Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083

During these few months, Meng Qi, Yue Zifeng, and Wilde had all been secluded within the Xuantian Catalog . Meng Qi and Yue Zifeng had obtained powerful inheritances, and their gains were huge .

As for Wilde, when asked about what he had gone through, his response was a bit muddled . He said that during those days, he had always been sleeping in a mysterious space . When he woke up, he had come out .

He didn’t feel any change in himself, making Long Chen and the others speechless .

“In a bit, bring everyone for a stroll through Treasure Gem Island and buy some decent things . Wilde’s bone club isn’t able to keep up with his strength, so buy a good weapon . Don’t worry about money, since we don’t have any major expenses coming up,” said Long Chen .

“Hehe, I like strolling through there the most . In the past, there wasn’t enough money for me to do so, but now I can randomly go there as I please,” said Tang Wan-er excitedly . She was no exception to the rule that women liked shopping .

Tang Wan-er led the three of them away, and very quickly, Long Chen received word that fifty healing disciples had already arrived .

Long Chen looked over them . The majority of them were women, with only five male disciples . They were all wood attribute cultivators .

“Greetings, senior apprentice-brother Long Chen!”

Those healing disciples all bowed upon seeing Long Chen, their eyes full of worship and reverence .

Long Chen could be claimed to have dominated all the heavenly geniuses in the Xuantian Dao Sect’s new generation . No one could contend against him equally .

Furthermore, he never put on airs like other experts and was easy to get to know . He also treated his subordinates warmly and was willing to risk his life for his brothers . His tyrannical and merciless side existed to protect his brothers .

Countless people dreamed of joining the Dragonblood Legion, and these fifty people were no exception . They were the strongest healers amongst the new generation of disciples, as expected of elites Li Changfeng had meticulously picked out for him .

Now standing in front of Long Chen, they felt both nervous and excited . They were now also joining the Dragonblood Legion . That was a kind of honor .

“I won’t say too many superfluous words . Since we’ll be brothers and sisters fighting side-by-side, we are one family . Each one of you can have an initial fifty thousand points to buy things you need for the battle . Do your best to buy things that can increase your healing powers . If that’s not enough points, you can come and find me . ”

Startled cries rang out from amongst the healing disciples . Fifty thousand points was an amount they had never dared to dream of .

Those disciples delightedly took the points and rushed straight to Treasure Gem Island . Long Chen knew that these kinds of support professions burned the most money .

Their equipment and items were normally much more expensive than those used by fighters . He didn’t know much about their requirements, so rather than doing something stupid like directing them with his amateur skills, he let them buy what they needed themselves .

He spent such a huge sum on them not just to win over their hearts, but because the Dragonblood Legion was truly lacking healers .

A group of elite healers would be an even greater safeguard for the Dragonblood Legion’s warriors’ lives .

Other than that, the majority of those healing disciples were women, while the Dragonblood Legion was filled with mainly men . There truly had been a need for some equalization . This way, they wouldn’t spend all days spouting uncultured speech . It was good for their growth .

Originally, Long Chen had been thinking of having Guo Ran spend the next few days drilling their formations . That way the healing disciples would get familiar with them . But Guo Ran was already in seclusion, doing his best to forge more killing tools .

He could only leave this matter to Gu Yang . In truth, the mission of the healing disciples was very simple . They didn’t need to fight . They just need to be spread out amongst them, each one of them in charge of an area . If anyone in that area was injured, they could heal them at the greatest speed .

Those healing disciples bought quite a few pieces of top grade equipment thanks to Long Chen . For example, there were some Wood Spirit Beads that allowed them to quickly recover their wood spiritual energy . There were staves that allowed them to unleash long-range healing magical arts . There were also spirit talismans that could be used for area healing as long as they poured in their spiritual energy . To sum it up, these disciples had essentially bought everything useful . Not only that, they had only bought the best .

The other healing disciples were incredibly envious . When they joined the battle factions, they had been given twenty thousand points to buy things, and they had felt that to be enough .

But compared to the fifty thousand points given by the Dragonblood Legion, they felt poor .

Drilling their formations was very simple . If those healing disciples were unable to remember their positions, Gu Yang would simply pick out a Dragonblood warrior to lead them . They could just follow that person .

For so many beautiful healing experts to join invigorated the Dragonblood Legion . They enthusiastically swore that they would definitely protect them, causing the women to be extremely moved, while also making Long Chen speechless .

But when he thought about it, he supposed it made sense . Satisfied men didn’t know the pain of hungry men . Only when men and women were matched up could they couple strength and gentleness .

Seeing those wood cultivators made him think of Chu Yao . That gentle girl, he had no idea how she was right now . Would she have forgotten him?

Regretfully, he had no more Ten Thousand Spirit Blood . Back then, he hadn’t had any intentions of expanding the Dragonblood Legion, and so he had given it all to Yue Xiaoqian .

Without any Ten Thousand Spirit Blood, he could only refine a pill called the Jade Flower Spirit Ascension Pill . Although it was only half as effective as the Ten Thousand Spirit Blood, it was also a difficult-to-obtain pill .

