Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003

“Senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, please bring us along!”

Seeing Long Chen go directly toward that powerful eighth rank Magical Beasts, the other disciples were delighted . A maiden cutely begged for help .

That was the benefit of being a woman, especially the kind of woman that knew how to look pitiful .

“Scram . ”

Long Chen’s voice caused her expression to sink, as well as everyone else’s expressions . She began to cry . “Senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, you…”

“What are you all waiting for? Hurry and follow,” said one of the Dragonblood warriors .

Only then did everyone realize Long Chen had already arrived at the terrifying Xuan Turtle . His shout caused it to immediately flee to the side .

Not only that, it retreated into its shell, not daring to move . People were shocked to find that it was even trembling in fear .

Only then did they realize Long Chen’s shout hadn’t been toward them . They were ecstatic and they all hastily followed .

Seeing Long Chen terrify an eighth rank Magical Beast with just a shout, they were all full of reverence for him . Even Wei Changhai and Zhao Ziyan had been forced to bind the Xuan Turtle to pass . What they didn’t know was that although the Xuan Turtle was a Magical Beast, its intelligence was comparatively higher than other Magical Beasts of the same rank . It knew what people it could bully and what people it couldn’t .

Long Chen had sent Wei Changhai flying twice with slaps to the face . Although it didn’t quite understand what had happened, it could tell who was stronger .

It couldn’t even stop Wei Changhai, so there was no point in trying to stop Long Chen . Furthermore, Long Chen had something that terrified it greatly . It was this little intelligence that saved its life now .

As Long Chen walked by, the others quickly followed . As he advanced, more Magical Beasts appeared to block his path . Sometimes, he would just give them a shout and they would obediently get out of the way, but some blind fellows refused . Due to that, they were killed by him .

Everyone was shocked to see terrifying eighth rank Magical Beasts being killed with just a single punch from Long Chen . Those eighth rank Magical Beasts didn’t have the slightest ability to resist .

The Dragonblood warriors behind him were indifferent to this . They had long since grown accustomed, which made everyone else feel like they were monsters as well .

Long Chen’s display now completely toppled their preconception that the Eastern Wasteland was the weakest of the four regions .

In previous generations, the Eastern Wasteland’s people were nothing more than extras joining in on the fun .

But now they learned what domineering was . As Long Chen advanced, his footsteps didn’t pause once . They all cheered inside, because Long Chen brought them through dozens of passes . With the Magical Beasts growing stronger and stronger, there were also more and more people stuck at them .

However, all those blockades were nothing to Long Chen . A shout drove many away, and those that didn’t flee were killed with one punch .

As they advanced, they came to realize the terrain of this region . This was a funnel .

In the beginning, there were many more entrances, but after a couple of passes, the disciples began to gather in larger groups . Toward the end, each pass had more and more disciples in front of it, with the Magical Beasts guarding the pass too strong for them to get by .

By now, there were tens of thousands of people following Long Chen .

Each time he got past a level, another group of people would join . Like a rolling snowball, the number of people rapidly grew .

Within this group, Long Chen saw many people who had once looked down upon the Eastern Wasteland . They had once insulted his people, but he didn’t feel proper excluding them from the group, so he just acted like he didn’t see them .

More Dragonblood warriors also appeared . Now, he had over thirty of them by his side .

Finally, he encountered a terrifying late eighth rank Magical Beast called the Darkwing Tiger . It possessed an ancient bloodline, and had inherited a flying beast’s bloodline that gave it great speed .

Although it was also an eighth rank Magical Beast, it was much stronger than the previous ones . It was a perfect embodiment of the phrase ‘like a tiger that has grown wings’ . It was a combination of both speed and power .

But strangely, Long Chen didn’t do anything against the Darkwing Tiger . Instead, he had the Dragonblood warriors go out . When everyone heard that, they all jumped in fright . The ordinary Dragonblood warriors were just rank three Celestials . Amongst them, their talent was only average .

“Senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, this is too dangerous,” said a beautiful woman who worshipped him .

