Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 3014 - 3014 Shocked

3014 Shocked

“Wooo wooo… Bao’er, Bao’er, wake up, wake up!”

“Bao’er, wake you, don’t scare Mother, Mother will take you to see the sugar candy maker, Mother will buy it for you, alright? Bao’er, Bao’er, answer Mother…”

The woman touched the child’s forehead as she called out the child’s name with a mournful voice and tears streamed down her face like rain. It made Feng Jiu feel uncomfortable when she heard it. She didn’t realise that because of their negligence, because of them, this family would be in this plight.

To parents, a child was like treasure in their hands, especially a young child who would be even more cared for. Now, the child that was being held in the woman’s arms was, though was fair and chubby, his eyes were dull and lifeless, and the saliva was drooling out of the corners of his mouth. No matter how much his mother called to him, no matter how many times she touched his head, there was no response at all. She couldn’t help but take a deep breath and looked at Wanyan Shisan.

“Didn’t you say you would cure him? Go and take a look.” The child seemed to have been frightened out of his wits. Collecting souls and calming souls shouldn’t be too difficult for the Wanyan family.

Wanyan Shisan stepped forward and said to the woman: “Put the child on the bed, I will take a look at the child.”

“Woo woo… my Bao’er, my Bao’er…” The woman was crying, her hair was dishevelled and her face was filled with sorrow. It was as if she hadn’t heard Wanyan Shisan’s words and she continued to hug her child tightly.

At this time, the child’s father stepped forward and said: “They said they can help Bao’er recover, quickly put the child on the bed and let them take a look at Bao’er. Maybe they can really cure him.”

Upon hearing this, the woman hugged the child and knelt down to Wanyan Shisan and Feng Jiu: “I beg you, I beg you to please save my child, my child is so obedient and well behaved, what will I do if he doesn’t recover…”

“Don’t worry, I can cure him, put him on the bed.” Wanyan Shisan gestured.

The child’s father quickly helped his wife to her feet, then he took the child and put him on the bed and pulled his wife to the side to stand aside and watch.

Feng Jiu also stood aside and watched. She saw that Wanyan Shisan had come to the bedside and took out a piece of red talisman from his sleeve and then he ordered: “Bring me a teacup.”

Feng Jiu took a teacup from the side and handed it to him. She saw that he had pricked the child’s finger and squeezed some blood into the teacup. Then, he dipped his finger into the teacup and drew a symbol on the talisman with the blood from the teacup. Finally, he pressed the child’s eyebrows with his finger stained with blood and left a bloody fingerprint there.

“Water.” Wanyan Shisan called out.

Feng Jiu stepped forward with a kettle in her hand and watched as he poured half a cup of water into the bloody teacup after he took it from her. He held the talisman between two fingers and flicked it, then when the talisman started burning, he placed it into the teacup and watched as the burning talisman paper turned into ashes in the water and became talisman water.

He lifted the child up and poured the talisman water into the child’s mouth. Not long after, the bloody fingerprint between the child’s eyebrows disappeared without a trace. Immediately afterwards, the child’s eyes that were dull and lifeless before gradually regained their vitality.

“Mother, Father.” The child got up from the bed. When he saw so many strangers in his home, he felt afraid but was also curious at the same time.

The woman and the man were stunned and stepped forward in great surprise:” Bao’er! Bao’er, how are you? You’re fine! That’s great, that’s great! Bao’er, Mother’s dear Bao’er…”

The child blinked his eyes and wrapped his arms tightly around his mother’s neck, still curiously looking at Feng Jiu and Wanyan Shisan.

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