavy burden .

Once they put away the egg, the two of them quickly left the nest . But Long Chen still decided to continue searching for more ninth rank Magical Beasts for Meng Qi in order to fill up her spiritual spaces .

On the next day, just as the two of them were searching for a final housepet, Long Chen’s expression suddenly changed . He had Meng Qi summon the Phantom Storm Leopard .

They had the Phantom Storm Leopard devour them into its stomach and then had it slowly approach the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow’s nest . Through its eyes, Meng Qi could see everything happening outside and relay it to Long Chen .

Right now, they saw two huge figures shooting through the sky . Their speed was absolutely shocking .

Wherever those two figures went, their pressure caused all Magical Beasts to kneel motionless on the ground . The Phantom Storm Leopard also knelt as it looked at them .

“Tenth rank Magical Beasts? Or Xuan Beasts? Are they the enemies of the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow?” Long Chen was shocked .

One of the huge beasts was a tiger with wings, while the other was a two-headed python . They arrived in front of the nest and actually transformed into human form .

One retained its wings, while one still had two heads, appearing extremely bizarre . The winged person looked at the nest, smelled the air, and said, “It’s definitely the aura of the Cloud Chasing Heaven Swallowing Sparrow . It’s been gone for about a day, and there’s also the aura of the human race . ”

Meng Qi and Long Chen were both shocked . It actually smelled humans? It then looked around, closed its eyes and sensed, before pointing in a certain direction . “It went that way . We’re chasing!”

The two of them flew back into the air and reverted to their huge forms . They were just about to leave, when the winged tiger suddenly looked back at the Phantom Storm Leopard hiding in the dark . Long Chen and Meng Qi’s hair stood on end .

“Two human cultivators?” The winged tiger sent a claw toward the Phantom Storm Leopard, causing Long Chen’s expression to completely change .

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