Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 708: 36 Light Streams

Chapter 708: 36 Light Streams

Translator: Radiant Translations Editor: Radiant Translations

The green-robed old man, Primal Master, nodded and said, "When we were Paragons, we had entered the Arcadia Flying Ship, experiencing for ourselves how extraordinary it was within. It has some immeasurability beyond even the Six Heavenly Wheel and Lake Heart Island historical remain! The person who refined this Arcadia Flying Ship is likely to be stronger than the Lake Heart Island master and Ancestor Devil! Thus, we presumed it came from outside the cosmos."

"Right." The black-robed black-haired Temporal Island Lord nodded, "It's a pity that it was hard for us to extract any benefits from it."

The five great historical remains.

The Arcadia Flying Ship that was ranked third was the most stingy place. Those who adventured there did not gain much from it.

On the contrary, the Lake Heart Island historical remain, Six Heavenly Wheel, and Moon Palace contained many treasures, absolute arts, guidance, experiences, and others that had been left especially by the seniors from the earlier epochs. Even the 'Purgatory Drift Hall' was slightly special for it contained an inheritance within.

Only the 'Arcadia Flying Ship' was different.

According to the vestiges left behind–traces left behind from refinement and the arrays, one could perceive that this place was the highest-leveled location in the Cultivator Cosmos. But one could not gain much from it.

"Firstly, there are few benefits. Secondly, Rulers can't enter." Abyss Primogenitor shook his head as well: "Ranking it third is solely because of how extraordinary it is."

The cold Myriad God Palace Head disagreed, however, "We have no rewards because we are unable to discover its true secret! The Ancestor Mother Religion has sent a large group of protectors at this time. They must know what secret this Arcadia Flying Ship hold!"

Bloodshed God-Emperor nodded: "Not just us, even the seniors from the previous epochs have made their conjectures, recognizing that this Arcadia Flying Ship came from outside the cosmos. Since the Ancestor Mother Religion is familiar with its secret, this Arcadia Flying Ship should be very famous. At the current moment, I am employing the Void Twin Extreme Array. The Ancestor Mother Religion should be getting anxious and is compelled to send a large group of protectors in."

"However, this Arcadia Flying Ship is suppressed by the unseen laws, forbidding Rulers from entering." Bloody Ruler Nile anxiously mentioned.

"We have no choice. We can only send our Paragons in." Bloodshed God-Emperor responded.

"We can only watch from afar."

"It all depends on the Paragons from now on."

Primal Master, Abyss Primogenitor, Purgatory Ruler, Empress Qian He and the others felt incapable of helping.


The Paragons were rapidly converging.

Many Paragons were looking around in shock. They saw the ten Rulers gathered here, and many more Paragons were still on the way.

"This, what is happening?"

"The Rulers are here. The Paragons are coming too. What exactly is going on?"

All of them were bewildered.

Xue Ying, Bamboo Mountain Prefecture Master, and Monarch Destruction naturally stuck together.

"Dong Bo, do you know what happened?" Monarch Destruction asked. Bamboo Mountain Prefecture Master turned towards him too.

"I don't." Xue Ying was filled with confusion as he shook his head. At the same time, he looked around him. It seemed that everyone was in the dark too.

"I've asked a few old friends of mine, and they don't know what is happening too! Right now, Bloodshed is talking with other Rulers, and it isn't right for me to inquire him at this moment." Monarch Destruction said. He could see that it was a significant matter, and it was not the time for him to posture as the teacher. After all, his disciple 'Bloodshed God-Emperor' was the authentic leading existence in the entire Cultivator Cosmos.

"Wait and see." Bamboo Mountain Prefecture Master was very calm, "Since they called us over, they will soon inform what is going on."


Xue Ying nodded and waited by the side.

He could see his good brother Paragon Huo Cheng in the distant. He saw White Sovereign King, Heavenly Emperor of Great Destruction, Monarch Hex Cricket and even Ripple Lady Planet Master who specialized in refining came too. Regardless, all Paragons had gathered as long as they had broken through.

"Mn?" Xue Ying noticed the distant Leaf Saint. He still had some vengeance towards him.


Finally, all Paragons from Deity world and Abyss had convened.

The ten Rulers also stopped their conversation. Bloodshed God-Emperor swept his gaze across the Paragons and announced, "I believe most of you should know that there are other cosmos present besides our own Cultivator Cosmos."

