Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 804 - Time, Transformation

Chapter 804: Time, Transformation

Translator: Chaos_ Editor: Chaos_

The Palace Hall of Time, a relatively individual black triangular pagoda building, was also located on the colossal floating land of Great Void Heaven Temple. When Xue Ying got close to it, he could feel the faint warping of time-space.

Xue Ying flew to the entrance of the Palace Hall of Time.

Beyond the entrance of the palace hall was a stretch of empty darkness. Xue Ying respectfully said, “Senior, I require for time to be accelerated by a hundred times.”

“Alright.” A grand voice rang out. At the same time, a swallowing force engulfed Xue Ying from within the palace doors. “Sou”, it pulled Xue Ying in.

Xue Ying felt the world in front of his eyes change.

“Planets.” Xue Ying looked at this planet which he was located on. This planet was overgrown, and it was frigid. The entire planet seemed to be composed of glacial ice. The surface of the planet was floating with snowflakes too. This planet that was about 4,000 kilometers in diameter was indeed too small to Xue Ying.

This planet of similar size when placed in his hometown cosmos, Monarch Dong Bo residence, could only be taken as a decoration.

Xue Ying looked upwards.

In the dark void, there were many other planets. These planets were continually revolving along an ancient and mysterious array, while invisible energy was being guided and converged onto every single planet. Being the only lifeform on the planet he was on, Xue Ying could too feel the unseen energy converging towards him.

“This truly feels peculiar.” Xue Ying felt his body relaxing. While his soul appearing to become much emptier.

“No wonder it has such a high price. Cultivating here is quite a few times more effective than doing so in that golden-robed disciple cavern-dwelling of mine.” Xue Ying praised.

The Palace Hall of Time was a cultivation ground within the Great Void Heaven Temple with a time-accelerated environment. It was extremely difficult for experts to stay within this time-accelerated environment space without affecting the stability of the surrounding laws and profound mysteries. If Xue Ying was to do so in his hometown, the time-acceleration would influence the laws and profound mysteries.

As for the ‘Devil Mountain Cosmos’, it was able to maintain the stability of laws. However, that was because it was an enormous cosmos which had been refined at a huge price by the primogenitor. Even Void Gods would have stay within the inner section of the ‘Primogenitor Devil Mountain’, as the higher the level of life, the higher the burden they would cause to the Devil Mountain Cosmos.

The ‘Palace Hall of Time’ was a treasure refined by Forefather Tian Yu.

The price required to operate it was great. Thus, he had to pay the equivalent treasures to use it for cultivation.

When cultivating in a hundred times time-accelerated environment, True God Rulers would require a single Origin World Rock every 100 million years! Naturally, this 100 million years of time was the outside world time. A total of 10 billion years would have passed by then in the Palace Hall of Time.

Void Gods would require five Origin World Rocks for a 100 times time-accelerated environment for 100 million years.

Unity realm would have to pay 25 Origin World Rocks for the same amount of time.

As for those at the Primal Chaos realm, they would have to pay 100 Origin World Rocks!

This was merely for a hundred times time-accelerated environment. By increasing the time acceleration to a thousand times, the price would multiply by a hundred times!

As for time-accelerated environment at 10,000 times… the price required was extremely terrifying. ‘Primal Chaos realm’ existences were forbidden from using it at 10,000 times, as the burden they caused on the ‘Palace Hall of Time’ would be too great. The ‘Devil Mountain Cosmos’ was much weaker than the Palace Hall of Time, and yet, Void Gods would require to live within the Primogenitor Devil Mountain. As for Unity realm existences, they either had to stay in it or leave the cosmos! Primal Chaos existences were most certainly required to leave the cosmos.


It was stated ‘100 million years’ here. To most experts, they would only enter the Palace Hall of Time during more critical moments for a shorter period to improve their combat power! For instance, just cultivating here for a million years cost much less.

‘Being a golden-robed disciple, I have a total of 1,000 contribution points. I can cultivate here for a maximum of 10 million years.’ Xue Ying thought.

Contribution points…

Within the Great Void Heaven Temple, he could accept missions or contribute books that were qualified to be placed in the Myriad Elephant Palace Hall. All these would reward him with contribution points! Those with higher statuses like the golden-robed disciples, the inner hall elders or the hall masters would be rewarded with contribution points every one billion years.

10,000 contribution points were equivalent to a single Origin World Rock! One could purchase many materials within the Great Void Heaven Temple.

However, there was one point…

Origin World Rocks could be used to exchange for contribution points within the Great Void Heaven Temple, but the contribution points could not be exchanged for the Origin World Rocks! The Great Void Heaven Temple would usually reward treasures and contribution points, but would never give out Origin World Rocks.


Every second of Xue Ying’s time was very precious, as he had to make Jing Qiu and Yu’er transcend before the cosmos epoch ended.

Thus, he treasured every single moment of his time. He would certainly frequent the ‘Palace Hall of Time’, thus driving him to get more treasures.


Xue Ying sat cross-legged on the frost ice layer. This planet was desolate, with him being the only living being on it.

Within the Myriad Elephant Palace Hall, the knowledge which he gained through reading the many books began flashing through his mind as he contemplated over them. He would even validate his understanding from time to time. Having gotten a tremendous amount of information after reading for over three million years, he proceeded to derive further conjectures and throw those that were irrelevant and inappropriate for him to one side!

This validation and derivation process was much slower than comprehending and reading.

He spent a total of 800,000 years or so before finally consolidating his knowledge.


