Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 1711 - Green Feather Hidden in the Hole

Chapter 1711: Green Feather Hidden in the Hole

Needless to say, Little Black was stood staring blankly at Feng Jiu. It did as the others were doing, it lifted his head and looked around, but it didn’t know what it was looking for.

“Have you not seen Green Feather this whole time?” Feng Jiu asked as she walked slowly towards the spirit fields.

“Green Feather?”

The three beasts were taken aback and shook their heads: “No, is he in here too?” The chicken had really been overlooked by them, and besides, they haven’t heard the clucking noise Green Feather made for a while either.

“I’ve also only just remembered that it has been in here this whole time and has never gone out.” Feng Jiu said and walked forward as she looked for the chicken in the spirit fields. After a while, she still hadn’t seen Green Feather’s figure, so she shouted: “Green Feather? Come out!”

Unexpectedly, there was still no movement. Hence, she released her spirit intent and swept around, finally, her eyes fell on a patch of grass not far from the spirit fields.

She stepped forward and came to a patch of wild weeds. She squatted down and looked at the small cave hole that was covered by the weeds. She couldn’t help but wonder, so she spoke to the small hole: “Green Feather, why are you hiding inside?”

This Green Feather had actually dug a small hole here and hid inside the hole. However, this was a chicken, not a mole, so why did it hide in a hole? Even if it was looking for a nest, it should be a grass nest!

Unexpectedly, Green Feather poked its head out and looked at Feng Jiu outside the hole, then it retracted its head back into the hole without saying a word. It didn’t seem to have any intention of coming out and its small eyes looked at Feng Jiu defensively and with vigilance.

Feng Jiu was slightly surprised when she saw this, and also a little confused. She stepped back and said to Fire Phoenix: “Catch Green Feather and bring it out so we can see what’s wrong.”

“Alright.” Fire Phoenix replied. However, before it could make a move, Green Feather cried out from inside.

“Cluck cluck cluck! No don’t! I don’t want to come out!” It raised its head and clucked then spoke in human words, afraid that Feng Jiu would really have Fire Phoenix bring it out.

Back then, she had given Green Feather a Speech Medicinal Pill to facilitate communication. In addition to its clucking, occasionally it would also speak the human language. However, after it had entered Space, there had been no movement from it, that was why she and her few beasts hadn’t detected its presence this whole time.

“Why don’t you want to come out? Are you alright?” Feng Jiu asked. She motioned Fire Phoenix to retreat and asked: “Why are you hiding inside?”

Unexpectedly, Green Feather’s eyes turned and it replied: “It’s warm inside.”

When she heard this, Feng Jiu’s lips twitched. She glanced at the little hole Green Feather was hiding in with a smile: “It’s warm inside? Do you want me to add some fire for you? Shall I roast you? You might feel even warmer then, don’t you think Green Feather?”

“How can you be like this?” Green Feather seemed aggrieved: “I just steal your spirit herbs to eat once in a while. I haven’t done anything that bad and you want to roast me to eat me?”

“Well then why don’t you tell me why you’re hiding inside the hole?”

After she spoke, she saw that Green Feather had been sprawled on the ground inside the hole and had not moved this whole time. Moreover, it appeared as if its chicken wings were protecting something under its body intentionally. Her heart tugged a little when she saw this sight.

“What are you hiding under your body?” She asked casually. She thought it must have stolen some spirit herb behind her back and didn’t want her to know.

“No, I’m not hiding anything.” Green Feather said nervously. Its chubby little body stretched a bit tighter, obviously hiding some sort of treasure underneath.

“Oh? Really? Then forget it, since you don’t want to come out then stay in there!” She said and stepped back, winking at Fire Phoenix as she did so.

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