“It is precisely because it is dangerous that it has a meaning . If it wasn’t dangerous, I’d have already killed it,” said Long Chen .

“ . . . ?” Everyone was stunned .

Looking at the lost expressions of these ‘elites’, he sighed inside . Being on different levels made communication difficult .

It was because the Darkwing Tiger was strong enough to threaten the Dragonblood warriors’ lives that Long Chen had them deal with it .

A cultivator was like a blade . A blade wasn’t born sharp . It needed constant tempering .

If a blade was set aside for too long, it would easily rust . It needed constant sharpening to stay in a battle-ready state . If you only went to sharpen it when your enemies came, it would be too late .

Although the previous Magical Beasts had been strong, they hadn’t been strong enough to threaten them . Thus, Long Chen couldn’t be bothered to waste his time until now . Now they had run into a suitable Magical Beast .

The Darkwing Tiger roared, and a huge claw slashed toward one of the Dragonblood warriors .

BOOM! The Dragonblood warrior was sent flying, vomiting blood . The Darkwing Tiger was incredibly powerful, and an ordinary rank three Celestial would be blown apart by its attack .

But by forcibly taking its attack, that Dragonblood warrior created an opening for the others . They charged forward, but they were blown back by its huge wings .

“This is too unfair . The Darkwing Tiger can fly, while we can’t go into the air,” said someone indignantly . They all thought of how sullen their own battles here had been . Because they were unable to fly, there were many moves they couldn’t use or could only use with limited power .

Long Chen ignored them . He had encountered many unfair things, and if he got angry about every single one of them, he’d have long since died from anger .

“Senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, you’re a different kind of expert from the ones I’ve seen . Can you give us a few pointers?” asked a rank four Celestial respectfully . He had been thinking these words for a long time, and he finally summoned the courage to speak .

“Yes, please tell us!” They now saw that these thirty-something Dragonblood warriors were able to fight evenly against the powerful Darkwing Tiger . The power they unleashed and their fierceness caused these disciples’ hearts to tremble .

Most importantly, their talent wasn’t particularly high, but their combat power was miles ahead of them . They made all these disciples turn to look at the one they called boss . They didn’t conceal their worship and respect for this figure at all .

Long Chen frowned slightly . He didn’t want to reply to such a childish question, but seeing so many people expectantly looking at him, he said, “The reason they are strong is because they had no choice but to be strong . If they were weaker, they’d have died . Unlike for you, life is like a merciless whip striking right behind us . If even one of our steps is too slow, our flesh will be lacerated and we might even die . We had no one to shield the rain for us, so we needed to run as fast as we could . You had backers to rely on, while we could only rely on ourselves . ”

“So profound…” muttered a disciple .

Long Chen almost coughed up blood . He had explained it so simply, but it was still profound? Did they even have a brain?

“Senior apprentice-brother, are you saying that experts are forced to become experts? You’re saying our parents and seniors spoiled us and made things too easy for us?” asked someone who understood .

“Senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, what should we do?”

“If you want to become stronger, you have to be prepared to lose your life at any time . If you’re afraid of death, then give up on that dream . You might as well return home and continue your peaceful life,” said Long Chen .

“I want to get stronger,” said a disciple with a determined expression .

“Then let me ask you, why do you want to get stronger?” asked Long Chen, looking at that person .


“If you don’t even know why you have to get stronger, then when you’re forced to the brink of death, your determination will instantly crumble . Terror will strike your heart . You don’t become an expert by talking about it . If you want to get strong, first look for a dependable reason, and turn that reason into your conviction . Only then can you become a true expert . Otherwise, no matter how high your cultivation base, how amazing your talent, how powerful you become, you’ll be nothing more than a paper tiger . When pushed to desperate straits, you’ll instantly crumble,” said Long Chen .

“Then senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, what is your reason for becoming stronger?”

“Me? My reason for becoming stronger is them . ” Long Chen pointed with his head . Everyone looked in that direction to see the Dragonblood warriors fiercely fighting .

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