Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 3770 - Chapter 3770: Surprised

Chapter 3770: Surprised

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

“Yes, I saw it about half a year ago when I led my team into the depths of the Wilderness of Chaos and Danger. However, the terrain there is extremely steep and dangerous, and there are many powerful beasts guarding it, so I was unable to get closer to it.” After saying this, he glanced at Feng Jiu and hesitated, then he continued: “I don’t think it is suitable for Madam to go to such a place.”

Upon hearing this, Feng Jiu smiled and said: “It’s fine, Captain Jin only needs to lead the way and my subordinates will take care of the rest.”

When he saw that there was no changing her mind, Jin Yifeng said no more and just asked: “We are going to fly on the sword, if Madam needs to rest, please let us know.”

“Then let’s take the airship!” Feng Jiu smiled, and with a wave of her sleeve, an airship appeared at the side.

When they saw the low-key yet luxurious airship, the eyes of the mercenaries flashed slightly. Such an airship was worth a lot of money! Originally, they were worried that it would be difficult for the pregnant Madam Xuanyuan to travel, but upon seeing this, the mercenaries knew that they were well prepared.

Feng Jiu, Qin Xin and Leng Shuang boarded the airship first, followed by Leng Hua, Gu Mo and the others. When Shadow One appeared suddenly from the

shadows next to Gray Wolf, the mercenaries couldn’t help but were surprised

and glanced at him.

Where did this man come from?

“Everyone, please!” Du Fan gestured and invited them to get on the airship.

Everyone looked at each other, then they boarded the aircraft one after another. After boarding the aircraft, they saw that the furnishings and items inside the aircraft were all of top quality, and their hearts skipped a few more beats.

Their employer this time was not just any ordinary rich person. All the items on this airship were priceless and not easily obtained by ordinary people.

The airship started to move and rose slowly into the sky, shuttling through the clouds towards the Wilderness of Chaos and Danger.

In comparison to the relaxed and casual manner of Leng Hua and the others, the mercenaries seemed a little restrained. Jin Yifeng glanced at everyone, then said to them: “Everyone, sit down!”

After their Captain spoke, everyone sat down on the spot they had stood on. They looked at the woman in red who was lying on the daybed casually, then at the two beautiful women who were sitting next to her, and they glanced at each other subtly.

They had been on many missions, but never had they ever been on a mission where they didn’t even need to fly on their swords. If they continued at this pace, their trip would be an easy one until they reached the Wilderness of Chaos and Danger.

Unlike the members of the mercenary team, their leader Jin Yifeng was secretly sizing everyone up. The more time he spent with them, the more extraordinary he felt they were. How could there be people like them in Celestial City yet no one knew about them?

He lowered his eyes and thought to himself: There had been a lot of rumours about the owner of the Little Manor at the heart of the lake recently. No one had seen the face of the owner, and no one knew the owner’s background. At this point in time, he guessed that their employer was from the Little Manor at the heart of the lake, and that Madam Xuanyuan was the owner of the Little Manor at the heart of the lake.

However, he hadn’t expected that the mysterious Medicine Pavilion was actually connected to the Little Manor at the heart of the lake. He guessed that no one in Celestial City had thought of it either!

The airship shuttled between the clouds without stopping for a rest. It wasn’t until the sky was getting dark before the airship found a spot to stop.

“We will rest here tonight and continue travelling tomorrow.” Du Fan said to everyone, then he smiled: “I have to trouble the brothers of the mercenary group, when you are out hunting game to see if there are any game suitable for stewing soups and bring some back for us.”

Upon hearing this, Jin Yifeng said: “No problem, this is simple..”

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