My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

Chapter 1203

1203 Chapter 1203-first

At 7 am, the Chief Judge, great general Peng, finished reading the rules and gave the order. The game began.

A total of 1000 people set off at the same time from the left and right intersections. Everyone had a quiver with 50 arrows in it, so they could Rob others.

Gu Xin naturally followed Lu Zheng, Gu si also followed them, but Gu en followed Meng Meng.

Soon, the two sides met.

This was everyone’s first time playing this game. Although they weren’t working under a general, they were all soldiers of the great Zhou Dynasty. For a while, no one really made a move!

Gu Nian and the Huo siblings did not care about the rest. They hid behind a big tree and, with the arrow on the bow, leaned out to shoot at the red team.

The three arrows were shot at the same time. The red team was about to greet their blue team brother, but they were shot by the three arrows and died.

judge! Judge! The red team has lost one person! Come and get her! Gu Nian shouted.

“Brother, you’re dead. Hand over your arrows!” The Huo siblings stepped forward.

The person on the red team still wanted to struggle, but when he looked down, he saw three blue dots on his body. Didn’t that mean he was dead?

Wuwuwu, I wonder what punishment I’ll receive for being the first to die.

He was a soldier of the Navy. General lang wouldn’t punish him by making him soak in the water for a day, would he?

They obediently handed over the quiver, and the judge came over to record it, waiting for the patrol team to come and collect them.

Gu Nian called the Huo siblings and left with the spoils of war.

When everyone saw this, they understood. So this was how it was played.

Thus, after thinking about this first harvest, the number of people who died slowly increased.

At the same time, Gu Xin and Gu si followed Lu Zheng and killed several people from the blue team. There were many more arrows in their quiver.

Gu Xin found it extremely fun. Moving targets were harder than stationary targets.

Lu Zheng looked around and taught the two sisters how to shoot moving targets. Xinxin’s calculation was so good, she should be able to learn very quickly.

“Shh!” Gu si suddenly pulled the two of them back.

The two of them looked in Gu SI’s direction. Not far ahead, there was a blue team member with his back to them climbing a tree. It was a very tall tree. Gu Xin’s eyes were sharp and she noticed a flag on the top of the tree.

Her eyes lit up and she pointed in that direction. Obviously, Lu Zheng and Gu si had seen it too.

“Brother Yuanyuan, let me try this. If I can’t do it, you can try again!” Gu Xin said softly.

“Alright,” he said. Lu Zheng nodded.

Then, the three of them walked forward.

Gu Xin nocked the arrow and aimed. With a whoosh, the arrow flew towards the person on the tree.

One arrow after another, Gu Xin was afraid that she was not accurate enough, so she shot six arrows.

The blue team member who had been shot stopped moving and took the initiative to come down from the tree. He did not even look up. This was an enemy. He would not tell them that there was a flag on the top of the tree!

Gu Xin and the other two walked forward. The blue team members scratched their heads, ” “Aiya, I can’t even find a higher place to hide! Hehe, hehehehehehe!”

If they hadn’t seen the flag, they might have believed him!

Coincidentally, the judge was not far away. The three of them seized the man’s quiver and handed him over to the judge.

Lu Zheng thought about it and said to the two sisters, Xinxin, sisi, lean against the tree and observe the surroundings. Hide if anyone comes. I’ll go up the tree to get the flag.

The two sisters had no objections.

Lu Zheng quickly climbed up the tree. He was different from the blue team. He was very fast and when he reached the middle of the tree, he shot an arrow in Gu Xin’s direction.

Gu Xin immediately hid behind a tree and started building. She then stuck half of her body out and shot towards the direction of the sound.

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