Monster Integration

Chapter 1228 - To The Roots I

Chapter 1228 - To The Roots I

We have finally come across the root; it is vibrant and looked like it had been carved out from the crystal.

When we reach closer to it, we felt a slight change in the vitality density; it is slightly denser near the crystalline root. As we noticed that, both of us had seen silently took out a spindly device and placed it on the root.

Next second, runes on the device lit up faintly, and the glass tube above it started to fill with green liquid. The devices stayed active for around twenty seconds before they died down, and both of us took the devices back.

I looked at the Vibrant Green liquid inside the tube; like a root, it also has a slight crystalline feel.

This Green Liquid is the root juice of the Crown Tree, a very wonderful thing. It is filled with concentrated vitality and many other things that made it the optimum alchemy material.

I could feel the bursting gentle energy of root juice, and it is diluted root juice as it comes from the furthest's root. The closer I get the Crown Tree, the better quality Root Juice I will get.

I want to get the best quality Root Juice; getting a single drop of it will make my coming here worthwhile.

'Caught you.'

As we were observing the root juice, a small snake monster had gotten closer to us. I had noticed it a little while ago, and seeing it is not making any noise, I let it come closer to me, and now I caught it when it jumped to attack us.

The vines started to strangle the monster, and at the same time, needle-thin thorns from the vines pierced through the tough defense of the snake and started growing around it; a few seconds later, it died. I stored its body inside my storage.

A few minutes later, we have come across a small pond of cosmic water between the roots, and seeing no monster around, we emptied it.

We may have collected tons of Cosmic Energy-rich water till now, but there is always space for more, and not to forget this water is in the range of Crown Tree; the amount of Cosmic Energy inside it is off the charts.

Few minutes after that, we come across the big branch of dried wood, which is clearly from the Crown Tree. Mary quickly pocketed it; it is no doubt that wood from the crown tree made it very valuable.

We started to find more and more things every few minutes while collecting root juice every half hour. It is like walking on the treasure street; whenever you look, you will find some treasure.

It would have been perfect if there had not been so many dangerous monsters around us that would attack us frenziedly if we made the slightest sound.

"Micheal look," Mary said, and I slowly walked toward her and saw what she is pointing.

On our way, I saw a small group of monsters. They looked like an insect monster with bright glowing eyes and mouth couldn't help but give me a shudder.

"I will handle three; you deal with the closest two." This will be our first time dealing with the monsters together.

If it were up to me, I would have taken another way rather than fight the fight monsters, but bastards right on our way; if we take a different route, we might get discovered by the other monsters.

So, we have to kill these monsters whether we want or not and kill them as soon as possible, so they would not make any noise and create any signal that could attract monsters nearby.

With nodding at each other, we acted.

Three sets of vines erupted from the ground and bound the three Peak Duke Insect Monsters; I had especially covered their vocal cords and any other parts which could make a noise.

Right after I bound them with the vines, numerous thin sharp thorns pierce through the Inset Monsters. As the thorns pierced through them, the vines started to grow crazily until they completely covered the three monsters before killing them by tearing their heart and brain apart with needles.

On the other side, Mary moved like a streak of lightning and pierced her short spear through the heads of monsters before they even formulate what is happening.

Mary had changed her weapon's size. She made it shorter, and I was surprised to see she is more proficient in using the short spear rather than the long spear she had been using till now.

We collected the bodies of the monsters even when we do not have a wish, too, as leaving them open would attract the monsters, and some of them might even track us, so we should collect the bodies of all the monsters we have killed, no matter how ugly look.

After collecting the bodies, we resumed our journey toward the tree while collecting all treasure we have come across. From fallen fruits to leaves and branches of the Crown Tree, we swept everything clean.

'Another Group.' I heard from mary and saw a group of seven lizard monsters. Seeing the monsters little, we first made a plan before attacking them; like the previous group, we have killed this one within ten seconds before moving on.

Time passed by, and soon the evening came, and we became more careful. The nocturnal monsters are very tricky to deal with.

The camouflage suits that Mary brought are really amazing; it had helped us a lot. One time we had seen a Prince Stage monster coming toward us speedily and stayed stationary on the spot.

That monster passed just one-meter distance from us but did not notice anything odd about us and passed by us without giving us any glance.

Not only that, when we attack, it gives us precious few seconds as a monster does not see us people but plants, and by they notice the threat we represent, their souls would have already reached the underworld.

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