My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 434: The meeting.2 No tedited yet

Chapter 434: The meeting.2 No tedited yet

Chapter 434: The meeting. 2

"They want to terraform Earth into a new hell..." To say that Victor wasn't shocked would be an understatement, he was too shocked.

"Yes." Vlad didn't deny what Victor said.

"Now that we know the context of this meeting, the question is—…" Vlad's voice completely disappeared from Victor's senses.

Another thing Victor can't help but think about is... Lilith.

Looking for the 'mother of demons.' He couldn't help but frown visibly.

'The kind of woman Morgana talked about wouldn't lose like that, especially since she has an artifact capable of killing divine beings...-' Victor raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Would Lilith be able to lose a fight against Diablos even with that artifact in her hands?"

"..." Vlad stops talking and faces Victor.

Hearing your question, he can easily understand that his ex-wife has spoken of Lilith to him.

"A Godslayer is as the name says, it's a weapon to kill a 'god'. Be it a bad or a good entity."

"Lilith might be considered a goddess, but Diablos?"

"Diablos is not a god... He is an ancient demon, he is the incarnation of evil, and this artifact will not exert 100% of its capabilities against that being."

"...By incarnation of evil, you mean."

"Yes, this is not just a title. He is really a demon in which all the 'evil' of hell is concentrated in his being. In a simpler way to understand, it something like the 'original sin'."

"Unlike Lilith and Lucifer, Diablos is a demon who was born in Hell, his soul 'core' is completely demonic." Vlad spoke words only vampire progenitors can understand.

"...." Victor raised his eyebrow, and went back to thinking.

'Oh... He understood, huh. Well, if he didn't understand even after turning several vampire nobles, and a hybrid into a vampire, I would be disappointed.' Vlad thought.

Lilith, her origin, is human, just like Adam and Eve, she is one of the first humans to be created.

The origin of her soul is still human, even after she became a demon, and later a demon god, that 1% of what was Lilith in the past still exists.

It is also because of that 1% that their attitude is sometimes completely different from demons who are already born in hell.

Unlike Morgana who learned to be 'gentle', 'playful' over time, and probably due to the birth of her daughters.

Lilith already had this disposition from the beginning, despite going corrupt and having become a demon and wanting revenge against the angels and her creator.

This revenge has not completely erased the remnants of 'complexity' of what it is to be a human being.

Despite being a measly fragment, it is almost non-existent, that fragment existed inside her.

And that was the difference between Lilith and Diablos.

Diablos as the incarnation of evil, original sin, is one of the first demons to be born, he is completely corrupt.

A thirsty demon that seeks to destroy God's 'creation'.

"Back to the subject..." He looked around at everyone present.

"What should we do about this situation?" He asked the question he asked at the beginning and which Victor didn't hear.

"..." Everyone was silent.

Soon the silence was broken by Agnes:

"If demons invaded Earth, angels did not stand still, a massive war will ensue, and this war will drag all supernatural beings into conflict."

"The only factions that would be saved from conflict are the vampires, and the werewolves."

And this happens for only one reason, the race of werewolves and vampires live on another planet.

'The witches will remain hidden in their secret and protected realm, and I don't know if the gods will intervene, after all, the energy of demons' corruption can affect a god severely…'

"With that in mind, when the invasion happens, I suggest 'helping' some minor machetes and securing their favor thus improving the image of noble vampires , depending on the situation, we can shelter some clans 'compatible' with our planet thus increasing the variety of things we can do."

As the administrator of domestic and foreign policy, Agnes' suggestion was to improve the image of noble vampires.

Victor exhibited a small smile, this was something he thought too, having more allies was not a bad thing, and it would also help to improve the image and reputation of noble vampires, consequently, with an improvement in reputation, new business opportunities can be open.

And with luck, they can also trade with the gods, something they've never done before, whether they like it or not, the gods have a lot of good 'products' that aren't easily given away or traded.

An example of this is the ambrosia of the greek gods, this item is only traded with witches these days, all because witches have better 'items' to trade.

Vlad nods, and jots down Agnes' suggestion mentally:


"It pains me to say this, but my opinion is the same as Agnes."

"...." Agnes raises her eyebrow in amusement, she knew the woman would say that, after all, of all the vampire earl clans, the two clans are the closest due to their work clashing several times.

"Honestly, due to our limitation of eating only blood, I look for ways to 'broaden' the menu where blood is used, eating the same thing is…boring over time."

"Preferably, I wish we could take regular food too."

"...Hmm, that doesn't match the meeting."

"I know, I'm just talking about my frustrations." She laughed in amusement, she knows that the feeding problem is something difficult to solve, the vampire race eats blood, the taste can vary depending on what blood type and being. supernatural you drink the blood, but she would still like to eat human food.

"Back to the point, I suggest the same as Agnes, with the only difference that I would help the supernatural 'clans', and human 'bosses'."

"Oh? Why that?"

"To be honest, Nightingale is very poor in product varieties."

"Our products can only be used by ourselves, I would like to expand that by recruiting human chiefs, supernatural clans specializing in food, and selling this product abroad thus increasing our revenue and influence."

"...." Vlad nodded, what Natashia said was not wrong.

Unlike witches, werewolves, and vampires they have a very low range of products that can be traded abroad.

The only reason Nightingale still hasn't gone bankrupt or become poor is because as a long-lived race, vampires have a lot of influences in the human world, there are even vampires who own businesses in the human world.

A perfect example of this is Victoria Fulger, the woman has a literal empire, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the woman has more assets than Vlad himself.

And the main reason too... Is that there was no need.

In a way, Nightingale is also dependent on the human economy, and as long as humanity doesn't die out, vampires will always be fine.

But as a nation, Nightingale is very lacking in many areas, most notably in the area of entertainment, the area of food, and the area of developing new technologies, and one of the main reasons for this lack is the disposition of the noble vampires themselves.

Vampires aren't a race that likes to 'create' new things or have a desire to innovate their technology or anything like that.

Their disposition is more to 'possess', 'destroy', 'accumulate', in a way they are really similar to dragons.

All products currently in Nightingale were not created in Nightingale, only taking food from Clan Fulger of course.

Everything was bought by the other Clans from supernatural beings.

Because they understand that Agnes and Natashia made this proposal, they want other races living in Nightingale, and bringing that race's specialties as a tool of the nation.

Of course, to achieve these feats is something very difficult, mainly for the single and simple reason that the planet of Nightingale is very 'hostile' and 'depressed', for most races.

Few races would like to live in an endless night like the Nightingale, there have been cases of humans going mad from not seeing the sunlight for a long time.

Not to mention that the land of Nightingale, is a very hostile environment, like an endless night, Nightingale is very cold, temperatures like 0 – 13 degrees are the norm here, and in some places like the northern territory that belongs to Scathach , the temperature easily goes into the negative.

And the fauna and flora evolve strangely too, some plants eat beings the size of two-story tall beasts, there are monstrous beasts too.

The ecosystem of this place is a mess for races that are used to Earth.


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