My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 441: Determination. Not edited yet.

Chapter 441: Determination. Not edited yet.

Chapter 441: Determination.

Victor has lost track of time, he cannot be blamed for this, after all, Nightingale has no sun to indicate the passage of time.

He just knows that some time has passed because at some point, the noise of the conversation started to dissipate, and he saw that some people started to leave.

Being them, Jeanne, Adam, Morgana, Lilith and Elizabeth.

Victor all the while continued to silently support Agnes.

At some point the woman had stopped crying, and slowly, she willingly began to hug him:

"Let me stay like this for a while…"

"Mmm." Making an approving sound, Victor just let Agnes do what he wanted.

Using Victor's body as a support, Agnes hugs his body, and lays her head on his chest.

Victor was taller than she was, and that was something she was secretly happy about now, because she could completely surrender her body to his embrace.

Feeling the heat of the man's body, feeling the caress on her head, feeling his sweet scent, feeling the silent care he had for her.

Agnes felt so protected, it was as if she could just lie down without worries in the world, a feeling she had long forgotten, and only now realized she had lost.

Due to always being worried about the illness of her... late husband. She was always on edge, the fear of losing her Darling at any moment, the fear that she would roll her eyes and the disease would strike her husband.

Because of this, she has had few moments of peace in her entire married life.

She lightly squeezes her hand, bites her lips, a bad feeling began to grow in her chest as negative thoughts began to invade her interior.

Vampires were a troublesome race, they felt everything more intensely, it was like a button that increased everything by 100x value.

She was experiencing this firsthand, the way her moods changed quickly, it was quite frightening.

But that didn't seem to be a problem when she was around Victor... Her mood quickly lifts as she feels Victor's caress in her head, and unconsciously, she focuses her attention on Victor's connection.

And he feels all of Victor's feelings about this situation.

Victor could hide his feelings well, but for someone who's been a long time 'married', she knows feelings can't be hidden from the couple.

That was just how magic worked.

And as she felt those emotions, she began to calm down again.


'The ease with which he calms me down is quite frightening…' Agnes sighed as she thought of fun.

Even her late husband couldn't do that to her...

After a few more moments of silence, Agnes' emotions had completely calmed down, and now she just had her eyes closed as she remained cuddled with Victor.

She was fully enjoying this peaceful feeling she was feeling.

Honestly, she feels so grateful right now… If Victor hadn't been around, she wouldn't have known how she would react.

The vampire race that feels everything most intensely, the effects of the Snow Clan's powers on their emotions if left unchecked, their feelings towards the situation, not forgetting their peculiar personality of exaggerating everything, and adding to their connection with the sword Fafnir.

Putting all these factors together that amplify her emotions, Agnes was like a walking bomb of feelings.

"Have you calmed down?" Victor asked in a soft tone.

The sudden question startles Agnes a little, and wakes her up from her thoughts. Looking up a little, she sees Victor's kind face, her heart gives a little beat, and she responds

"Yes..." Despite immense reluctance, she pulls away from Victor's dangerously comfortable arms, it's only when she pulls away that she sees the state of Victor's clothes.

"...I'm sorry about the clothes." She started to have a little internal meltdown when she remembered what she had done earlier, and a hint of embarrassment appeared on her face.

'AHHHHHHHHHH! Someone please kill me! I can't believe I cried like a little girl!' She was so embarrassed that if there was a hole nearby, she would quickly jump into it, and only come out after everyone else was gone!

"Umu?" Looking at his clothes, he said, "Don't worry about it." Victor's eyes gleamed slightly, and the atmosphere around his body began to heat up, and as if by magic, his wet clothes dried completely.

"...Your control over fire is quite impressive..." She sincerely praised, there were few people in the Snow Clan who had such meticulous control.

Victor opened his eyes a little when he heard what Agnes said:

'I think that was the first time she complimented me, or looked at me without comparing me to anyone.'

Showing a small smile, he said:

"I'm still far from my goal."

"...Oh? What is your goal?" Agnes asked curiously.

"Combine the elements, and create new properties like an ice fire?" Victor spoke honestly as he touched his chin.

"..." Agnes looked at Victor in shock.

It was as if she'd heard some senseless nonsense.

"That is-." She stopped what she was going to say when she remembered who was in front of her.

Alucard, the fifth Earl of Vampires, the youngest vampire in history to become a Vampire Earl, and the second progenitor of the vampire race.

