Lust Knight

Chapter 446: You are my power (2/2)

Chapter 446: You are my power (2/2)

"WHAT?!?!?" The angels are again shocked by Lucien's performance.

"That is impossible!!" Many of them comment. They have seen Alexa fight hundred of times and know that even when she takes it easy, not even Immortal Realm people can stand for a long time.

However, they are watching Lucien get up time after time, and now he is blocking a straight punch from Alexa, demonstrating that not only is he not on his limit, but he also seems to be reinvigorated.

And, of course, the person most shocked by that is Alexa. Yet, she does not seem concerned that her adversary is reacting; on the contrary, she can't help but smile while she is excited to continue fighting Lucien.

"Where does this strength come from?" She asks as she uses more and more strength to push Lucien's fist down.

Lucien also continues to smile as he pushes Alexa's fist up. "From my beloved ones."

"Hahahaha..." Alexa starts to laugh. "Do you mean the power of friendship? Really?"

"Well... it's not exactly that, but..." He continues to talk to her, but he is also analyzing along with Lust the energies in his body while thinking about his next movements.

"So show it to me... show me what you're really capable of!" Alexa asks as she continues to force her fist and her foot down.

The amount of strength she is using is already above what most people in the third layer of the Immortal Realm can bear, but Lucien seems to continue to resist, so she prepares to headbutt his forehead.

*Whoosh* *Blink*

Her speed is very fast, but Lucien teleports using the new spatial mana he's getting from Amelia.

He reappears a few meters behind Alexa and starts a horizontal cut with his katana. The red blade cuts through the air, creating a wind slash, which surprisingly is not gray but purple, not only carrying a lot of his demonic energy coming from his wives but also a lot of fire mana.


That incredible blade of wind covered in purple flames flies towards Alexa at an incredible speed, and Lucien can see the flames reflecting in her eyes as soon as she turns around.

[Amazing...] Alexa is fascinated with that beautiful fire wind slash. As someone whose main element is wind, she can't help but wonder how Lucien did that and, most importantly, if he could help her do that too.

She feels the heat and power emanating from that purple wind blade and knows that even with her incredible armor, she could suffer damage from that attack.

And because Lucien started the attack right after teleporting behind her, she doesn't have time to dodge that completely. And she doesn't want to risk those mysterious flames touching her precious wings.

Seeing everything in slow motion, Lucien sees his purple wind slash arriving at Alexa, but before his attack touches her body, he sees a white glow appear in her left hand as she moves it forward.

*Bam* *Whoosh*

The purple wind slash breaks in half while the flames spread on both sides of Alexa as the white glow covers her body.

As soon as the white glow starts from the fade, everyone can see her body again, and she is holding a large, bright white shield in her hands.

'Another soul weapon!!' Lust quickly warns Lucien mentally.

Alexa's big shiny shield is actually her first soul weapon and is very similar to Jeanne's shield, having high defensive capabilities.

While the strongest soldiers of the Crassus House are shocked to see their master summon her shining shield while fighting an Earth Realm guy, Lucien's group is also impressed.

Helena's eyes shine with pride. She took almost half her life to awaken her unique soul weapon, but Alexa already has two while she is too young by the standards of Immortal Realm people.

While Lucien admires Alexa's shield, she smiles provocatively at him. "In case you are in doubt, unlike you, both my soul weapons are made with my soul."

"Really impressive..." Lucien dematerializes his weapons and starts to clap. But then a golden glow runs through his eyes. "But a shield will not stop me!"


He flaps his wings so hard and flies towards Alexa, summoning his golden naginata and initiating a horizontal attack.

Alexa does not raise her shield but her sword and blocks Lucien's naginata, creating a wave of force that sways their hairs madly and throws rock and dust in all directions.

*BAM!* *CLANG!!*

Their faces are very close as they both force their weapons forward. Lucien's excited smile is the same as Alexa's, while different from the tension that everyone else is feeling, fun is what they feel now.

Lucien quickly summons his katana in his left hand and tries to attack Alexa from another angle, but she immediately defends with her shield.

*BAM* *Blink*

He teleports behind her and kicks her back with all his strength, throwing her forward and causing her to lose her balance while he starts an attack with both his weapons at the same time.

Alexa is surprised at how much Lucien's strength increased but she quickly uses wind waves and her wings to regain her balance and spin in the air.

Upon seeing the golden naginata and red katana arriving at her so quickly, Alexa dematerializes her sword and holds her shield with both hands to defend that attack.


Both Lucien's weapons hit Alexa's shield, creating waves of wind and force stronger than ever. And although his attack was massively powerful, her shiny shield remains perfectly intact.

Lucien's eyes, shining golden-purple, meet Alexa's eyes as they praise each other mentally.

Then she pushes him back with all her strength and materializes her sword, already starting an attack. He deflects with his naginata, but she quickly completes her attack with a shield slam, which hits the side of his torso.


