Monster Paradise

Chapter 1695 - Xia Ke Breaks Out Of Its Cocoon

Chapter 1695: Xia Ke Breaks Out Of Its Cocoon

In the material realm, Bai and the others stood where they were, momentarily dazed, before regaining their senses.

Although Lin Huang had told them beforehand that the flow of time in the virtual realm was quite abnormal, he could still see that Lancelot and Teng Ran’s expressions were thoroughly confused.

However, the more puzzled one was Lin Huang.

“Didn’t the three of you find any monsters to target?”

Lin Huang asked this because he sensed that the auras of all three did not seem to have changed much in terms of strength.

“We found quite a few. It’s just that we didn’t absorb the Origin Energy.” After saying this, Bai brought up their idea of the three of them exchanging Origin Energy spheres.

After listening to what they had to say, Lin Huang approved as well, “I think that’s actually even better. Using it to its full potential will allow for higher overall utilization of the Origin Energy.

“I have another idea. If there are any Origin Energy inheritances that aren’t suitable for you, pass them to me. I’ll feed them to Xiao Hei directly.”

Bai and the rest had no objections to that.

After all, Xiao Hei could only create higher grade Advance Cards if it had stored sufficient Origin Energy.

They had now elevated to Pure Spirit rank-6, but they did not think that rank-6 was the ultimate end.

“After going in for a while, how do you feel?” Lin Huang asked with a smile.

“The virtual realm is truly an amazing place—there are many battles we can take part in!” Charcoal was the first to give an assessment as if the virtual realm were an instance dungeon in a game.

“There are a lot of powerhouses there. It also made me realize that lord-level is just a stop on the cultivation path, not the ultimate destination,” Bai sighed ruefully.

Grimace, on the other hand, was all smiles. “It’s an awesome hunting ground!”

“How long did you stay there?” Lin Huang inquired further into the matter since this was something he really could not gauge at all.

This was because even if they stayed in the virtual realm for hundreds upon thousands of years, only a moment would have passed in the outside world.

“We only stayed for less than five months, and we encountered a middle-rank Lord with around thirty Dao seals. We joined forces and almost defeated it. Unfortunately, that Death Fiend suddenly generated a burst of power and destroyed our virtual bodies…” Charcoal had barely finished speaking before Bai and Grimace’s expressions turned somewhat grim.

“Death Fiend? You went to the Abyss?” Lin Huang frowned slightly.

“Not Death Fiend, Charcoal made a slip of the tongue. It was a Four-winged Fiend,” Grimace corrected hastily.

“A Four-winged Fiend was able to cultivate to lord-level?” Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and looked at Grimace. “Or was it a middle-rank Lord?”

“We went to the Abyss,” Bai admitted frankly.

“I forbade all of you from going to the Abyss because there are a great many powerhouses there. Furthermore, the Abyss is gradually entering its waking season, and it’s an extremely dangerous period. Even though I currently possess the ability to kill ultimate-rank Lords, I still wouldn’t dare go to the Abyss during this season whenever I liked. I’ve prohibited you from going because I’m worried that you might die there.

“However, the situation in the virtual realm’s Abyss ought to be slightly better. At the very least, there won’t be as many monsters. Not only that, since all of you entered using virtual bodies, even if you died, your consciousness would directly return to the material realm.

“Therefore, I won’t prohibit all of you from going into the virtual realm’s Abyss. However, keep in mind that as soon as you die, your hunt in the virtual realm will come to an end. You’ll just have to wait for your turn again.

“You can see right now that only the five of you have completed advancement and elevation to lord-level. However, half an hour later, Tyrant and the rest will advance to Pure Spirit rank-6, and their combat strength will elevate to lord-level as well. You’ll have to wait for at least ten days or so before it’s your turn again.

“So my suggestion is to stay for as long as you can once you enter the virtual realm. As for whether or not you want to go into the Abyss, that’s entirely up to you.

“I genuinely forgot about that group. I thought it would be Lancelot and the rest’s turn tomorrow, and then it would be our turn again the day after tomorrow.” Grimace covered his face with one hand.

“I told you not to provoke that Death Fiend, but you refused to listen…” Charcoal looked upset. “We could have just bypassed him and hunted more Voids.”

“That guy’s ability was only so-so. We would definitely have won if it hadn’t generated that burst of power in the end!” Grimace was still somewhat dissatisfied. “It better not get killed by the other teams in the interim. We’ll go back the next round and finish him off !”

“We’re doing it again next round?!” Charcoal was clearly somewhat reluctant.

“Challenging powerhouses is also a way to cultivate.” Surprisingly, Bai also approved of the idea.

“You’ll just have to think it through carefully since whatever choice you make, you’ll have to bear the consequences.” Lin Huang did not offer any suggestions.

“The two of you can go for the second round tomorrow. You can choose another teammate from the imperial monsters that have elevated this round.” Lin Huang looked at Lancelot and Teng Ran.

There were only two of them, one less than the required team of three.

Lancelot barely hesitated at all. “I choose Bloody.”

Teng Ran, standing off to one side, had no objections.

He knew that as a veteran, Lancelot had a much better in-depth understanding of the others.

“That’s a great choice.” Lin Huang nodded, smiling.

Lancelot’s choice this time was indeed very wise. Of all the imperial monsters under Lin Huang, Bloody was the one with the highest intelligence, perhaps even more so than Grimace.

It could even be said that her overall planning skills and other abilities had far surpassed Grimace.

With her as a teammate, they practically did not need to think at all. All they had to do was follow her.

Furthermore, Lancelot was a powerful striker, so he was not in need of a teammate with those sorts of abilities.

Therefore, Bloody was an excellent choice.

“You can try inviting Bloody. However, it’s up to her whether she’s willing to join you all or not,” Lin Huang said with a smile, “If she disagrees, you’ll just have to look for another teammate.”

“I want to be in a team with Bloody too…” Charcoal muttered from where he was off to one side.

“Little Charcoal, you have me and Bai—isn’t that enough?” Grimace turned his head and asked in all seriousness.

“Um…” For a moment, Charcoal did not know how to answer this question.

“Let me see the results of your hunting.” After sorting out the second round of team members who would enter the virtual realm, Lin Huang turned to look at Bai and the other two.

The three of them immediately took out the Origin Energy they had stored in his Kingdom.

There were a total of twenty-seven Origin Energy spheres. Twenty-five of them were from lower-rank Lords, and two were from middle-rank Lords.

Lin Huang was satisfied with these results. The number of targets was fairly acceptable.

After all, the God’s souls of all three had just broken through to lord-level very recently. Their Divine Telekinesis coverage was limited, so their efficiency in searching for Voids was much lower than his.

He gave the twenty-seven Origin Energy spheres a cursory examination. From the sense of the auras, most of the inheritances ought to be useful to the imperial monsters.

The group of them had not chatted for very long in the Demon Star Zone before Lin Huang sensed imperial monsters were breaking out of their cocoons one after the other.

As Lin Huang had anticipated, the first one to emerge from its cocoon was the Bug Queen Xia Ke.

It had previously already been at Pseudo Pure Spirit rank-5.5. In addition, its innate combat strength was middle-rank lord-level, and it did not use a Combat Strength Upgrade Card. Its elevation time, therefore, was the shortest of them all.

However, right as Xia Ke broke out of its cocoon, it suddenly sent Lin Huang a message through telepathic voice transmission.

Lin Huang could not help frowning when he saw the message it had sent.

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