My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 901: The big day. 4

Chapter 901: The big day. 4

After giving the gifts he set aside for the girls, Victor decided to leave the Adrastella Clan and head somewhere else.

With Nero now occupying Victor's shoulders and a furiously pouting Ophis holding his hand, Victor decided to pay a visit to Heaven.

But before heading to that destination, he asked Roxanne, [Are the girls ready?]

[Not yet. Violet is on her way to The Fulger Clan to pick up Sasha. She is also missing some of the girls, like Maya and Leona.]

[Leaving aside Leona, I'm surprised Maya accepted. I thought she would stay a Werewolf now that her Race has an active Progenitor, and refuse the transition.]

[In her own words: I always found the Werewolf characteristics of depending on a group to grow stronger irritating, so becoming a Dragon is something very welcome for me... I can also get closer to Victor this way.] Roxanne spoke while imitating Maya's voice perfectly.

[Heh~] Victor laughed: [In the end, she's just doing this because she wants to be close to me.]

[Well, that's most of the girls' motivations, of course getting stronger is a bonus too.]

Victor nodded. He didn't realize it instantly, but ever since he became a God of the people known as Yanderes, he realized that his presence unconsciously influenced people to become that kind of person.

It was more or less the feeling that his Divinity of Home had, but unlike the 'cozy' feeling that people felt, his Yandere Divinity made the people around him become more obsessive for his Love.

'That's a little dangerous...' Victor couldn't help but think about it. Unfortunately, he currently had too little control over this Divinity to be able to completely erase its influence. At least it only affected people in close proximity, so that was a plus.

[When I appear, I will personally see who wants to become a Dragon or not.] Victor spoke.

[... Is the plan still the same as the initial one?]

[Yes, I want all my Wives as Dragons.] Victor did not underestimate the other Races; it was far from him to have such a thought, but it was an undeniable fact that Dragons held OVERWHELMING inherent advantages compared to other Species.

And if he ventured to a Higher Level Sector, where all existences were like a version of a trained Primordial God, he didn't want to risk it. Therefore, his entire family must become Dragons.

Despite saying that, Victor would not force anyone to become a Dragon. After all, among his Wives, there were people like Haruna and Tasha who were proud of their own Race.

'Although, even if I try to turn Tasha into a Dragon, it might not work, considering that she is a Progenitor.' Victor thought.

Despite appearing similar, Roberta and Tasha's situations were not. While Tasha was a living Progenitor, Roberta was a woman who had within her the Soul of Medusa, the Progenitor of Gorgons. This distinction created a Balance in which Roberta could find herself becoming a Dragon and, at the same time, remain the Progenitor of gorgons.

[Hmm... What about Anna?]

Victor was silent for a few seconds. Due to Victor's actions of creating a personal world just for his Family, unconsciously, Leon began to move away unintentionally.

It was more like Victor's current world had no entertainment, and most of Leon's jobs needed him to stay at Nightingale or in the lands he conquered from the Egyptian Pantheon.

Due to this separation, his mother ended up getting closer and closer to him than usual. After all, she worked managing Victor's mansion; she also took over the role of the Heiresses and Vampire Leaders when they needed it.

Essentially speaking, Anna was being trained to be the Leader of everything when Violet or Victor were not present. The same training that Ruby, Sasha, and Violet were receiving, Anna was also receiving. In total, there were 7 women who were being trained to be an Empress, and these women were Anna, Sasha, Ruby, Violet, Jeanne, Helena, and Kaguya. Despite being trained to exercise such Power of Command, this would only happen if Anna or Violet were not present.

Normally, training Anna to be his Empress would make Victor angry, but his thinking was not the same as before. He had lived for almost a millennium in Hell, then transformed into a Dragon and later into a Dragon God with influences from several Divinities.

The 'mortal' and 'common sense' perspective he had was completely destroyed, despite Victor essentially being the same Victor he was when he became a Vampire.

It was an undeniable fact that he had changed; how could he have not? His existence had been reformed several times, not to mention that inside him, he had BILLIONS of memories of other Beings.

Victor may look young, but mentally, he was the same age as an Elder God.

Therefore, his basic notions as a Human were utterly destroyed, although his Essence as a Family Man never changed.

[Let time tell what our future will be like.] That was all Victor could say. The issue with Anna was complicated, although he no longer repudiated the idea. After all, they were essentially entirely different Beings now.

There was still the question of Anna's will. Victor trusted the woman who raised him to make a good decision; she always did, in the end.

And when that decision was made, he would respect it, regardless of what it was.

Despite having the point of view of an Elder God, he would not fall into the arrogance that all Gods suffered. Always remain humble no matter how much Power you have; that way, arrogance will not blind you to important things.