He is thrown back while the pain in his ribs quickly disappears due to life energy coming from Sophia. Just as he learned from Alexa, Lucien uses wind waves and his wings to regain control of his body quickly.

They stop in the air and look each other in the eye as they smile. So he speaks first. "You fight even better with a sword and shield than with the sword alone..."

Alexa's smile gets even more beautiful. "And both of your skills with the sword and spear are incredible."

"..." For a few seconds, their eyes do not get off from each other. Then they fly forward while starting new attacks.


Impact sounds and metallic sounds echo everywhere as Lucien and Alexa move at unbelievable speeds, making it even more difficult for everyone else to understand what's going on.

Even though Lucien now shares the energy with all his wives, Alexa is still faster and stronger than him. He is far beyond his limits, but she is not just someone from the Immortal Realm, but actually someone from Its Fifth Layer with exceptional talent.

However, he uses his many skills, mainly the teleport, to keep the fight balanced. His main concern would be his energies, but now he has a lot of it and can continue to boost his body thanks to his wives.

10 seconds, 30 seconds, one minute, two minutes... although Lucien and Alexa can do many things in just one second, time seems to pass quickly as they continue exchanging blows excitedly.

Lucien notices that Alexa starts to pant while she is pushing her body close to her limits; however, that only makes her more excited.

Meanwhile, Lust continues to warn Lucien that his wives are running out of energies. That is an incredible ability, but it is also dangerous as it consumes the energy of all his wives at the same time. But as Alexa is not their enemy and they are not in danger, he can use everything they have.


Lucien's golden naginata finds Alexa's sword again as they look each other in the eye. He has new wounds, which are healing incredibly fast, while she has only a few scratches on her body; however, they are not healing as his.

They prepare for their next moves, but at that moment, a white light appears above them, surprising everyone.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" An angry voice sounds, not in a loud tone, but it still echoes clearly in everyone's ears within five miles, making their legs tremble.

While Lucien smiles, unaffected by that dominant aura, Alexa feels an instinctive fear growing in her heart. She felt something similar when she saw Lucien's golden naginata the first time, but while he shows no hostility towards her, the owner of that mysterious voice seems to want to drink her blood for breakfast and eat her meat for lunch.

From the bright light in the sky, three women emerge. Pride in the center, with her arrogant look of always; Eve on her right, and Daisy on the other side.

While they and Alexa look at each other, she asks Lucien. "Friends of yours?"

"My big sister..." Lucien can't stop his tone from getting loving anytime he talks about Eve, and Alexa notices that.

"My mother-in-law..." He continues while looking at them too. His tone is friendly and affectionate when he talks about Daisy.

Then he looks at Pride as he smiles provocatively. "And someone who is also important to me."

"Humpf!!" Pride makes an unsatisfied tone as she looks at Lucien and Alexa so close. "I'm waiting for an explanation."

"The girls will explain." Lucien quickly comments as he looks back at Alexa. He noticed that his other sisters are not with Eve, which makes him upset. But he has to finish that fight. "We can't stop now."

Before Pride creates problems, Sloth appears in front of her and begins to explain the situation. She is surprised by Alexa's power. But she is really shocked that Lucien is fighting someone so much stronger than him.

"Do we have a problem?" Alexa asks Lucien.

"No." He shakes his head. "Let's continue..."

"OK." She nods and then pushes him backward with a shield slam before starting a powerful attack with the sword.


The brutal attacks of Lucien and Alexa continue to create strong waves of wind and force, which no longer surprises his girls and the angels. But Pride, Eve, and Daisy get really shocked.

Pride understands well the power of someone from the Immortal Realm, especially Its middle stages, so she doesn't understand how Lucien is fighting so well against Alexa.

[It's only been three days... how can he...] She can see that Alexa isn't taking it easy on Lucien and can also see traces of their fight everywhere.

"They've been fighting for more than seven minutes..." Sloth explains.

"WHAT?!?!?" Pride, Daisy, and even Eve look incredulous.


Alexa manages to hit Lucien with a shield slam before hitting a sword attack on his chest, throwing him to the ground while his blood splashes everywhere. That attack is far from fatal, but it worries the girls.

"Luci!!!" Eve quickly tries to fly towards Lucien, but Sophia appears in front of her, already anticipating her action.

"They agreed that if he could resist ten minutes fighting her, she would..." Sophia starts to explain but makes a flushed expression.

Eve still wants to head towards Lucien, but she sees him regaining control of his body in the air before reaching the ground and also healing his wounds instantly while smiling confidently at her.

Pride is also surprised by that, while Daisy looks at Sophia with a curious expression. "What will she do if he succeeds?"

"She's going to lie on his lap for twenty-four hours." Sloth responds.


A/N: I'm posting new LK chapters on patreon, (without the first dot), if you want to read up to chapter 667 it's only 1$ (that's not too expensive, right?).

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