My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 273 - You Want a Fight, Let’s Fight

Chapter 273: You Want a Fight, Let’s Fight

On this day, Vulcan led a group of stellar beings, departing from Earth through the wormhole to get to Mars. The destination of their trip was Whitehole 2.

After six years of intermittent self-cultivation in Whitehole 2, everyone’s strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

So everyone was looking forward to returning to Whitehole 2 this time.

The next year would belong to them again, and they could get another boost in the growth of their strength.

Just that when they traveled through the wormhole and arrived at Europa’s sub-ice ocean, what they saw stunned them.

“What is going on?”

Vulcan and the others looked at each other, dumbfounded. Ling Jiu had also noticed their arrival and said hello with a smile.

“Brother Vulcan, you all are here!”

“What is going on, Ling Jiu? Who are these monsters?” Vulcan asked in confusion when he and others flew up beside Ling Jiu.

“We met them as soon as we arrived on Europa just now.”

Ling Jiu scanned the Merpeople army, especially at the Merqueen.

“If I am not mistaken, they are intelligent creatures living on Europa.”

Vulcan and the others were shocked at hearing that. Some could not believe their ears. “There are intelligent lives living on Europa?”

“That is right.” Ling Jiu nodded slightly. “They came en masse here, most likely looking for trouble. You know, we have destroyed Europa’s environment.”

Vulcan and the others frowned. They spontaneously look at the Merpeople army, especially the Merqueen.

She exuded a powerful aura, as if the sun in the sky, the lighthouse in the dark. Her presence was hard to ignore.

Things were not beyond Ling Jiu’s expectations. The Merqueen was scanning them with her beautiful eyes, and then her lips moved.

“Earthlings, I guess you already know why we are here. We don’t want a war, but you have destroyed the Planet of Merpeople’s environment, threatening our survival. So you all have got to explain yourselves.

She spoke fluent Chinese, unlike a Merpeople, without even an accent, as if she was an old lady who had lived in Huaxia for many years.

This surprised Ling Jiu and the others. How did this strange Merqueen know the Chinese language? Had she been to Huaxia?

“You are…” Ling Jiu spoke.

“I am the Merqueen,” the Merqueen said. “I have been to Huaxia and have lived there for a long time.”

This surprised Ling Jiu and the others even more. They looked at the Merqueen in disbelief.

“You said you had been to Huaxia. When was it? Why didn’t we know about it?” Ling Jiu said with a frown.

“That was about three years ago.”

The Merqueen smiled, looking as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom. She looked at Vulcan. “I know you, Vulcan, the boss of Vulcan Arcana Combine; Gu Tianwei, the chairperson of Tianwei Arcana Combine; Alec, the first speaker of Freedom Alliance.”

The Merqueen had called out the names of all the stellar beings, one by one.

This shocked all stellar beings. They had to believe that the Merqueen had been to Earth and Huaxia. Apparently, most of what she said was true.

“As for you, I have never heard of you.” The Merqueen’s gaze fell on Ling Jiu with a fleeting sense of suspicion in her beautiful eyes.

“I am a small fry. Not knowing me is entirely understandable.” Ling Jiu waved his hand with a faint smile. “Are you thinking of invading Earth by bringing your army here?”

“That will depend on you,” The Merqueen said faintly. “If you stop pumping water from the Planet of Merpeople, there will be no need for us to start a war. Instead, we can sign a peace treaty, we will live in harmony, exchange what is needed, communicate with each other, develop and co-exist in peace.”

“What if we disagree?” Ling Jiu snapped his fingers.

“Then let’s fight.” The Merqueen had an indifferent look in her eyes. “Merplanet is home for us the Merpeople. We will allow no one to destroy it.”

“Your Majestic, is this a threat?” The corner of Ling Jiu’s mouth cocked up with a faint smile.

“The Merpeople will defend their homeland to their death,” the Merqueen said.

“I’m afraid that you all are punching above your weight and will suffer a humiliating defeat.”

Ling Jiu let out a faint smile, his voice nonchalant. “The people on earth have never been afraid of any challenges, nor have they flinched in front of threats.”

“You want a fight, then let’s fight. It is fine with us.”

“Who are you? Can you represent Earth?”

The Merqueen looked disdainful, her beautiful eyes landing on Vulcan.

“Mr. Vulcan, I know the strength of Earth. You may not like what I am going to say: I alone can trample your planet under my feet. More so with my army of warriors. So, are you sure you want to fight the Merpeople?”

She said this to Vulcan, as she apparently knew that Vulcan and the stellar beings behind him were the ones who could represent Earth. Their words counted.

As for Ling Jiu; who was he?

The Merqueen apparently did not take Ling Jiu seriously.

“You got something wrong, Your Majesty,” Vulcan said coldly. “Ling Jiu is now the most powerful man on Earth. He is also a member of the human higher-ups. He is qualified to represent our planet.”

“The most powerful man on Earth?”

The Merqueen was taken aback, looking at Ling Jiu in disbelief.

Was Emperor Might not the most powerful man on Earth? Since when did Ling Jiu replace him?

“Besides, Ling Jiu represents us. If you are sincere, we can sit down and talk nicely. Maybe we will stop pumping water from Europa.” There was an icy look in Vulcan’s eyes. “If you are thinking of threatening us, you will be sorely mistaken. We are fine with it—war or invasion.”

The stellar beings behind him nodded in agreement. The aura exuding from the Merqueen might be frightening, but this was definitely not the time to flinch.

“In this case, let’s fight.” The Merqueen got to her feet. “I believe you will make the right decision when our army runs over Mars and approaches Earth.”

She waved her hand as soon as her voice trailed off. Then came her voice, resounding like a rolling thunder in the invisible darkness.

“Show what you all have got and let these Earthlings see the might of our Merpeople warriors!”

All Merpeople warriors drew their weapons, spears, blades, and maces at the sound of the Merqueen’s order.

The faces of Vulcan and other stellar beings changed slightly. They quickly released their aura to fight against the Merpeople’s army.

“You all are asking for trouble.” The Merqueen had a disdainful look on her face as she pointed out with her hand and shouted, “Kill!”

The army of millions of Merpeople charged forward with ear-shattering roars, the energy they exuded shaking the planet. They swept over like a perfect storm, seemingly wanting to destroy everything.

“A bunch of clowns!”

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