'If it's him... Maybe it's not impossible...' It was a ridiculous thought to change the characteristics of a power, or combine them and transform into something new, but that possibility wasn't impossible for Alucard.

Victor crouched down and picked up his sword from the ground, his violet eyes glowed slightly, and for a moment he felt the intent of 'something' invade his mind.

"!!?" Seeing the sword react, Agnes would alert Victor, but what happened next left her in complete shock.

"Behave yourself."

The authority contained in his words seemed to be able to bend the world itself to his will.

And the effect of those words was immediate, the sword slowly began to calm down.

'What...? Despite containing only the fragment of a dragon's soul, it is still the most powerful fire dragon's soul, how can he suppress the sword so easily?'

Victor examines the sword and nods satisfied, it was a beautiful sword and quite interesting, just by touching the sword, he could feel his fire power getting an increase in the amount he could control.

If before he could make a big fireball with just his powers alone, now he can make five fireballs of the same size.

The sword amplified the power of fire, and increased the user's 'output', thus amplifying the destructive power.

"It's a good sword." Victor had memories of this sword, but he never got to see or touch it, but he learned of the sword through the Snow Clan record, and conversations with Agnes in the past.

Victor approaches Agnes, and hands her a sword while holding the handle:

"Just be careful not to let yourself be swayed by it." He gave a slight warning showing his concern, he's sure he didn't need to say the consequences of wielding this sword.

As a countess and Leader of the Snow Clan, Agnes knew the risks all too well.

"…Mmm." Agnes didn't say anything, just accepted Victor's concern and kindness with a simple gesture, she takes the sword hilt, and holds it.

Soon his gaze returns to Victor, specifically speaking, his neck.


Now that she felt a weight . lifted from her body, the bloodlust had taken hold of her entire being, she looked like a wanderer lost in the desert who hadn't had a drink of water in a long time

"...." Victor chuckled gently when he saw Agnes' blood red gaze, and her explicit desire emanating from their connection.

"You know what will happen if you drink my blood while staying with this 'bond', right?"

"...Yes." Slowly, she turned her face away as she bit her lip in frustration, she wanted so badly to lick and suck on that neck, the very act of holding on felt like torture.

Agnes has never had to hold back her bloodlust for so long, unlike Natashia and Scathach who killed their husbands and suffered from lack of blood, she's never really had a problem with it before.

'How did Scathach put up with this for so many years?' A new respect for that woman was born in Agnes' body.

"I take your time to think about the ritual, Agnes."

"Hmm...?" She looked at Victor and only saw him walking away.

"If you want to end this connection, I'll be there for you." No feelings could feel Victor's voice, he was just stating facts.

After all, as long as Agnes remained in this connection the way she is now, it would only be torture for her, but Victor also had no right to expel her, or ask for a 'divorce'.

He understands very well that this connection is something of a last memory for Agnes of her ex-husband, and he respects that of her.

After all, in a way, Victor, who is the intruder of all this, Agnes is not to blame for anything.

"Wai-." She was going to tell him to wait, but she stopped, she realized she didn't have that right now.

As she thought of the words Victor had spoken as he left, she realized what he meant:

'The ritual divorce needed the consent of the couple... Only then will the magic be undone.'

Looking at the back of the man walking away, several feelings passed through his heart, but the most predominant feeling was...


She didn't want to lose 'it' that she has with Victor.

But at the same time that she felt it, she also understood that she must give a quick answer to this problem, she couldn't stay on the fence for too long.

That would only hurt Victor, and herself.

Just as the wife needed her husband's blood, the husband also needed his wife's blood.

And in that brief look Victor gave her body, she could feel her desire spilling over.

He wanted her, he wanted her blood, he was bloodthirsty for her.

But... Out of respect for her, and her alone, he did nothing.

This kindness and affection touched the depths of Agnes' heart.

'Sigh... No wonder even Scathach fell.'

Picking up her cell phone, she looked at the photo she'd taken of her son-in-law.

As she watched the photo, for just a few seconds, her golden eyes had turned lifeless, she bit her lip, and a variety of complex feelings flooded her heart, feelings that even she didn't understand.

She needed space to think.

A few seconds later, her eyes return to normal, and she puts her cell phone away.

As her hair fluttered in the cold Nightingale winds, she looked at the two moons:

"...Tonight is a beautiful night..."


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