Myriad Paths of the Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1997 - Chapter 1997: The origin of evil spirit

Chapter 1997: The origin of evil spirit

Translator: 549690339

Lu Ming and the rest would find a place to stay.

Three days later!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The majestic sound of the bell reverberated throughout the ancient capital of Mount Yuan.

The great emperor had gathered all the experts.

In the ancient capital of Mount Yuan, countless powerful cultivators gathered towards the source of the bell.

“So many experts!”

Lu Xiangxiang raised her head and looked around.

Countless figures whistled past.

Some people had particularly terrifying auras. Even if they didn’t deliberately release their auras, the faint Emperor pressure could still be clearly felt.

A martial Supreme!

Many Martial Emperor powerhouses had turned into an Army of martial emperors.

The number of Emperor-ranked forces that were scattered outside the nine sacred lands gathered together was astonishing.

Of course, the absolute Saints and Emperor-to-be were the most numerous.

It was extremely difficult to vindicate Dao and become an Emperor. Since ancient times, countless Warriors had been stuck at the Emperor-to-be realm.

Therefore, at a glance, there were emperors-to-be everywhere.

Not long after, they arrived at an extremely wide square.

In the middle of the square, there was a large bell that was constantly vibrating.

Countless figures had already gathered around the square.

with so many experts gathered together to launch an attack, it’s really going to destroy the world!

Lu Ming was also secretly shocked.

Buzzzzzz! &Nbsp; Whoosh!…

More and more experts came, and more and more people gathered around the square.

look, it’s the ancient sun sacred land’s shenyuan Empire and the purple flame villa, the only sacred Hall!

Someone muttered nearby. Lu Ming looked over and saw the people from the three major forces of the ancient sun sacred land.

Among the crowd from the shenyuan Empire, Ouyang Wushuang looked at Lu Ming and the rest. He smiled and nodded.

However, the strongest force in the ancient yang Holy Land, the Daluo heaven sect, did not come.

it’s the people from the sky Xuan Holy Land!

“And the Dragon Abyss sacred land!”

The powerful forces of the Holy Lands arrived one after another.

Behind them, there were still a few more ancient race beings descending.

Lu Ming saw Xie nianjun in the crowd of the ancient Saint clan. He was dressed in a snow-white robe and was very eye-catching.

The ancient Saint clan was an extremely powerful ancient clan.

There were strong and weak ancient clans.

Some of the ancient races were slightly weaker, such as the wind race.

Although the wind race was an ancient race, they didn’t have a great emperor.

As for the ancient Saint clan, it was said that they had a great emperor in charge.

However, the two famous Emperor-level forces of the heavenly Emperor City, the Heng clan and the he clan, had not seen a single person.

the Heng family, the he family, and the Daluo heaven sect are three great emperor-level forces. Why didn’t anyone come? ”

Many people were disappointed.

With the addition of three Emperor-level forces, they were much stronger.

perhaps the three forces will fight elsewhere!

“I’m just afraid that they’ll hide and not fight!”

Many people were guessing.

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared in the sky, and the entire place fell silent.

The three great emperors had arrived!

Lu Ming and the others had seen one of the elders before. It was Emperor formless.

As for the other two, one of them was a burly man in a fiery red robe. He must be the sky Fire Emperor.

The other was a black-robed old man, huntian Emperor.

When the three great emperors appeared, the entire place fell silent.

“This old man is Wu Xiang!”

“I am Skyfire!”

“This old man is huntian!”

The three great emperors spoke up.

“Greetings, great emperor!”

Everyone bowed in respect.

As long as the heavenly Emperor didn’t show up, the great emperor was at the peak, worthy of everyone’s respect.

thank you for coming. Next, we’ll fight the enemy together!

Emperor formless said.

“I’m willing to live and die with the great emperor!” Many people shouted.

okay, but before the battle, I’ll tell you about the origins of the alien races. I’m afraid many people here don’t know about them!

Emperor Wu Xiang said.

Many people shook their heads. During this period of time, they only knew that the alien race came from another world. They were brutal and brutal, killing anyone they saw.

everyone knows that the world we live in is the primordial realm, and the world next to the primordial realm is the heaven realm. The two worlds are twin worlds that can communicate with each other!

however, the history of the heaven realm’s path of cultivation far exceeds that of the primordial realm. In fact, many of the primordial realm’s cultivation methods were passed down from the heaven realm.

As Emperor formless explained, everyone listened quietly. Many of them had already known about this secret.

as for the alien races, they come from another world called the evil prison world. The living beings of this world call themselves the God race, but it’s just a boast. We call them the evil race or the evil god race!

in ancient times, the evil god tribe opened a void tunnel and invaded the heaven realm. They engaged in a bitter war with the heaven realm. The evil god tribe was ruthless and brutal. Wherever they went, not a blade of grass would grow. They would kill any living being they saw. All living beings were plunged into misery and suffering, and blood flowed like rivers. They didn’t even let the old, weak, women, and children off!

Emperor formless waved his hand, and images appeared in the air.

Within the images were images of the evil god race’s attack. Wherever they passed by, countless living beings would die tragically, and their corpses would form mountains. It was a tragic sight.

Many scenes flashed by. Some of them were of great battles, and many powerful forces were annihilated by the evil god tribe.

Lu Ming realized that other than the three-eyed God race, there were other races in the evil god race. Each and every one of them was extremely terrifying and strange.

in ancient times, the heaven realm was no match for them. Countless experts died in battle, and countless powerful forces were annihilated. At that time, when the war reached its peak, the space was pierced through. Many ruins of the heaven realm fell into the primordial realm. The corpses of some experts fell into the primordial realm, forming some of the forbidden Lands today!

of course, there were also strong practitioners from the evil god tribe who took the opportunity to enter the primordial realm. Later on, the space repaired itself, and it was already very difficult for the evil god tribe to come over.

the evil god race that entered the primordial realm back then secretly formed a terrifying force, such as the devil spirit cult and the evil spirit cult. They specialize in hunting down the primordial realm’s prodigies and strong practitioners. Last time, it was these existences that opened the void passage and let the evil god race enter Celestial Emperor City!

After Emperor formless’s explanation, many people finally understood what was going on.

so forces like the demon spirit religion and evil spirit religion were created by the experts of the evil god race. No wonder!

“These evil cults should be eradicated as soon as possible!”

Many people were discussing.

“Evil spirit!”

Lu Ming clenched his fists tightly.

Right now, the Azure region was still under the control of evil spirit.

however, the void passageway that the evil god tribe opened up this time around is only a small one. It’s not very stable, and those at the great sovereign realm or above can’t pass through. If they were to force their way through, the void passageway would collapse. Therefore, only those below the great sovereign realm can pass through!

Emperor formless said.

Everyone’s eyes lit up.

It turned out that the other party’s great emperor and above experts couldn’t come over. This was definitely good news.

it’s too early for you all to be happy. This is only a small-scale battle. In the future, if the evil god tribe really breaks open the void and opens a stable void passageway, or if the remaining powerhouses of the heaven realm are lost, then the evil god tribe will descend on a large scale. Therefore, the final battle will come sooner or later!

Emperor formless continued, causing many people to fall silent, their expressions grave..

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