My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

Chapter 995

995 Chapter 995-discussion

Cai Xiaolian’s initial plan was very simple. First, after the people from Qing Province came, her daughters ‘workshops would continue to open. Then, during this time, they would produce a batch of goods and go to the trading area before the new year to test the waters.

Two, spend money to hire people, and uncle Gu will take them to the outskirts of the city to open up new land. When the people from Qing Province come over in the first month of the lunar year, they will go to the area with good weather to see if they can plant there.

Third, under sun Yumei’s leadership, they would set up an embroidery class and recruit women who knew embroidery in the city. As most of the people in the city were family members of soldiers, the local women basically did housework at home and had nothing to do.

“Four, to run the restaurant, from the construction to the decoration to the chef, all of them will be taken care of by their own people. When the time comes, the batch of people from Qing Province will be enough.

In addition to satisfying their own needs, these were also to compete with the surrounding countries.

They were too far away from the other state capitals of the great Zhou, and there were very few people in kunzhou. They couldn’t make any money at all. However, kunzhou had a trading area with the neighboring countries. They should take advantage of the time before the war started to earn money from the neighboring countries.

First, they would use great Zhou’s delicacies to attract the people of the neighboring countries. When the war broke out and they attacked the neighboring countries, it would be even easier for the people of the neighboring countries to integrate into great Zhou.

Of course, Cai Xiaolian was a businessman, and all she thought about was profit.

But what Gu shouxin saw was different from her. What Gu shouxin saw was that the more transactions there were, the more people there were in kun city. Whether they were from the neighboring countries or from the great Zhou, there would always be more and more people.

It was very beneficial for the expansion of kun city.

There was a lot of barren land outside kun city. Since their family had reclaimed it, the land would belong to them. In the future, when the great Zhou took back the territory that they had from the previous dynasty, kun city would no longer be considered a border city. There would only be more and more people here.

In his heart, he was already secretly listing out some rules of kun city. In addition to the laws of the great Zhou, he also wanted to set up a law of kun city for the convenience of management.

After all, kun city allowed people from the other five countries to enter and leave through the West Gate. Even if there were rules different from other state capitals, they would not break them.

After Gu Xin and her sisters finished reading, Gu shouxin said, ” on the tenth day of the new year, I’ll be recruiting bailiffs. You guys can go and see if there are any suitable people. Those who aren’t bailiffs can be hired to work with us.

“Did the sisters-in-law of the Peng family mention a collaboration just now?” Grandpa Gu asked.

Cai Xiaolian nodded,”yes.” Miss Peng Wu wants to cooperate with us in the restaurant, and fourth Lady Peng wants to cooperate with us in planting. What the fourth wife meant was that there was a place in kunzhou that had similar weather to the langge country and should be suitable for planting the fruits from the langge country. Father, mother, I’m thinking that since they’ve proposed these two options, we should cooperate. However, our family will take 70%, and they can only take 30% at most. Our family should take the leading role.”

“This way, the Peng family can be considered as the local tyrant of kun city. They also have a deterrence to the neighboring countries. If the restaurant is open, the people from the neighboring countries or the great Zhou Dynasty want to cause trouble, they will have to see if the Peng family allows it. As for planting fruits, we are unfamiliar with all the places in kunzhou. We are not as familiar with them as the Peng family. If we cooperate with them, we can save more time and energy!”

“Yup, little Lian is right,” Grandpa Gu nodded.

Uncle Gu asked,”since we’re going to cooperate, why don’t we ask them to send some people and we can explore the land together?”

“Uncle, we’re only working on fruits, not grains and vegetables. Therefore, the grains and vegetables are mine. Besides, brother Yuanyuan had brought the seeds over before, and Peng youjun was also a farmer. Since we’re working together, we can’t tell the difference. As for fruits, the Peng family Army doesn’t plant them, and this is also the income of our family and the Peng family.”

Gu shouxin nodded. Xinxin is right. The land in the military camp belongs to the Imperial court. If we get them to help, the land that we reclaim will belong to the Imperial court, not our family.

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