At the very least, it would bring about an obvious attribute upgrade in them . But for people with average elemental affinities, there was nothing it could do . After all, it wasn’t Ten Thousand Spirit Blood .

This kind of medicinal pill was most helpful to the wood cultivators . It could purify their wood spiritual energy . Although the Xuantian Dao Sect also had similar pills, their effect was not as good as the Jade Flower Spirit Ascension Pill .

He distributed the Jade Flower Spirit Ascension Pills to the Dragonmark warriors and healing disciples, having them refine its medicinal energy as quickly as possible .

When Tang Wan-er and the others returned, they had brilliant smiles . That was especially true of Wilde . Holding a spiked club, he had a permanent foolish smile pasted to his face .

When Long Chen asked, he learned that this spiked club was a King item priced at fifty million points .

Although that price was frighteningly high, it was worth it . Its name was Blood Addict .

Its weight alone was enough to crush a mass of Sea Expansion experts . Even Foundation Forging disciples would be unable to hold it . But its weight was perfect for Wilde .

The spikes on the club were wolf fangs . A total of three hundred and eight Blood Addict Ghost Wolves’ teeth were embedded into it . They shone with cold light .

Blood Addict Ghost Wolves were ninth rank Magical Beasts . Their teeth contained their core runes . Once activated, their power was practically unstoppable .

As soon as Wilde had seen it, he had instantly cried out that he wanted that . He refused to look at anything else .

“Damn, this is one fierce weapon . ” Long Chen tried holding it, and he was astonished by its weight . Even with his current power, he was only barely able to hold it . As for actually using it, he would probably have to activate the Green Dragon Battle Armor first .

But Wilde held the huge club like it was exceptionally light . That showed that Wilde’s physical power had far surpassed Long Chen’s . He had clearly greatly benefited from his nap in the Xuantian Catalog .

Just taking a nap was able to raise his power so much . People really had different fates . Even Long Chen was a bit jealous; he had been killed so many times in the Xuantian Catalog . It was truly a case of a fool possessing a fool’s luck .

“I bought an ancient sword, and it’s also a King item . Although it looks ordinary on the outside, this sword gives me a very intimate feeling,” said Yue Zifeng .

He had a simple sword on his back . It was completely unremarkable . No one would be able to tell it was a King item .

Even Kings were not able to see past its simple outer appearance . Even if they could tell it was a King item, they would feel it to be the most ordinary of all King items . In fact, some people thought that this sword had been made by a disciple . Its quality might have reached the King item-level, but its spirituality was too low, making it essentially a defective good .

King items all had powerful item-spirits . Some would even clearly express their repulsion or affection for different masters . But this sword was completely indifferent, and no one’s spiritual fluctuations were able to affect it .

That was why this sword was only priced at ten million points . And so it had been bought by Yue Zifeng .

Long Chen nodded . Sword cultivators had the most shocking spiritual perception . They were the only profession that assassins didn’t dare to target . If Yue Zifeng felt like he had some destiny with this sword, then there had to be some reason behind it .

“Meng Qi, what did you buy?” Long Chen turned to Meng Qi .

“Fool, do you not see that sister Meng Qi has become even more beautiful?” demanded Tang Wan-er, looking like she would give him a beating .

Long Chen was startled, and suddenly he saw that Meng Qi was completely red . Only then did he realize that her hair was bound in a special knot that made her appear even more poised and elegant .

There were two phoenix hairpins in her hair knot, one on the left and one on the right . They were absolutely dazzling, and when he looked closely, Long Chen was shocked to see countless runes that were barely visible to the naked eye on its exterior . They almost looked alive .

“Meng Qi, you’re really beautiful . ”

Long Chen learned his lesson . Rather than saying the hairpins were beautiful, he directly praised Meng Qi .

At the same time, he scolded himself for being blind . Just what had he been so preoccupied with that he hadn’t even noticed this? No wonder Tang Wan-er would scold him .

“Hmph, I suppose you know how to talk . The phoenix hairpins sister Meng Qi is wearing are called Fantasy Spirits . They’re extremely powerful soul items . Hehe, I was the one who picked them up,” said Tang Wan-er proudly .

“In truth, I didn’t want them . They’re too expensive…” said Meng Qi with embarrassment .

“Where did that come from? I trust Wan-er’s vision . These are definitely very powerful phoenix hairpins, and their value surpasses their price . Furthermore, they’re very suited to your grand air,” praised Long Chen .

In one go, Long Chen had praised both of them . When he asked about Tang Wan-er, he realized she hadn’t bought anything . She said she hadn’t found anything she wanted .

But he could tell she was lying . She had been managing their household this entire time, and so she was worried about running into an emergency and running out of points .

“Tomorrow, I’ll go for a stroll with you . I’ve only gone to Treasure Gem Island for fights, so it’ll be nice to take a stroll instead,” laughed Long Chen, causing Tang Wan-er to smile gratefully .

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