The Paragons present were all silent. They were carefully listening.

"Occasionally, our cosmos do discover traces of outsiders entering our cosmos. But these aren't worth mentioning. What is worrying is that there is a power called 'Ancestor Mother Religion' who have sent a large batch of Rulers into our cosmos." Bloodshed God-Emperor said.


"A large batch of Rulers?"

Many Paragons felt their hearts tightening after hearing that.

"The Ancestor Mother Religion might wage war with us. In our original plan, the ten of us should be enough to participate in the war since you all will not be of much help towards the outcome of the war. Instead, you might restrict our hands and feet." The Bloodshed God-Emperor said plainly. All Paragons present did not retort. They were clear how big the gap between them and the Rulers was.

"But now, a group of Rulers from the Ancestor Mother Religion have broken my arrays and sent a large group of Paragons into the Arcadia Flying Ship!" Bloodshed God-Emperor said, "It is highly possible that they know some secret regarding the Arcadia Flying Ship."

As he was explaining the situation, Bloodshed God-Emperor was also transmitting every single piece of intelligence he had on the Ancestor Mother Religion and Arcadia Flying Ship to the Paragons. Even though those like Xue Ying knew of many secrets previously, some Paragons knew little about it.

"The intelligence reports have been given. You should know the threat of the Ancestor Mother Religion."

"The war originally doesn't require all of you to participate."

"But things are different now! We will still handle the final battle. And the war within the Arcadia Flying Ship will be handled by all you Paragons!" Bloodshed God-Emperor stated, "We do not know what secrets the Arcadia Flying Ship hold. Thus, what we can do is one thing–to eradicate all of them! After eradicating all their protectors, this plot of theirs will fail."

"The final war will ultimately be us Rulers fighting."

"And the battle within the Arcadia Flying Ship will depend solely on you all. You might die battling, but you could always refine another avatar to enter." The eyes of Bloodshed God-Emperor were filled with killing intent, "We must not heed the price. Even if we were to spend our resources, we would use all of them to stifle them to death!"

The entire place went silent.

Each Paragon standing in the void was filled with fighting spirit.

This was a war between two cosmos!

Initially, they were not needed to get involved with the war. But now, they could lend a helping hand.

"36 Paragons." Bloodshed God-Emperor looked at them, "We Rulers do not know what secrets are hidden in the Arcadia Flying Ship. But we can confirm that the Arcadia Flying Ship is much more terrifying than the Lake Heart Island historical remain and the Six Heavenly Wheel! If you were defeated, it might lead to a final defeat in the war."

"We will win. We will eradicate these outsiders!" There was a muscular man with two black horns and a pair of violet eyes that had some faint lightning movement within declared. He was the strongest among the 36 Paragons, the Heavenly Emperor of Great Destruction!

"Right, we will eradicate them!"

"This is the Paragons' war."

"We will definitely win."

The fighting spirit in all Paragons rose up into the sky.

And Bloodshed God-Emperor, Primal Master, Temporal Island Lord and all other Rulers were turning energetic. These were all Paragons from their Cultivator Cosmos!

"Go!" Bloodshed God-Emperor ordered.


"Let us go!"

"Let's kill all protectors from the Ancestor Mother Religion!"

All Paragons including Xue Ying, Bamboo Mountain Prefecture Master, Monarch Destruction, Paragon Huo Cheng, Ripple Lady Planet Master, Heavenly Emperor of Great Destruction and the others flew towards that Arcadia Flying Ship.

The ten Rulers watched as they flew in.

"Will they win?" Empress Qian He felt worried.

"We originally have two strongest Paragons, but both Pang Yi and Monarch Green became Rulers! Currently, there aren't any Paragons that can fight against a Ruler." Myriad God Palace Master coldly stated, "The outcome is somewhat uncertain."

The other Rulers did not add on.

Everyone felt that it wasn't baseless. Monarch Green and Pang Yi could suppress a large group of Paragons by themselves when they were a Paragon. It's a pity that both had become Rulers now.

The ten Rulers looked from afar. The distant 36 streams of light arced through the starry sky and entered the Arcadia Flying Ship!

Those 36 streams of light… were all the Paragons they had in their Cultivator Cosmos.

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