Martial God Asura

Chapter 4651: The True Face of the Blood Tribe

Chapter 4651: The True Face of the Blood Tribe

“Is it really a success? But it doesn’t really seem like it…”The hall was not as large as the hall they were in together with the Wretched Black Demon earlier, but it looked much grander and exquisite. Using the word ‘divine’ on it would be fitting too.

From the rocks beneath their feet to the tiles on the roof, every single item had been delicately processed before being put into place. Even the walls were filled with murals too.

Chu Feng shot a glance at Gongsun Yuntian and saw that the latter was also scanning his surroundings. Clearly, he wasn’t certain whether he really was at the Asura Graveyard or not.

There were two doors in this hall at the moment. One of them belonged to this hall, and the other one was a spirit formation gate.

This spirit formation gate was a little special as it was embedded into a wall, making it look like a mirror. Be it its form or aura, it was far grander than ordinary spirit formation gates.

And judging from how this spirit formation gate was behind Chu Feng and Gongsun Yuntian, it should be safe to assume that it was the one that brought them here.

If they wished to return back to where they came from, they would have to pass through it.

“Chu Feng, open the spirit formation gate and let us out now. Hurry up!” Eggy suddenly urged.

Chu Feng quickly opened the spirit formation gate, and Eggy and Yu Sha immediately dashed out right away.

“Waa, what a familiar sensation. This is definitely the aura of the Asura Spirit World. I can sense its power lingering here.”

MIlady Queen closed her eyes and began breathing deeply with a look of pleasure on her face.

“The aura of the Asura Spirit World? So, this place is indeed the Asura Graveyard?” Chu Feng asked.

He had also noticed that the surrounding aura was a little different from usual. The usual martial power in the natural energies around had been replaced by something else, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly it was.

“It should be. I don’t think that Wretched Old Demon has the ability to teleport us into the Asura Spirit World. However, I didn’t expect this place to actually harness the powers of the Asura Spirit World. Even though it’s incredibly thin, it’s definitely it.”

Eggy was incredibly excited, and this was illustrated by how she started prancing around the hall like a butterfly. Chu Feng also went along with her, not wanting to spoil her mood.


However, a cold sneer sounded right after. It was from Gongsun Yuntian.

Chu Feng turned his gaze over and saw that Gongsun Yuntian had opened his spirit formation gate too, and the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit stepped out.

At this very moment, the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit had already reverted back to his original appearance, and it looked like he wasn’t really injured at all.

This renewed Chu Feng’s impression of the Asura Blood Tribe. They were indeed stronger than he had imagined; at the very least, the rate at which they recovered from their injuries was incredible.

However, what Chu Feng was more concerned about at the moment was Gongsun Yuntian.

“Chu Feng, you sure are brazen to dare come here. You think I dare not kill you?” Gongsun Yuntian spoke coldly.

“Gongsun Yuntian, the Wretched Black Demon has set up a formation on both of our bodies. The two of us are unable to attack one another,” Chu Feng said.

“You’re right. While the formation prevents the two of us from attacking one another during this period of time, this restriction doesn’t apply to our world spirits.”

As Gongsun Yuntian said those words, he specially shot a glance toward the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit before him.

“You want to kill me with this weakling who was defeated in the hands of Milady Queen?” Chu Feng smirked.

“Ki ki ki. You really think of me as a pushover, huh? I was unable to exert my full strength in your world of cultivation, but who could have thought that this place actually harnesses the energy of the Asura Spirit World? Since that’s the case, I’ll give you a glimpse of my true form. I hope that you won’t be scared out of your wits.”


Right after saying those words, the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit released a piercing cry, and the energy in the area began to flow swiftly into his body.

Ji ji ji ji!

Weird noises began sounding from the world spirit’s body, and his body began to undergo several changes. He began growing taller as well, and in the blink of an eye, he was already a hundred meters tall behemoth. His muscles also swelled up to a disgusting level, looking excessively bloated. Red eyes opened up all over his body, be it his arms, legs, or palms.

However, by this point, he no longer looked like a human anymore. It would be more accurate to call him a monster.

“This is the true form of the Asura Blood Tribe. Miss Queen, you need to be careful,” Yu Sha reminded.

However, Eggy shook it off with a contemptuous smile.


Eggy dashed forth, heading straight for the behemoth.

This time around, she didn’t release her black aura, relying solely on her body for this attack. In the blink of an eye, the two of them were already clashing with one another.

The contrast between Eggy’s small body and the behemoth made it seem as if a small white rabbit was fighting against an elephant, but yet, Eggy was able to hold her ground through the overwhelming strength she commanded, and she was advantaged in terms of speed too.

Her attacks landed squarely on the behemoth again and again, piercing through his skin and revealing his flesh. As a result, the behemoth had no choice but to retreat.

Even in his strongest form, the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit was no match for Eggy.

“Damned harlot! Don’t you get smug!”

While the behemoth was backing off, a dissonant chirping sound suddenly began echoing within his body. Following that, blood-red bones suddenly shot right out of his body, and there was a sword sitting at the tip of the bones.

The behemoth grabbed the sword and swung it forcefully.


Fresh blood spurted out from the behemoth’s own back as he sliced off an extremely long bone from his body and plucked it out, wielding it like a weapon.

But as soon as the bone fell into his hand, it began to change in form. Its sides began turning sharp, forming a bone sword.

Most importantly of all, the bone sword emanated a terrifying amount of power that harmonized with the powers of the Asura Blood Tribe, raising his fighting prowess up a notch once more.

“Miss Queen, be careful! That’s the Bloodbone Sword of the Asura Blood Tribe. It increases his fighting prowess significantly,” Yu Sha reminded Eggy loudly.

However, the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit wouldn’t give Eggy a chance to react. He swung the Bloodbone Sword in his hand and began attacking Eggy aggressively.

His massive physique didn’t dull the ferocity of his attacks at all. They were extraordinarily sharp and swift, making them hard to deal with.

Numerous sword rays shot forth from different directions to stroke Eggy.

Faced under such relentless attacks, Eggy started to struggle a little. She even released her black aura and wrapped herself with it.

“Eggy, if it doesn’t work out, you can back off right now. There’s no need to fight him to the death. I can bring us out of here,” Chu Feng told Eggy through voice transmission.

In truth, with Chu Feng’s current strength, he wasn’t even able to clearly discern the clashes between Eggy and the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit. Nevertheless, through his spirit power, he could sense that Eggy was starting to get suppressed.

“Dumbo, what are you getting flustered for? Do you think that such trash would be a match for this Queen? Just sit still over there and watch how I curb him!” Eggy replied with an unflustered voice.

However, the circumstances didn’t change despite her assurances. She remained in a disadvantageous position.

Shoosh shoosh shoosh!

The swordsmanship of the Asura Blood Tribe’s world spirit suddenly changed at this very moment. Instead of continuing to barrage with Eggy with countless attacks, he focused his attack at a single point.

This focused attack brought his strength and speed to a new height.

As it turned out, the earlier barrage of attacks was just a feint. He wanted to stop Eggy from dodging and make her underestimate his prowess, so that he could catch her off guard with a sudden burst.

His strategy worked, and Eggy was caught off guard.

Seeing that things were turning awry, Eggy quickly released her black aura to fend against the barrage of attacks. However, the Bloodbone Sword was too powerful. It broke through the black aura to slice down on Eggy’s body.


Struck by the Bloodline Sword, Eggy was sent flying like a shooting star, slamming heavily against the walls in the hall before finally coming to a halt.

The attack was so powerful that a crack appeared in the walls of the hall.

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