Monster Integration

Chapter 983 - Colossal Mountain Hammer Art III

Chapter 983 - Colossal Mountain Hammer Art III

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"Fifth Mountain!"

It said, and the phantom of another mountain appeared behind it. The smile on his face had long since disappeared; it now only had rage and killing intent for me, which could be easily sensed from the attack of it.

The Fifth mountain created even bigger suppression and the force that the hammer is coming is even greater.

The power of this move is really great that I wanted to use that, but I quickly shook off that through, it is not a time, or at least I still could defend against this move with the power of my own body.



A resounding clang resounded as our weapon clashed and I finally stepped back, this attack of it was powerful enough that it had made me step back despite my resistance. Though I am not injured even a bit, still making me take back with my current strength is not an easy thing to do.

While I am feeling surprised, I could see rage bubbling inside it, and it's killing intent for me soured even higher, that I feel like it might open its big mouth and chomp on me instead of attacking me with its hammer.

"Sixth Mountain!"

It shouted and launched another attack with suppression strong enough that the weak special Adamantine would be crushed by it without resistance. The suppression is so great that normal that weak would have his bones crushed to the powder under such suppression.

Seeing such a powerful attack, the battle intent inside me burned even higher, and I swung my sword with even more power; this time, I was not holding back even a shred of my physical power.


Step Step Step

Sparks like the fireworks flew as our weapons clashed. If these had been any platinum and Diamond beside us and had those sparks flown at them, they would have directly tuned into the Ash.

The power of This attack was great that it shook my whole body, and I had to take the three steps back, the pressure of me so great that I had left deep marks on the hard soul of the Tower.

"When I first heard you are leading whatever mountain arts 1st level you have comprehended, I thought you would give a satisfying fight but what you have my empty words."

"In all your attacks, you have not even been able to injure me much less make me use anything other than my physical strength to defend against you," I said mockingly when it heard my mock, its face became quite bad, it looked like it ate something very bad.

"If it's all you have, I might just kill you now instead of wasting my fighting with you." I mocked, which made its face even worse and killing intent for me rocket at an even greater height.

"BASTARD, you won't see the real power of my Art, I will show you the real power of my Art that you will regret mocking me." It shouted frenziedly. "SEVENTH MOUNTAIN!" It shouted in a frenzy as it attacked.

Seeing the attack, my expression changed abruptly, and without hesitation, I activated the Wolf Lord's Armor and attacked.

The Seventh Mountain had brought suppression like never before; this suppression would have been enough to immobilize the powerful Grimm Monster such as Violet Horn Bullman.


Step Step Step Step…

Another resounding clash rang out across the battlefield; this move was really powerful that I had used to my Armor. I would have been able to defend against it, but there would have been some injuries.

"Just so so!" I mocked the Earth crockman, who finally stopped after ten steps back.

The armor which had purified by the 5th Floor of the Tower and has the energy of fire ability have become very powerful that just a casual counter had hand sent the Earth Crockmen ten steps back.

"I Will Kill You. EIGHT MOUNTAIN, NINTH MOUNTAIN!" It Roared loudly, and two more mountains appeared behind it in quick succession. As the two mountains appeared, it attacked me with the force that would easily heavily injure my unarmored body.

It is a good thing nobody watched our fighting because it would have been difficult for them to watch. Now the suppression had increased so much that powerful Adamantine like Violet Horn Bullman would have been crushed to death under such pressure.


The Hammer halfway across me when suddenly a weird smile lit across its face, and it shouted 'Great Mountain.', that moment, all nine mountains behind it started to merge together. It became a single big mountain, and that same time, huge suppression descended.

This suppression was never felt before; it is in a completely different league than the mountains from before and suppression is great enough that even I felt a stifling sensation come over me for a moment.

'Now this what you call the real power move, a move that could shake one's soul from the core.' I thought and instantly increased the power of my attack.

Our attacks felt like a small missile going there, the world-destroying meteorite, both of these attacks tore through the air to meet against each other.


When our weapons clashed, it felt like a supernova had exploded; for the moment, these were no sound before a deafening sound rose that made ear deaf for the moment.

Despite attacking with such powerful attacks, not a single one of us moved even an inch; we just shook a little as our feets dug deep into the soil.

This bastard is completely shocked as it could not believe this had happened, it had probably thought, I would be turned into a bloody paste by its attack or at least shot back bloodied but nothing that sorts have happened.

Seeing this is likely its most powerful attack, I launched my attack to counter it; there is no use for waiting for its attack right now.


It snapped awake, sensing my attack and using the same attack it had used previously, but it was far from enough to defend properly since, in this attack, I am using more strength than I used to counter earlier.

Step Step Step...

It started moving back as it could not defend against the attack properly, all it could do is take a step back with every defense, this is the choice it had remained other than crushing its badge and leaving the Tower.

If I wanted, I could have killed it, but I wanted to make it feel a loss and despair that I had felt when it was chasing me, which is why I am increasing slight power with the only attack.

Most of the time, I would let its hammer counter my sword, but sometimes I would give it a deep cut on its body, and in the few minutes since the fight started, I had already made its body quite bloodied.


It countered another of my attacks and shot back like an arrow blurring speed while puking blood when suddenly it crushed its badge.

It's quite smart until it has not crushed its badge; if first observed, my fighting before it crushed its badge.

It knows that when it flew back, I would give it some seconds to heal, so this time when it created a sudden distance between us, its crushed badge, and started to move back while over drafting ist speed method which it has not used till now.


It is good to plan, but it had way too underestimated my speed. Seeing its crushing badge, I immediately disappeared from my spot when I appeared a second, I was behind it with a sword present in its chest.

It had happened so fast that it did not have an idea about how my sword had appeared in its chest.

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