Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 977 - Senior Stone

Chapter 977: Senior Stone

Translator: Chaos_  Editor: Chaos_

He had been sleeping really comfortably, yet someone was activating his aura which forced him awake.

This thin and small old man stood on the primitive Sun-Star with his walking stick. He checked along the direction where his aura was being used, casting his gaze through the vast void before landing on the Eastern Unicorn Sacred World. There was currently a white-robed teenager performing an illusory realm over a mountain range–he was Xue Ying who was still searching for Destruction Devils.

“Hehehe.” This thin and small old man began giggling. This thin bag of skeleton laughed until his eyes curved: ‘How rare. So it seems that it is the Vermillion Nightmare inheritance that woke me up? He actually created the tenth transformation using the Vermillion Nightmare inheritance? Something which I am the weakest in amongst the four inheritances I left behind?’

Four inheritances.

The Imperial Dragon inheritance, Vermillion Nightmare inheritance, Nine Serpents inheritance, and Mountainous Beast inheritance.

Other than the Vermillion Nightmare inheritance which targeted the soul, the others–Imperial Dragon, Mountainous Beast, and Nine Serpents inheritances all targeted the fleshy body. Furthermore, this Vermillion Nightmare inheritance was considered the lubricant for the other three great inheritances, allowing all four to be fused perfectly as one.

‘Seeing him employing the illusory realm, tsk tsk tsk, it is even giving hints of a Cosmos God concept.’ The thin and small old man became even more delighted as he watched, ‘Originally, I was slightly infuriated by him waking me up, but seeing such an outstanding fellow thrills me instead. Hahaha…’

This thin and small old man began laughing again.

Looking down at the incomparably huge primitive Sun-Star: ‘This place is quite warm. It is comfortable for me to sleep on, though it is time for me to go out and have a walk. At the same time, I can have a better look at this brat.’

Taking a step, the thin and small old man disappeared.

When he appeared, he was already at the Eastern Unicorn Sacred World. It seemed he had directly teleported and appeared. No fluctuations were left behind in the void.

One had to know that such a far distance movement was something Ancestor Desert, Inquisitive Sky Hall Master, and other Primal Chaos giants could not do even they relied on their ancient cultivation talent. They usually had to construct a passage between the two points, creating a great disturbance. Xue Ying’s ultra-long distance teleportation was done by forming a passage between the black fog spherical holes, so the disturbances it created were much smaller.

Yet this thin and small old man did not produce any disturbances whatsoever when he teleported over.

“Hehehe.” This thin and small old man continued observing Xue Ying’s activities.

Xue Ying stood amidst a vast desert. He was observing his surroundings through the black fog spherical holes. He did not see any points of interest, though he soon locked onto a nation.

Xue Ying first teleported closer with his ultra-long distance teleport before flashing above the nation.

This was merely a nation governed by someone at the Unity realm. It occupied an area spanning one million kilometers. This city was not that densely populated. After all, cultivators would feel safer with a stronger expert. Only then were they willing to live within! A nation governed by someone at the Unity realm… only those who were weaker and had no hopes of entering the bigger cities would be willing to live here.


Xue Ying stood on top of the city. His illusory realm descended onto this nation. Many beings within soon fell into the illusory realm, and each was experiencing different things.

‘There is no Destruction Devils.’ Xue Ying soon left.

“Why the hurry? Cultivators can live for a long time. There is no need for you to be so rushed. Slow down, slow down.” A chuckle came.

Xue Ying’s expression changed.


How formidable was this illusory realm of his? Xue Ying knew that this illusory realm of his would even affect ordinary Cosmos Gods. Even so, they would be discovered by him! Even though the effects of scouting using his illusory realm was not as effective as Xue Ying using his law domain, the area of the law domain was merely 5,000 kilometers long, and the area covered by the illusory realm was much bigger.

“Mn?” Xue Ying turned over to where the sound came from. Within a small wine shop by the side of the city, there was a small and thin old man who looked like bags of bones sitting there. He was enjoying the food and drink inside the shop.

This scene seemed ordinary.

But one had to know that everyone within the city had just fallen into his illusory realm. There was only this thin and small old man who was still drinking and eating. That itself meant something was amiss.


Xue Ying took a step before descending by this small roadside wine shop. He bowed: “Dong Bo Xue Ying greets senior.”

“Sit, sit.” The thin and small old man continued burying his head into his meal. He spoke as he ate, “It has been a really long time since I last ate. I am quite hungry.”

Xue Ying immediately went there and sit opposite him. He thoroughly observed this mysterious expert. His illusory realm did not discover the other party. With his current attainments in it, Xue Ying was sure that this was someone at the ‘Cosmos God’ level! Furthermore, the other party should be ranked very high amongst those of the Cosmos God realm.

But there were only this few Cosmos Gods, and he should have recognized all of them!

A newly emerged Cosmos God? He should have been a Primal Chaos giant before this, yet Xue Ying did not recognize this Primal Chaos giant according to the intelligence he had which included everyone even those from the Ancient Sacred Religion and Ancestor Mother Religion.

“Munch munch munch.” The thin and small old man continued eating happily. Many plates of dishes entered his stomach. Finally, he cleared all the dishes.

“Truly satisfying. I can even drink after eating. The food in this wine shop is passable, but its wine is slightly lacking.” The thin and small old man patted his stomach before looking at Xue Ying, “Do you have wine? Come pour me some.”


Xue Ying waved his hand, causing three flasks of wine to appear on the table.

Being a cultivator, he would naturally carry along many good flasks of wine because Xue Ying enjoyed tasting good food paired with good wine as he traveled in the primal chaos void in search of the Destruction Devils. Naturally, he would collect those that were extremely good. These three flasks of wine were different. Their value was worth more than what they were brewed using. Most of those expensive wines were brewed using precious materials, yet these three were what Xue Ying felt were the three best wine in terms of taste.

“Tsk tsk.” The thin and small old man poured wine for himself. As he drank, he clucked his tongue. That slightly dimmed eyes of his lit up, “Good wine, good wine. Who would have thought that you can bring out such good wine despite being quite young.”

Xue Ying sat by the side looking at this thin old man drinking.

After he finished drinking more than half the wine, the thin old man looked at Xue Ying with a smile: ‘His temper is quite good.’ Saying that, he waved his hand. “Hu”, that unique treasure which was in Xue Ying’s storage treasure landed in the hands of the thin and small old man.

Xue Ying’s expression slightly changed.

In the hands of this thin and small old man, it was currently that stone mirror. It was with the guidance of this stone mirror that Xue Ying was able to create the Destruction Flower. Without its guidance, it would likely be much harder for Xue Ying to reach the seventh level at the Unity realm.

“This piece of scale is no longer useful for you with your current strength.” The thin and small old man chuckled before waving his hand. The stone mirror soon flew into the distant void. It tore through the void before disappearing, “It is better for it to be given to those who need it.”

The stone mirror was indeed useless to Xue Ying currently.

Because Xue Ying’s Vermillion Nightmare inheritance had reached the tenth transformation, which was beyond the boundary of what the stone mirror could guide him on.

“This is left behind by senior?” Xue Ying asked.

“Haha, it is a piece of scale on my leg.” The thin and small old man chuckled, “Oh right, you can call me ‘stone’.”

“Senior Stone.” Xue Ying immediately greeted. He was filled with gratitude towards this thin and small old man. Xue Ying was someone who knew how to repay kindness. Because of the stone mirror, Xue Ying was able to create the Destruction Flower, assisting him much on his path of cultivation.

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