Monster Integration

Chapter 894 - Control

Chapter 894 - Control

"Let's Go,"

Clara said as the battle plan had been crafted, and now we just have to go and execute it.

This battle is going to be difficult as the Garrison of the Grimm Monster is Asterix Type, which means we are looking to deal with one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand Grimm Monsters from the Eight Different tribes.

Till now, I had only gone to one Asterix type Mission and that I was the most dangerous mission I've ever faced. There was an unlimited stream of the Grimm Monsters; whenever we looked, we found Grimm Monsters.

The Sphere I was attacking was connected with the central Sphere, which had made the battle even more difficult for us, if not for the timely help we have received from others, I would have really would have died.

Soon we reached the underground hangar of the Guild, where we saw eleven hundred Golden Elites were already standing in front of the ship.

This is my first time seeing so many people for a single mission, the biggest mission I had participated in had nine hundred people.

As I walked behind the Diamond and Platinum, I attracted a lot of curious and knowing gazes, most of the people have heard about me or at least heard about the bird on my shoulder.

In the past six months, Ashlyn's fame had spread in Far and wide, not only people from my guild but people from other Guilds also knew about her. Having already got used to these gazes, I walked toward Airship and entered inside after Team 22.

The internal structure of this ship is a little different; there are not only pods but also the seats. To have pods for more than a thousand people, the ship has to be four-time bigger than it already is.

The seats are arranged on the three floors, which makes it a little congested but that problem is not for me as I am one of the few people who got the pod, so my journey will be more comfortable than these people.

I walked into the pod I had been assigned and laid comfortably in it, according to what I have heard we will reach our destination one and half-day later, so till then I could relax or maybe not as I am still training.

Just a few hours months ago, I was successfully able to train myself in practicing the Supreme Combat Exercise every waking moment, except for sleeping; I practice Supreme Combat Exercise every waking moment.

It is quite difficult for me to do that as one needs very concentrated to circulate the mana through the nodes but that is not the main problem, the main problem is resistance and pain one feels.

Currently, I am circulating to the 92nd seal of the Supreme Combat Technique, which is very hard to circulate and give torturous pain, but I am not showing anything and behaving normally as usual.

It took me months to learn that, but it was worth all the hardship I took to do that as I was able to create thirty seals in Seven months. It may sound difficult at all, but it is.

In the Supreme Combat Exercise, the further ones go the harder it becomes to practice this technique, especially after the 90th seal, it is extremely hard to do that, but to constant practice and persistence, I was able to do that.

I forced myself to do that because, as the method gets harder, it is very difficult to advance into it through the normal method of daily practice, as sometimes conscious efforts make things more difficult.

With me training myself practice unconsciously at every waking moment, I make progress when I am not even focusing on the practice, that is what had happened twenty-seven days ago when I had created a 91st seal.

That day I was just talking to Jill and got a little excited about something she said, and the next thing I know is a phantom of 91st seal forming inside me, but I think this is not the most useful thing about this way.

The most useful thing about it is that it lets one get used to it to pressure and pain of that level that one just learn to ignore it and this is probably why I was able to make such big progress in it, if not for it then I would have probably needed breakthrough of the secret method to create this many seals.

As I lay on my bed looking above, inspiration took me, and next moment, a fire started to come out my fingers, as I did begin to form in the various shapes mostly clouds, but soon monsters started to form too, and they flew toward clouds and clouds.

There are Monster Birds, Lions, Horses, and other types of monsters. They all started dancing around the clouds. It is very lifelike as if it is real things painted in a dreamy silver

If one sees it, they would probably think that it is high-level projection doing all this, but, no it is not, it is doing of my months of tireless efforts and hard work, this is the control I have learned through my constant persistence.

It will be enough to amaze anyone, but for me it is insufficient, I have not reached the level of control that I needed. If that time comes this level of control will be far from sufficient.

Others might think that the level of control I am seeking is simply impossible, but the thing I am planning to do with control is also impossible for people, but it is possible, people have done it before, and if they could do it, then I could too.

I created monsters and clouds for a while before I bought the Grimm Monsters to fight them before bringing Humans into the mix too.

Creating something like this is amazing and intoxicating; it feels like the whole world in my control, and I could do anything I want. This little world of mine is really in my control, and I can do whatever I want since I am the creator.

I am doing this not only for fun but also for the Practice, creating an animation of the live being to help me consolidate my control further. I usually practice hours and hours when I am traveling toward the mission.

It used to be quite difficult to do that in the initial days as I am not only controlling but also the temperature; the temperature of the fire could not be hotter than the 120 degree; otherwise, alarms of the fire will Blair off.

I had blared alarmed many times in the past and even got a warning from many mission leaders, but I continued and improved as I had the help of the best teacher, Ashlyn.

Ashlyn could change her ability materialistically; it is one of the powers she got after she devoured that monster, with her consistent guidance, not only had I learned to control fire animatedly but also learned to control the temperature of it which very few people were able to do that in Knight Stage.

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