Martial God Space

Chapter 704: The Duel Between Two Masters

Chapter 704: The Duel Between Two Masters


This magnificent vigor was like that from a deity in ancient times. It suppressed the world and suffocated people. Everything that Ye Xiwen did before was rendered useless.

Prior to this, Ye Xiwen‘s unexpected results had made many people have great confidence in him and believed that he could compete with Mu Shengjie.

After all, he had done many things that ordinary people thought were impossible. So, although many people felt that Mu Shengjie could defeat Ye Xiwen one-sidedly, there were also many people who had confidence in Ye Xiwen and felt that Ye Xiwen should win. After all, he was no fool. If he did not have a certain amount of self-confidence, would he dare to challenge Mu Shengjie?

Since he dared to challenge, then he must have confidence. So, it might be possible that Ye Xiwen would be able to overturn the battle.

But now, in merely two steps and everything seemed illusory. Those who were previously optimistic about Ye Xiwen were not optimistic about him now. It was not that they underestimated Ye Xiwen, but this Mu Shengjie was too horrifying and really formidable.

Mu Shengjie was just like the gods, invincible, and difficult to beat. If Ye Xiwen was given hundreds of years for his cultivation realm to catch up with Mu Shengjie, then people still think he still had a chance to fight with Mu Shengjie. After all, no one dared to deny his talents. In such a short period of time, he had cultivated to such an extent. His talents were strong enough to shock the ancient world.

However, there was no such time now. He was not in his strongest state but was facing Mu Shengjie in Mu Shengjie’s strongest state. That frightening god-like atmosphere made everyone lose confidence in Ye Xiwen.

Mu Shengjie just stepped out and Ye Xiwen felt a horrifying pressure. When he came forward, the earth was eclipsed and overwhelmed.

Ye Xiwen’s expression changed immediately. He could feel that Mu Shengjie’s great vigor had turned into an overpowering wind scraping on his face. If he did not have a strong body, the overpowering wind created by Mu Shengjie’s vigor would physically disintegrate him.

It was as terrible as the fury of the gods. His thoughts were clear in his heart. Mu Shengjie was designated by the Law Enforcement hall to be the next generation leader. So, his strength must be awesome. For many years, there were hardly any opponents in the same power realm. Only Huang Wuji could be considered an opponent.

How could such a terrible super master who had crushed countless masters of the same power realm with his full strength not be terrifying!?

However, it was a hurdle that Ye Xiwen had to cross. Since enrolling in True Martial School, the grievances between him and the Law Enforcement hall never ended. He had been around for decades. This should be over by now. Next, he had to face the frenzied attacks of Emergence School. There would not be time to deal with the grievances with the Law Enforcement Hall.

So, he had to race against the clock to be faster than Mu Shengjie. Who knows, at the end, he was still a step slower and he did not complete his close cultivation first.

However, fortunately, he hurried out at the most critical time. After a full three months, Ye Xiwen finally urgently forced the blood slave to absorb the spirit at any cost. Finally, the blood slave managed to fully absorb the Star Beast Spirit. Finally, he could fully control the Star Beast Avatar and gain the ability to contend with Mu Shengjie.

Now, his main body was still practicing in Tianyuan Mirror, trying to break through to become Great Sage but now it was just a blood slave controlling the Star Beast Avatar.

However, it was time to end this!

Ye Xiwen’s eyes were as brilliant as the stars. It seemed that the universe was in the midst of life and death. He made his move. Everyone thought he could not move in the presence of Mu Shengjie’s terrible vigor. After all, Mu Shengjie was a master of the Great Sage Great Perfection Realm.

Even the ordinary Great Sage would be so intimidated and could not make a move. This was the pressure from the spirit.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiwen moved. He could actually move.

Mu Shengjie was a little surprised, but then he became cold and ruthless. No matter whether Ye Xiwen could move, in his heart, it was impossible to change the outcome of this battle.

Mu Shengjie accelerated his pace and moved in a mysterious manner. He rushed in front of Ye Xiwen and grabbed Ye Xiwen forcefully. Immediately, the endless void collapsed and everything else collapsed.

He looked like an ancient deity and slapped coldly at Ye Xiwen.

“All your struggles are in vain. You are not even a Great Sage. How can you be my opponent?” Mu Shengjie seemed to pronounce a summary statement seeing that his slap would kill Ye Xiwen.

As he spoke, Ye Xiwen made his move. This was a real move. The body that seemed to be shocked then now burst into a terrible vigor, which was equally powerful to Mu Shengjie’s vigor. He was not backing down.

