Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2601 - Entering The Xie Ancestral Home  

Chapter 2601: Entering The Xie Ancestral Home

The old man shook his head and smiled: “We are all members of the Xie Family, since the ancestral house has ordered us to go back, of course we should go back. What’s more, this would be considered a great thing if it were to happen to other people. Besides, we still have to rely on the ancestral house while we are outside. After we arrive at the ancestral house, our family also has a separate courtyard.”

“It’s still not as good as our own home.” Xie Yutang said. He lowered his head thinking about something.

“Grandfather, we are the Xie Family’s side concubine’s family, will the legal wife’s family look down on us? Will they bully us?” Xie Shisi asked worriedly.

Upon hearing those words, the old man said: “No, Grandfather has already said, we are all one family. What’s more, you have to be reasonable when you’re outside, and fighting between family members is not allowed. You can rest assured.”

“But what if they bully us?” She still asked worriedly.

“Hehe, then you will tell Grandfather and Grandfather will handle it. However, you are not young anymore. You were too sheltered at home in the past, you have to learn how to get along with people.” The old man said meaningfully.

The carriage moved along the path. Because she hadn’t slept all night, Feng Jiu leant against the side of the carriage and fell asleep. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep for, and only woke up when she heard the voice of the dark guard outside the carriage.

“Old Patriarch, we have arrived at the main gate of the ancestral home.”

The old man in the carriage got off first, then Feng Jiu and the others also got off the carriage. The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman in the carriage behind came to the old man’s side.

“Go and knock on the door!” The old man motioned for the dark guard to step forward.

“Yes.” The dark guard responded, then he knocked on the door and announced their identity.

When the old man who opened the door heard that it was the Xie Family’s side concubine’s family, he glanced outside and invited them in. At the same time, he ordered someone to report their arrival.

As soon as the Patriarch of the Xie Family heard the announcement, he ordered everyone in the Manor to gather in the main hall, and he himself headed there.

In the main hall, the old man and the others were sitting down, while Feng Jiu stood behind Xie Yutang with her eyes lowered slightly. It wasn’t until she heard the laughter from outside that she raised her eyes slightly.

“Hehehe, as soon as I heard that Uncle Dechuan was here, I rushed over immediately.” A middle-aged man dressed in a brocade and jade robe stepped inside with a smile on his face as his eyes fell on the old man.

“Uncle Dechuan, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.” He bowed to the old man.

“Patriarch.” The old man stood up when he saw the middle-aged man come inside, and he also bowed to him at this time. Then he said to the middle-aged man and beautiful woman: “Come and meet the Patriarch.”

“We are all family, don’t stand on ceremony. This must be Brother Yan and sister-in-law!” Patriarch Xie said with a smile. His eyes fell on the middle-aged man in front of him and the beautiful woman beside him.

“Greetings Patriarch.” Both of them bowed, Xie Yan smiled and said: “This is my wife, and these are my two children.”

“Patriarch.” Xie Yutang and Xie Shisi also stepped forward and bowed.

“What are your names?” Patriarch Xie asked with a smile as his eyes fell on the boy and girl.

“Patriarch, my name is Xie Yutang.”

“My name is Xie Shisi. It’s Shi for poetry and Si for thoughts of longing.” She said with a smile.

“Hahaha, good good good. It’s the first time we’re meeting. Come here. This is a present for you.” He took two jade pendants out from his sleeve and handed them to them.

When the two of them saw this, they couldn’t help but look at their grandfather.

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