Monster Paradise

Chapter 1538 - Mixed Team

Chapter 1538: Mixed Team

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lan Ling controlled the Boa Worm, surreptitiously following along behind the group of Bladefoot Worms. The Bladefoot Worms encountered a few search teams on the way, but nobody suspected them.

Lin Huang and the others progressed very smoothly on their journey in this manner.

Over an hour later, Lan Ling finally spoke up in excitement.

“I see the exit!”

However, her expression changed right after that moment of enthusiasm.

“What’s wrong?” Lim Huang and the rest immediately noticed her unusual reaction.

“There are Bug Tribe monsters guarding the exit…” Lan Long announced the result of her spell probe. “I’m not sure of their exact combat strength, but their aura is very powerful.”

Virtuoso and the rest looked rather grim, although they had expected something like this already.

“I’ll get the Bladefoot Worms to check. We’ll discuss more after we’ve confirmed their exact combat strength,” Lin Huang suggested.

Virtuoso and the rest nodded immediately, agreeing to Lin Huang’s suggestion.

Lan Ling controlled the Boa Worm to burrow into the ground and wait, while Lin Huang controlled the group of Bladefoot Worms to hurry toward the exit.

Very soon, the group of six Bladefoot Worms arrived near the exit.

Through the Bladefoot Worms’ eyes, Lin Huang saw that there was a Black Blind Bug blocking the way out.

The Black Blind Bug was a bug monster that possessed no visual organs. However, their hearing was extremely developed. Not only that, they possessed sensing ability that was similar to a bat’s echolocation.

The Black Blind Bug ahead was contaminated by Abyssal energy and was even bigger than usual. It was over five meters tall, while each of its sixteen bayonet-like feet was close to five meters long. Its feet were even more sharp and terrifying than those of the six Bladefoot Worms.

When the team of Bladefoot Worms appeared, the Black Blind Bug merely turned its head to look at them, and its ultrasonic waves had already swept over the Bladefoot Worms’ bodies. Realizing that they were its own kind, it turned its head away and ignored them after that.

Lin Huang controlled the group of Bladefoot Worms to leave the exit.

“How was it?” Virtuoso asked immediately, noticing that Lin Huang had opened his eyes.

“Not good.” Lin Huang shook his head slightly. “There’s a Black Blind Bug guarding the exit, and it has ninth-rank heavenly god-level combat strength.”

Virtuoso and the rest immediately looked even grimmer after hearing what Lin Huang said.

“Ninth-rank…” Tu Tong and Lan Ling frowned hard.

“My guess is that the guardians at the other exits are all ninth-rank as well. Even if they’re not, their abilities probably won’t go below ninth-rank,” Lin Huang voiced his speculations.

“A Black Blind Bug—are you confident?” At that moment, Saber9 asked Virtuoso something that was neither here nor there.

“No.” Virtuoso shook their head. “That’s a ninth-rank powerhouse, after all. Not only that, types like this with extraordinary sensing ability will be much more powerful in sensing other things too. It might even be close to the level of a half-step lord, which will make it very hard to deceive.”

After listening to the conversation up to this point, Lin Huang had roughly figured out that the two were discussing whether or not they could depend on Virtuoso’s ability to cast illusions so they could deceive the Black Blind Bug. However, Virtuoso had answered in the negative.

“Let’s find the next exit,” Saber9 told Lin Huang, not dwelling on the matter after hearing Virtuoso’s answer.

Lin Huang nodded and immediately ordered the Bladefoot Worms to get to the next closest exit.

With an exit that was so near yet inaccessible, Lin Huang and the others were in very low spirits. They could not force their way through by facing down the powerful Black Blind Bug guarding the way out, so they had no choice but to take a roundabout route instead.

Although there might be Bug Tribe powerhouses of the same combat strength guarding the other exits, they still might stand a chance of escaping. Even if said powerhouse was slightly weaker, the chances of them escaping would increase significantly.

The group of Bladefoot Worms started moving after receiving Lin Huang’s new order. Meanwhile, Lan Ling controlled the Boa Worm to sneak behind them.

Along the way, Lin Huang and the rest could clearly see that there were more and more bug teams joining the search.

The group of Bladefoot Worms encountered a search team every few minutes. Fortunately, none of the teams noticed anything unusual about the Bladefoot Worms.

Lin Huang and the others stealthily followed behind the team of Bladefoot Worms for half a day, just like that, without being discovered. That is, until the Bladefoot Worms encountered a mixed team made up of members from various Bug Tribes.

On average, this mixed team was intermediate-level in terms of combat. There was a Devilish Sonic Bug that was expert in probing, two Iron Blood Bugs that were experts in combat, a King Kong Beetle with powerful defenses, and two Wretch Spiders with controlling techniques.

The mixed team did not have any major reactions when first encountering the group of Bladefoot Worms.

However, after the Bladefoot Worms passed them by, the Devilish Sonic Bug suddenly stopped walking.

Lin Huang and the rest did not expect to encounter such a team out of nowhere.

To prevent anything unforeseen from happening if they were too far apart in distance, Lan Ling controlled the Boa Worm to follow behind the team of Bladefoot Worms closely.

Therefore, when the Bladefoot Worms team saw the mixed team, the Boa Worm was less than 30 meters away from the mixed team.

Although Lan Ling managed to control the Boa Worm to stop in time, Lin Huang and the rest felt rather uneasy.

This was because apart from sonic wave attacks, the Devilish Sonic Bug was a bug beast that possessed probing abilities. It could hear the tiniest sound in its surroundings, including breathing and heartbeats.

When they saw the Devilish Sonic Bug suddenly stop not far above their heads after the mixed team had passed by the group of Bladefoot Worms, Lin Huang and the others had a moment of sudden tension.

The Devilish Sonic Bug raised its head high and stared fixedly at the location where the Boa Worm was hiding. It seemed to be ready to give an alarm.

At that moment, the group of Bladefoot Worms suddenly released a low, warning hum.

The Devilish Sonic Bug and the rest of the bug beasts from the mixed team all turned their heads to look at the group of Bladefoot Worms behind them.

Suddenly, six consecutive blood-red electric arcs appeared out of thin air, charging at the six bug beasts in the mixed team.

By the time the six bug beasts noticed something wrong, it was too late. The six electric arcs pierced through all six of their heads with unparalleled accuracy. It took less than half a minute for all the kills.

Saber9 and the rest stared at Lin Huang with the most extraordinary gazes when they saw him recalling the telekinetic flying daggers.

“Sixth-rank Heavenly Gods killed almost instantly…” Lan Ling’s eyes widened.

“And there were two Sixth-rank Heavenly Gods,” the adjacent Tu Tong added.

Saber9 was not interested in that particular point. He exclaimed, “You’re a psychic as well?!”

Virtuoso was the only one who did not seem to be shocked by Lin Huang’s abilities.

Lin Huang did not respond to the others’ exclamations. Instead, he said to Lan Ling calmly, “Get the Boa Worm to bury the carcasses, or the other search teams will discover them very soon.”

Lan Ling nodded immediately and controlled the Boa Worm to bury the six bug carcasses underground, then cleaned up all the traces of blood.

After taking care of the scene of the incident as fast as they could, they did not linger there.

Lin Huang proceeded to control the Bladefoot Worms to look for the exit, while Lan Ling controlled the Boa Worm to follow behind the group of Bladefoot Worms. However, she was smarter this time and extended the distance between them a bit more. Previously, it had been twenty meters, but now she stretched it out to fifty meters. Not only that, she got the Boa Worm to burrow deeper underground.

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