His five fingers instantly squeezed into a fist, turned into a big star, and plunged down towards Mu Shengjie.


The shocking vigors collided in the air. The qi between the two burst into unparalleled strength, shattering the space into powder. A large amount of chaos poured out, pulverizing many of the arrays in the True Martial School.

Both of them moved too fast in just a split second. This was an amazing match. When everyone was still distracted discussing what the two would do, they had already exchanged blows.

Unlike what everyone thought, the situation was not that Ye Xiwen was busted up. On the contrary, in this round of confrontation, the two sides seem to be equally matched. Neither side could overcome the other.

The confrontation between both of them exploded into endless light, which blinded countless people instantly. The light was too dazzling. Many Legends even bled in the eyes and could not watch it.

This was only a prelude to the confrontation. Until the storm subsided, neither of them made a move again but just looked at each other quietly. Both of them were sizing up each other.

Especially Mu Shengjie. If Ye Xiwen was able to break away from the control of his vigor earlier, he was already surprised. Now, he was truly shocked. He really did not expect that Ye Xiwen would really contend with him and even put him in a disadvantage. Seeing the vigor just now, it had definitely reached the Great Perfection of the Great Sage Realm.

On his way, he had heard some disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall saying that Ye Xiwen was always vile. He might have a secret method to temporarily boost his strength to a certain level and so Mu Shengjie should be careful.

It was just that he did not bother about it. The strength of this secret method could not compare to people like him who were practicing the genuine way. What was more, there was no such secret method. He never knew that there was a secret method that could help people from Half-step Great Sage advance to the Great Sage Great Perfection Realm.

Now, it seemed that he was ignorant. He underestimated Ye Xiwen.

The two were still assessing each other in vigilance, but the surroundings were already in chaos.

“How… how is this possible?” The disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall especially, found the scene unimaginable. It was unbelievable that Ye Xiwen actually fought against Mu Shengjie equally matched without being at a disadvantage. Many people maliciously conjectured that the slap would cause Ye Xiwen to explode, but it never happened. It seemed rather impossible to happen at all.

“Does he really have any secret method that can boost his strength so much? This is too terrible. What secret method is this? It is really unheard of!”

Many people had determined that Ye Xiwen must have used a secret method of stimulating his strength. Otherwise, how could he contend with Mu Shengjie?

However, because of this, many people were wondering what secret method Ye Xiwen used in order to achieve such a shocking effect.

“Hmph, he was just using the secret method. When the time of the secret method is over, he will return back to his original form. Trash will forever remain as trash!”

“Hahaha, that’s exactly the case. For such a horrendous secret method, the aftermath must be terrifying. Although he had performed it well before and is talented, the aftermath of this secret method can completely cripple him. Even if he survives this battle, he will be crippled!”

“Yeah, yeah!”

“Just admit that you did it. Karma will definitely hunt you back”

Many people nodded their heads, especially those in the Law Enforcement hall. Their emotions were more relaxed. It was shocking to see Ye Xiwen able to contend with Mu Shengjie even if it was only achieved with the help of the secret method.

However, now that they think about it, Ye Xiwen might be reduced to a useless person by the aftermath of the secret method or die on the spot. This immediately made them happy.

Ye Xiwen’s growth rate was too fast to a shocking level. Mu Shengjie might not care. He had absolute confidence in his strength but it did not mean that others also had such confidence.

When compared to the growth rate of a monster like Ye Xiwen, they were far behind. If Ye Xiwen really grew into a character like Huang Wuji, then he would be a hidden calamity to the Law Enforcement Hall which they had no solution for.

Finally, they could witness his self-destruction. Even if he did not die, he would be reduced to a useless person which would make him less scary.

Mu Shengjie was momentarily stunned and was surprised by Ye Xiwen. Then, in his eyes, endless hope surged forward and he was a little excited. For him who was about to step into Great Sage Great Perfection, it was not so easy to find a qualified opponent. Now, he did not know what secret method Ye Xiwen used to break through to this level, but he was a worthy opponent.

A figure as fast as lightning had already reached in front of Ye Xiwen yet again in just a split second. He punched again, flaunting the profoundness of martial art.

It was nothing else but the Seven Cranes Divine Hand. This was the first time his deity used the seven divine hands of crane control. There was a faint sound of cranes. The terrible coercion collapsed the sky and the earth in an instant. His palm was white like jade, charging towards Ye Xiwen.

Tianyuan Mirror and Star Beast Avatar. Are they enough to go against the Divine Crane?

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