Xue Ying stood on the planet. He looked at the surrounding planets, he couldn’t help but grin, “If I don’t understand, then I don’t understand. Even if I were stuck there, I would not comprehend it even after millions and millions of years. However, after understanding it, it will be much simpler from now on.”

After becoming a Ruler in his hometown cosmos, he cultivated for yet another billion years!

He had even comprehended the apocalyptic first sword as he drifted in the primal chaos void after leaving his hometown cosmos! Without anyone guiding him, he had already achieved greatly purely depended on his cursory expansion of understanding.

Now, after reading through many books and consolidated his knowledge, he no longer felt perplexed about reaching the ‘Void God’ from ‘Ruler realm’.

“Ruler, is all about ‘purity’! The heart is pure, while the Dao is pure. Only when the Dao is perfect enough will one be able to reach eternity.” Xue Ying murmured to himself, “As for the Void God, it is all about ‘broadness’, all about ‘encompassing’, and all about ‘balance’. It belongs to the law system.”

For instance, the Dao of Mirage was just a single Dao.

For him to rely on the Dao of Mirage to become a ‘Void God’, he had to use the Dao of Mirage to obtain other laws and profound mysteries before turning into a ‘law system’ by itself, with the Dao of Mirage at its core.

One had to know that the operating laws of a cosmos were manifested from many perfected laws fused into a single entity. It was not just a sole Dao.

Thus, to become Void God, he had to use the ‘Dao of Mirage’ as the core and perfectly fuse in other laws and profound mysteries to form a law system. A chopstick by itself was easily broken, but a bundle of chopsticks was much firmer. The moment it formed a law system, the ‘law domain’ it generated would be more perfected and stronger.

There was not a high requirement on other laws. For instance, the ‘Dao of Time-Space’ or ‘Dao of Extremity’ were like tiles and bricks, fusing into the core ‘Dao of Mirage’ to form a complete law system.

Of the three Daos Xue Ying had, the ‘Dao of Mirage’ was the most encompassing one. In addition to Xue Ying’s current experiences, if he were to conscientiously comprehend along this path, he was confident of breaking through after spending a little more time! However, at the very moment when he breaks through, he would become a Void God and would lose the qualifications of attending the True God disciple challenge. He would also lose the opportunity to get the ‘Supplementary Spiritual Fruit’ This lost opportunity was extremely harsh since it was only attainable by those who became golden-robed disciples during their first ranking match.

“I’ll focus first on cultivating my absolute arts.” Xue Ying was not in a rush to break through. Using a weaker version of laws and profound mysteries in the lower levels to comprehend a stronger absolute art was a kind of tempering for him towards his comprehension ability.

One’s comprehension ability would also change according to one’s encounter and refinement.

Xue Ying was currently concentrated on the “Shadowless Heaven’s Gathering”, the “3000 Incarnations”, the “God Light Scripture”, and the strongest “13 Apocalyptic Swords”. Naturally, he wanted to fuse in the profound mysteries of the Dao of Ripple with the apocalyptic first sword to create a new volume for the “Wind Ripple Path”.

After deriving the essence from the many books, his grasp towards the Dao of Mirage, Dao of Slaughter and Dao of Ripple became more profound. He was even confident of reaching the Void God realm. And now, Xue Ying had partly understood the ideology and usage behind why Forefather Tian Yu created the ‘Apocalyptic First Sword’.

In the past, he only learned and used skills and arts, and not learned much about creation.

Now, with his horizons been broadened by a few times, he had some understanding of it. Thus, he was more confident about ‘mending it fully’.

TIme passed in the Palace Hall of TIme, before Xue Ying spent a total of 320 million years on this desolate planet, with a total of about 3 million years passing in the outer world. After spending so much time here, he had used up a total of 320 contribution points!

‘Who would have thought that I’ve comprehended the 21st level array diagram of “Walker’s Hidden Secret” despite not wanting to become a Void God.” The golden-robed Xue Ying chuckled with a shake of his head. It was fortunate that the Walker’s Hidden Secret was different from the laws and profound mysteries. After comprehending it, he would still procure sufficient primal chaos void energy and refine his body before he could break through to become a Void God.

As for the laws and profound mysteries, he would break through the moment he comprehended them.

Therefore, as long as he did not cultivate in it temporarily, he would continue to remain as a Ruler.

“I’ve comprehended the new volume for my Wind Ripple Path. However, I am unable to improve any further for the moment. If I was to cultivate the Dao of Mirage, Dao of Slaughter or Dao of Ripple, and accidentally broke through in the process, it is impossible for me to hide from the treasure spirit of this Palace Hall of Time.” Xue Ying shook his head, “Time to leave. I’ve only seen a small section of the books in the Myriad Elephant Palace Hall. Time to continue reading!”


Xue Ying announced, “I want to leave the Palace Hall of Time.”


An unseen spatial energy engulfed Xue Ying and teleported him out.

Xue Ying felt his surroundings changing before realizing that he was outside the door of the Palace Hall of Time. Adding up the time he had been here to the Great Void Heaven Temple, it was only about six million years or so. There was still 2.8 million years before the True God disciple battle began, and he had quite an ample time.

Since he could no longer improve his combat power, and he could also not comprehend the Apocalyptic Second Sword, Xue Ying decided to enter the Myriad Elephant Palace Hall once again. He would continue drinking while flipping through the books in contention. These books were the crystallization of wisdom left behind by countless generations of experts that were either alive or dead. As he read, it was akin to listening to the guidance and pointers given by the experts. Such a reward had left Xue Ying intoxicated.

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