My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 299 - I Don’t Eat Dog Meat, I Want to Eat Dog Meat

Chapter 299: I Don’t Eat Dog Meat, I Want to Eat Dog Meat

Magic Beast Forest, one of the four forbidden lands on Auguland.

This forbiddance was of course, only for humans. For the beasts, it was their paradise, as a large number of magic beasts lived in the forest.

For the humans of Auguland, the heart of the Magic Beast Forest was a mysterious area. No one knew what it looked like, and no one knew was the heart was either.

At this moment, the heart of the Magic Beast Forest.

A huge castle of metal stood there, there were a guard in every three steps, and a watchpost every five, clearly there were many standing guard there.

Upon closer look, however, one would notice that all these guards had beast heads, just like those demons with their incomplete human-forms in Journey to the West.

Meanwhile, a feast was being held in the castle’s main hall.

A fatty with a portly belly sat high above the main seat, with several charming fox ladies rubbing his back and massaging his shoulder, all the while refilling its wine goblet and attending to all of its fancies, and at the center of the hall were several… Magic Beasts.

They were Bull Beasts, Tiger Beasts, Wolf Beasts…

Without exception, all of these Magic Beasts had shrank their bodies a very small size, similar to a husky as they enjoyed the feast before them happily.

“Did you lot heard everything I said just now?”

The fatty on the main seat took a swig of liquor before looking around and asked.

“We’ve heard it, king!”

“We’ve all heard it!”

All of the Magic Beasts spoke human tongue, as all of them were Sacred-level beasts. In Auguland, only Sacred-level Magic Beats could transform and speak human tongue.

“Don’t just hear it, also keep it in mind!”

The fatty said solemnly. “The God of Light’s pantheon is gone, even that he himself got killed. If you lot odn’t want to die, better behave from now on.”

“Any fool who does something stupid and provoke that monster, even if he does not kill you, I bloody hell will! Understand!”

“Yes, yes!”

“Yes, king!”

The group of Sacred-level Magic Beasts responded obediently. Even if the king did not say it, they themselves would not go an provoke that living calamity.

Goodness, even the God of Light was killed!

How dare they provoke such a person?

They wouldn’t have dared even if they had testicles of steel.

“As long as you understand.”

The fatty gave a satisfied nod. “Come eat, and get lost once you’re done! I want to go into my lair for seclusion, Auguland is really not safe of late…”

“Excuse me, can I get a glass of wine to drink?”

At this moment, a clear voice rang out in the hall as the fatty and a group of Sacred Magic Beasts turned their heads as a young man had appeared outside the hall without them noticing it.

“Where did you come from, manling! You dare to intrude upon this place? Still don’t know when to get lost?!”

The Sacred-level Dog Beast, Skyhowler suddenly stood up and yelled angrily at the youth.

“Your king said nothing, so why is a mere dog like you barking? Shut up!”

The youth sniggered and ignored Skyhowler as he looked at the fatty sitting upon the main seat.

“What did you just say! You want to die?!”

Hearing what the youth said. Skyhowler was furious as it opened its mouth and was ready to swallow the youth whole.

However, at this very moment, a black shadow darted out of the hall and a slap landed heavily on Skyhowler’s face.

This slapo was very powerful and sent Skyhowler flying, with several of its fangs also went flying by the impact.

Skyhowler was shocked, surprised to see the person attacking it was its own king as it looked in disbelief. “My king, you…”

“Shut up! You mewling fool!”

The fatty roared in fury before tumbling over towards the youth and said with sweat on its forehead.

“Your Lordship, it was me who failed in whipping them into shape that that cur insulted you. Please be forgiving and let this slide?”

Hearing this, and seeing how their king was acting, everyone in the hall suddenly understood it as they all knelt down and planted their foreheads on the grond. “Greetings… Your Lordship!”


Skyhowler was stunned, and looked at Ling Jiu in disbelief. “He…he is that…living calamity?”

Seeing Skyhowler was still standing there, the fatty yelled again. “Your cur, what are you standing there like a fool for? Hurry up and apologize to His Lordship!”

“Yes, yes… my king!”

Skyhowler immediately scampered before the young man and kowtowed as hard as it could. “Please forgive me Your Lordship, please forgive me…”

The youth was no one else but Ling Jiu. He glanced at Skyhowler which was scared out of its wits and said faintly. “You are lucky, my body is heaty lately, and so I’ll done eating dog meat. Get lost.”

“Thank you, Your Lordship! Thank you!”

Ling Jiu walked to the main seat and sat down as the fatty smartly got someone to bring a new set of wine glasses and food for Ling Jiu to dine.

Ling Jiu took a bite and could not help but nod. “The taste is not bad.”

“As long as you like it, Your Lordship. As long as you like it.” The fatty said with a smile.

“You are the master of the Magic Beast Forest, the Golden Titan Ant King?” Ling Jiu looked at the fatty and said.

“Yes, Your Lordship!”

The fatty quickly replied.

“I heard that you are the descendant of the God of the Magic Beasts?”

Ling Jiu asked casually as he ate.

“Yes, Your Lordship!”

The fatty said cautiously. “All of the true gods of the Beast God pantheon are all in the Divine Realm. Only I, being the least useful of the lot, Father had let me stay in Auguland, and rule over the Beast Tribes of Auguland.”

“Oh I see!”

Ling Jiu nodded slightly and then focused on eating. Fatty and the other Sacred-level Magic Beasts in the hall all remained silent, and dared not disturb him.

Half an hour later, and when he was almost done eating, Ling Jiu stood up and patted the fatty on the shoulder as he smiled. “Not bad. If there’s another chance in the future, I’ll come again.”

“We welcome your arrival at any time, Your Lordship.”

The fatty hurriedly said with a smile.

“Right then. Good bye.”

Ling Jiu smiled and quietly disappeared from the hall.


After confirming Ling Jiu had truly left, the fatty let out a huge sigh before collapsing onto the ground like a deflated balloon.

“That’s so dangerous! It was just too dangerous just now!”

“My King, that living calamity had left?”

“Seems like he’s gone.”

The fatty wiped the sweat off its forehead and said fearfully. “I never thought that that living calamity would come here. That almost scared the life out of me.”

“My king, that living calamity doesn’t look like much, and seems like he’s quite easy to talk with, totally not as bloodthirsty as you said!”

A Sacred-level Tiger Beast frowned.

“You know jacksh*t!”

The fatty roared. “He had butchered the God of Fire, God of Thunder, God of Earth and God of the Woods in the God of Light’s pantheon alive. Eve the God of Light was killed in three shots by him without any ability to fight back!”

“He had butchered the Prime Gods, and he’s not a godslayer? I’m telling you, he just can’t be bothered killing you and me! Our level is just too low!”

“Makes sense.”

The Sacred-level Magic Beasts all nodded.

“Thank goodness he left, and I hope he doesn’t come back!”

The fatty looked outside of the hall, and suddenly roared. “Skyhowler, you damned cur, get over here!”

“My…my king!”

The Skyhowler scampered its way into the hall.

“Bloody hell, you almost got me killed today!”

The fatty slammed the table and glared at the Skyhowler. “Men, take it away. Clean it up and steam it. I want to eat dog meat today!”

“My… king! No…! You b*stard! You only whimper before others yet you brutalize me! Go to hell!”

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