Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 2515 - What Son

Chapter 2515: What Son 

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

When Guan Xilin and the others heard Feng Jiu's words, they were also stunned and didn't respond for a while.

Her son? When did she have a son? How did they not know this?

All of a sudden, all eyes turned to Xuanyuan Mo Ze.

Xuanyuan Mo Ze's hand tapped the table lightly making a light knocking sound. He looked at Feng Jiu with deep eyes and asked playfully: "When did you have a son? How did I not know this?"

As soon as she had spoken, she saw the expressions on everyone's faces and knew they had misunderstood her. Upon hearing Xuanyuan Mo Ze's words, she looked at him and saw that his expression was the same as usual. There was a hint of playfulness in his words and his eyes flickered slightly. She smiled and said: "I adopted him some time ago. He's a big fat baby. I forgot to tell you on our way back."

The others were slightly startled when they heard this. They looked at Xuanyuan Mo Ze, then back at Feng Jiu, as if they were still registering what Feng Jiu had just said.

The corners of Xuanyuan Mo Ze's lips curled slightly. He looked at her and said: "Ah Jiu, I didn't even know you wanted a child so much. In that case, let's get married while we're back this time!"

Feng Jiu's mouth twitched slightly. What was he talking about? When this guy heard that she had a son, couldn't he have given her a look of disbelief instead? Or even asked her out loud where her son had come from?

Or, he clearly knew that other than him, she wouldn't have borne a child with another man, hence knowing that this child must have had nothing to do with them.

Sure enough, it was no fun dealing with extremely smart people. As soon as your tail moved, they would know what you were up to.

She put her cheek to her hand, then glanced at the others and said: "I went out with the old man some time ago and picked up a child. He's fair and plump, and very cute. He's very pleasing to my eyes, so I brought him back." Having said that, she smiled and looked at Xuanyuan Mo Ze squinting and said: "By the way, I've named our son Xuanyuan Hao."

"Xuanyuan Hao?"

When Xuanyuan Mo Ze heard the name, he couldn't help but show a smile: "I didn't expect to have a son before I even got married."

"The child is very cute, I think you will like him very much when you see him." Feng Jiu said. She looked at Du Fan: "Did Leng Shuang not come over? Is she in the Manor?"

"Yes, I didn't notify Leng Shuang to come over. She is at the Manor looking after Little Master." Du Fan said with a smile. He couldn't help but feel amused when he saw everyone's startled expressions.

Feng Jiu nodded and said: "In that case, let's go back to the Manor first!"

"Well, I also want to see this child that you have claimed as your son." Xuanyuan Mo Ze stood up and said.

Upon seeing this, Feng Jiu smiled and said to Du Fan: "You stay here and settle everything here. Go and get Leng Hua to come down so that I can bring Feng Ye and Sunny back with us."

"Yes." Du Fan responded and left.

They chatted for a while then got up as Leng Hua came down with the children. The group then went to Feng Manor together.

When she heard that her Master had returned, although Leng Shuang hadn't left the Manor, she had been waiting in the Manor.

Zhuo Junyue had been accompanying his younger brother Zhuo Junyang practising walking in the courtyard. Ever since Feng Jiu had helped in his treatment, coupled with his recuperation, from not having been able to stand up, he was finally able to stand up and walk, albeit trembling and he was still not able to walk for too long.

"Elder Brother, I heard that Elder Sister Feng has returned." Zhuo Junyang looked at his elder brother and asked while he was supporting him. "Yes, they've entered the city. They should be in Heavenly Pill Tower now." Zhuo Junyue replied..

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