My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

Chapter 1201

1201 You didn’t teach him

The Gu family’s workshops were also extremely busy.

When they arrived in kun city, their family added an embroidery room. There were not only embroidery ladies but also tailors in the workshop.

The Gu sisters, Gu Xin and Gu si, had launched a batch of winter jackets and they were selling very well. Not only did the merchants from the neighboring five countries, but even the merchants from the great Zhou Dynasty purchased them from kun city.

Of course, the royal family was involved in this. When all kinds of banquets were held in the capital, the noble ladies would wear the new clothes of the Gu family’s embroidery room and make people’s eyes light up. When they asked, Oh, they knew it. It was the property of the top scholar’s family. Although it was in kun city, they also had shops in the capital!

His third aunt and Lu Xue would be in charge of the shop in the capital.

When third aunt married into the Guo family, she was originally in charge of the rice Shop and was very good at doing business.

Lu Xue was quite capable for being able to protect her younger brother from her stepmother. She had also inherited the Zhou family’s business talent. Although Grandpa Zhou had left all his assets to Lu Zheng, he had not mistreated his granddaughter. When Lu Xue got married, he had given her a lot of dowry.

Therefore, Lu Xue’s management level was also there.

The imperial family was very tolerant and supportive of the Gu family. Therefore, third aunt Gu’s business in the capital was like a fish in water. It was extremely smooth.

The number of people in kun city gradually decreased on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month. According to the tradition of the great Zhou Dynasty, people had to stay at home during the new year.

Those who were still in kun city were from the five neighboring countries.

The Gu family had launched New Year’s goods in bulk, as well as various gift bags, which were fought over by the neighboring five countries.

Gu Xin’s Abacus made a lot of noise every day. Gu Nian even laughed at her. Xin Xin isn’t calculating on the abacus, she’s calculating money!

Gu Xin was happy to admit it. that’s right, I did give her money. I love money!

Their family did business in kun city and had collected a lot of gold, silver, and Jade. The people in the neighboring five countries did not have the bank notes of the great Zhou Dynasty and only had silver. For this reason, Gu shouxin even submitted a report to the Imperial court and asked the Imperial court to get a money house here as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to trade here.

The goddess Kingdom brought gold and silver here, not gold or silver, but in all kinds of shapes that they liked. They had to weigh them every time, which was troublesome.

It was even more troublesome for Jin nanguo to come over. He brought Jade to buy things and the seller could not estimate the price.

In any case, the Gu family’s copper coins had all been exchanged for gold, silver, and Jade. They had even exchanged them with the neighboring state government.

Gu shouxin even told the Emperor, ” Your Majesty, if you want to unify the currency, why don’t we unify the currency first? ”

I’ve already tried my best to recommend you to the other countries. With this currency, the great Zhou won’t recognize the banknotes made by them, right?

That’s why you have to quickly get a bank.

When the Emperor received the letter, he was shocked. He had not thought of this at all. Even if he had thought of it, he would have thought that second Gu would take a few years to achieve this effect. Now, he had achieved it in a year.

The Emperor summoned the Prince in charge of the royal family to talk about this matter and asked him to choose people. In the first month of the lunar year, they would go to kunzhou and transfer the banknotes of our great Zhou to the other countries.

‘It’s so convenient to carry silver and gold with you. It’s heavy and conspicuous, and it’ll attract people to steal and Rob you.’

After giving his orders to the Prince, the Emperor went to see the Grand Empress Dowager and told her about the matter that Gu shouxin had mentioned.

The Grand Empress Dowager had a look of pride on her face.

The Emperor couldn’t help but ridicule,”Imperial grandmother, it’s not that grandson is criticizing you!” You didn’t teach second Gu that ability, so why are you so happy?”

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