[I see... I will leave this matter in his hands then.]

[Yes... Let me know that when they are ready, I will visit Heaven.] Victor put his hand in his pocket and took out the communicator he had received from The Heavenly Father.


Seventh Heaven of The Biblical Pantheon, the place where The Heavenly Father and his General, who was his right hand, resided.

Ariel flew towards the garden where a middle aged man was sitting while looking at the scenery in front of him. She stopped flying and spoke in an urgent tone:

"Father, The Chaos Dragon God is coming to visit."

"Yes... He notified me."

"...What should we do?"

"Let him in, of course."

"But... won't his chaotic presence contaminate the sky?" Ariel asked, genuinely worried; after all, only 'pure' Beings could enter this place.

"Hahahaha, you don't need to worry about that, my daughter... If the problem is a matter of purity, I can guarantee you that this individual is much 'purer' than I." The Heavenly Father smiled slightly.

Ariel wanted to refute that such a thing was possible, but she didn't dare say it. Those words were spoken by The Heavenly Father himself, and if he said something, it was because there was a certain truth in those words, truths that she didn't know.

"I will trust him."

"To be clear, try not to antagonize him. Currently, he is the most important Being in our Sector, and looking for a fight with him... is foolish."

Ariel swallowed hard and nodded a little nervously. "Yes, Father."


First Heaven.

A breach in Space appeared, and Victor, along with Ophis, Nero, and Metis, came through.

"Hmmm… So this is Heaven." Victor looked around curiously.

"It's more boring than I thought." Nero was honest.

"White… shine… my eyes… ugh." Ophis looked like she was blinded by the blinding brightness of this place.

"They seem to love white, huh..." Metis commented. Even as a Titan Goddess, she had never come to this place... And felt that she hadn't missed anything when she saw that this place was made entirely of white structures with small details of gold. She saw that in some areas, there were houses that were floating on clouds, too.

"They appear to be heading toward us with hostile intentions…" Metis pointed out the obvious.

"It must be because I breached the Space around this Dimension," Victor said without caring much.

"What should we do, Father?" Nero asked without worrying too much. She had her Father here, and she highly doubted that any of these Beings could defeat her Father.

He was the strongest, after all.

"Well, I guess... Wait, I can feel Ariel coming towards us at high speed."

Just as he said those words, loud booms were heard, and soon a 6-winged Seraphim appeared in front of the Angels.

"G-General Ariel."

"You fools, can you not see who the guest is? Are your pigeon brains rotten?" Ariel growled in concern for her own kind while irritated that Victor had appeared so abruptly.

Silence fell around them when these words were spoken, and soon, everyone looked in Victor's direction.

Victor smiled neutrally at everyone while nodding his head. Despite displaying a normal smile, to all the Angels present, it seemed like the smile of pure evil.


"Hehehehe, that reaction never gets old." Nero laughed sadistically. It was always cool to see how intensely other Beings reacted to her father.

"Yo, I came to visit. I'm not in the way, right?" Victor gave a disarming smile that only made them all shiver even more.

"O-of course not! You are very welcome!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Ariel sighed when she saw this. These brave Angels were scared shitless just by Victor's presence, and this fact got her thinking.

'How come they didn't identify him right away? Victor's features are too striking for everyone to simply forget.' Ariel looked at Victor, and with her eyes, she saw a faint illusion around him that made him appear to be an ordinary intruder.

'This man!!!' She growled internally when she realized that Victor had been playing with them since the beginning.

"Why did she suddenly get angry?" Ophis asked curiously.

"She has premenstrual tension," Victor spoke.

Nero and Metis facepalmed at Victor's response.

Ophis stammered, "Prem-prem-prrrenstrual… Huh?" She became irritated as she thought, 'What a difficult word!'

"Just think of it as something that slightly older women have."

"... Ohh... So Nero has it, too?" Ophis looked at her sister.

Nero blushed: "W-What?"

"Do you have that preemm- something?" Ophis asked.

"Not yet. I mean, I'm a Noble Vampire. Usually, that starts happening at the age of 21 when my body is more developed, and it will only happen a few times a year. Why am I explaining this!?" Nero cried furiously. n)-..(///---.1./n

Hearing the argument that started because of Victor, Ariel's temper became even more irritated. She didn't have that! As an Angel, she didn't have those things! She was a PURE BEING!

"Dragon God of Chaos, please accompany me to The Heavenly Father... He is waiting for you." She spoke with great difficulty, but fortunately, she still managed to maintain her professionalism.

"Mm, lead the way." Victor nodded as he smiled.


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