Monster Factory

Chapter 257: The discovery of shock

"Hey ~ the idea is safe." The traffic policemen squatted in the hole, their neck stretched out and looked inside.

"It's okay, it's all concrete."

The workers who jumped into the expedition call out:

"The really deep passage looks very historical."

"The passage is hundreds of meters long. It is really spacious here. There are no problems with the two cars running inside."

"I rely on..."

"I rely on..."

Half a minute later, the hole echoed the surprise of two workers:

"You must not guess what the end of the passage is."

"Then you're talking about it."

The traffic policemen were dying of anxiety toward the two workers.

"Look at it yourself and make sure you are shocked."

The traffic police did not say anything, but also jumped with a flashlight.

Not long after, it is another sentence:

"I rely on..."

Another bold worker jumped down, and the people who had gone down before ran up and reported what they had seen and heard excitedly.

"Iron Gate! Two big iron gates, just like the bank vault door in the movie."

In this way, we can't stand watching the bustle any longer. One or two of them jumped into the cave.

Ye Qing was the last one to follow down, because of his occupation. When the first wave of workers went down to explore, Ye Qing checked a circle around the direction of the passage.

This mysterious and unknown passage that knows how long ago it exists.

When the building was blasting, Ye Qing was aware of the shaking on the side of the Blue-Sky Building.

Ye Qing naturally wants to check whether there is any danger of collapse in the ground above the passage.

And if so it is, he must immediately remind the insiders.

After checking it out and there should be no problem.

From the cracked gap, the upper part of the passage should be reinforced with a large number of steel bars.

And the deeper the concrete structure, the thicker the upper concrete structure.

There is no risk of collapse, and Ye Qing naturally follows the channel to see the excitement.

The air is not dull, and the compressor is always pumping air into it.

Many people took out the mobile phone lighting, and there are several traffic police flashlights, which are very bright in the channel.

Even if four or fifty people poured into the passage,

Also, they don't feel crowded.

Walking towards the bottom of the channel, Ye Qing’s heart is getting more and more shocking.

The channel is slanted deep into the ground, and the two sides are mottled concrete structures.

Because of the age, the white and blue paints on the top have begun to peel off.

On these peeling paints, some Chinese characters painted with red paint can be identified.

Zhongyun Machine Power Plant, Zhongyun No. 2 Middle School, Zhongyun First Machinery Factory...


The history of these handwritings is too long.

In 1979, Ye Qing said he was still decades away from his birth.

The foot is also concrete, the center is a non-slip slope with steel bars, and the sides are shallow steps.

Because the years are too long, these steel anti-slip lines have been severely rusted, and a small set of iron slag can be frustrated by gently frustrating.

Strolling through the passage, when he reached the end, Ye Qing and dozens of other workers traffic policemen fell into an indescribable shock.

At the end of the five meters wide, four meters high passageway, there are two steel gates painted with thick military green anti-rust paint and huge runners.

The two steel doors were closed, and the slogans painted in red paint on the surrounding steel door frames were faintly visible.

[Deep digging hole and wide grain], [Long live the Chinese people.]!

The passage is not sultry, but everyone has very hot inside.

These slogans, which have been severely faded, are the most brilliant history.

The slogan, with its arrogant and heroic tone, silently tells the people who are watching the audience.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the people of that time used the hands that were not afraid of fear to build the world.

The underground miracle.

At that time, Huaxia had a strong enemy neighbor who had already opened the steel torrent to the border.

And was ready to advance to the inland cities of China.

In that era, China was poor and backward, regardless of the land.

The sky or the ocean, all the equipment all behind the gap, between the entire generation of strong enemies.

But the Chinese people of that era were proud of the world and open-minded, not as trivial as they are now, suffering from gains and losses.

There is no doubt that this is an underground civil air defense project.

From the heavy iron gates and the ultra-high thickness concrete structure.

This civil air defense project hidden under the department store can directly resist any air bomb attack.

Even because of the blockage of department stores, this civil air defense project has initially possessed the basic conditions for nuclear shelters.

The steel gate was closed, and more than a dozen workers were full of energy to open it.

They did not unlock the rusty locks which lacked maintenance.

"It’s really a big eye-opener. Before that, we thought the department store was tattered and short. Unexpectedly, there was such a huge civil air defense project hidden underneath."

“Admire, most of the underground concrete building of this size in that era. It is estimated that most of it can only be pushed by hand and shoulder in those days.”

The workers responsible for the blasting fell into feelings.

"Hey, the people inside are coming up quickly."

At this time, at the mouth of the hole, the echo of the caller’s voice echoed:

"We are the staff of Zhongyun Human Defense Office, and please cooperate with us."

Anyway, the door could not be opened, and the crowd continued to go outside.

When Ye Qing went up, the guard ring was pulled around the hole.

Outside the warning strip, it has already been filled with a crowd of onlookers.

The Municipal Civil Defense Office is the department of urban civil air defense work.

Usually responsible for organizing and managing the urban air defense construction of the city.

And responsible for organizing the urban people's anti-air strikes during the war.

Now that the department store has exploded showing a huge bomb shelter, it musts of course be exposed for the first time.

A cab Haval H8 hurried to the ruins when the door opened, a man who was about forty years old and whose hair was thin ran down.

The man looked anxious, ran off the car and ignored the warning strips.

ignorant of the dust who is everywhere, and squatted directly on the ground and looked into the hole.

"It's over, this is over."

"Hey, you can't go inside."

The staff of the Civil Defense Office shouted.

"I am Su Yuan, the boss of Xinghe Construction. What is your personal defense?"

One man somewhat bald got up and his face was full of anger and worry:

"Why is there a defense project under the department store? Notice in advance?"

"Why didn't anybody tell me when I bought this land? In order to catch up with the progress and no one came to stop us when we ask the construction blasting company to explode the building?"

"Now the building has been blasted, but personal defense projects have exploded. Tell me, how do we work?"

"Relax your anger."

The two staff members of the Civil Air Defense Office quickly apologized and laughed:

"We actually received a phone call just before we knew there was a civil air defense project here..."

"It’s almost forty years. The people who are in charge of the archive’s information have changed a few times..."

"The name of the street in Zhongyun City has changed..."

"If it is not the file, we don’t know there is this under the department store. What?"

"There are too many secret civil air defense projects excavated in the whole country..."

"It is because of the age, no one remembers there are civil air defense projects..."

"We can't run every day, see where to build, go back and go to the cabinet to find information. There is no civil defense project there."

"There is also a bomb shelter of this structure.

"How do you tell me to soothe my anger?"

Su Yuan, the owner of Xinghe Construction, sweated all over his forehead:

"Don't think I don't know if the civil air defense project wants to be demolished, it must be approved a lot…”

“Even the Civil Air Defense Office of your city is not qualified for examination and approval, but it has to report to the government.+

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