Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 543: I'll Join

Chapter 543: I'll Join

Translator: Radiant Editor: Radiant

Xue Ying's eyes were very bright. The edge of his lips revealed a strand of smile, "If I am unable to transcend, sinking into oblivion for eternity after dying is a must. Most likely there will be a majority of cultivators who would choose to join right?"

"What about you?" the violet-golden-armored male who had a black cape looked calmly at him.

"I'll join." Xue Ying answered.


He did not care about that at all. Maybe the members of the Destruction Legion who were living for eternity in this lonely life considered it a torture, but Xue ying did not find it so. The path of cultivation originally had many dangers, and wanting to obtain benefits, one had to be willing to take the risk. The risks coming from joining the Destruction Eden were very low already.

"Very good." The violet-golden-armored black-caped male turned around, "Follow me." Saying that, he flew away.

Sou sou sou…

Xue Ying was also hurrying closely behind. The other three golden-armored captains and eight black-armored soldiers were flying alongside. That monkey was relatively excited from the side, "Hahaha, it has been a long time since any World Deities came joining us. Most were true gods who came to try in vain to join us. Hmph hmph hmph, it's a pity that my Destruction Legion isn't something any true god can join just randomly. Most can't even pass through the trials."

"True gods?" Xue Ying asked, "Which true gods? Is it Bloodshed God Emperor and Monarch Green?"

"Mn?" The violet-golden-armored black-caped male turned around and glanced at Xue Ying, lightly saying, "The Bloodshed God Emperor is a True God Ruler, and also the very peak amongst the True God Rulers. He is extremely powerful, and also the strongest existence I knew of in this cosmos epoch of yours. The Destruction Legion doesn't have master leading, so the so-called benefits is not attractive at all to the Bloodshed God Emperor. Naturally, he'll not come to join us."

Xue Ying was startled. A huge wave had arose in his heart.

Your cosmos epoch?

"What is this cosmos epoch?" Xue ying could not help but ask, "Commander, what do you mean by this?"

The violet-golden-armored black-caped male flew along while indifferently answering, "The current cosmos epoch contains the Deity world, the material realm and the Dark Abyss, right?"

"Yes." Xue Ying nodded.

"The plants will wither over time." The violet-golden-armored black-caped male continued, "The planets will also emerge and collapse! Even your material realm, with all the realms, will also be be created and destroyed. Then the Deity world, Abyss and material realm… will naturally has its rise and fall."

"The Deity world, Abyss and material realm could be considered a complete cosmos!"

"The cosmos is just like the plants, containing similarly a rise and fall." The black-caped male said.

Xue Ying felt his mind booming. Even though he just heard of this news, he could immediately infer that the possibility was great! Because he knew that one of the three ancestors, Pang Yi, was one of the earliest life form to emerge in the Deity world. Like Monarch Destruction, he was also a very ancient powerful existence in the Deity world and abyss.

During the earliest period after the emergence of the Deity world…

Then what was prior to this emergence? What world was it?

And the 'Lake Heart Island historical remain' had been known to exist prior to the earliest emergence of the Deity World!

"Those are the past. We are merely a remnant historical remain now." The violet-golden-armored black-caped male overlooked below. In the distant, there were a few very ancient obelisks fixed on the ground. He immediately rushed over, before Xue Ying and the rest followed behind.


Xue Ying was observing these obelisks. Looking over, there were upwards of a hundred obelisks. They were densely located. That sir commander stood over there with his black cape flowing with the wind and silently staring at these obelisks. After a long time did he say, "Wanting to join my Destruction Legion, to those at the level of Bloodshed God Emperor might not be attractive. But the other true gods and true god paragons all desired to join us, yet most had been eliminated. There is only a single person who joined our Destruction Legion in your cosmos epoch."

"One?" Xue Ying was startled, "Who?"

"Pang Yi!" The sir commander sighed, "And he has eventually become a captain! Truly capable."

Xue Ying was startled.

Pang Yi.

One of the three ancestors, Pang Yi! The leader of the Deity world fierce five. But now, he was very low-key and had even depended on the Bloodshed God Palace, pondering over his cultivation technique and did not reveal any sharpness at all. He was also the most famous in the Deity world and the abyss for being injured heavily by a single fist from 'Monarch Green' of yesteryear.

But he was actually a captain of the Destruction Legion.


This commander had become a commander as a stage four World Deity. Pang Yi was merely a captain, and yet he praised him as 'amazing'?

"Brat." The golden-armored ugly old man sneered, "You do not know this but because master and the rest aren't here anymore, the resources of the Destruction Legion is limited. Naturally, we can't accept others so rampantly like in the past. The difficulty of the trials has become much higher. Those who could become a soldier now could become a captain in the past! And those who could become a captain now, could become a commander in the past!"

Xue Ying was enlightened.

"Your cosmos epoch has a total of 29 true gods who came before to take the trial, and only Pang Yi succeeded." The commander glanced at Xue Ying, "You are the very first World Deity of your cosmos epoch to come."

"I might be confident." Xue Ying said, "But there are many dazzling World Deities in the history of Deity world. Why am I the first World Deity to come?"

The monkey replied from the side, "Very simple. If not for your guest identity of the Lake Heart Island, we will not spout any rubbish and will just kill you and force you out! We will not give you any chance of taking the trials. And almost all of the World Deities of your cosmos epoch do not know how to become a guest of the Lake Heart ISland. Those true gods did not tell you all."

Xue Ying finally understood. He had been because of wanting to save his father-in-law, that's why he chose to enter from the very desolate cavern, and unknowingly, passed by the blood fire door. His identity had been due to his fortune!

And thereafter, he felt that the blood fire door did not feel right. During the pursuit, he had rushed back to the blood fire door to take a gamble. Only then did he find out about the secret of the blood fire door! And with an absolute art, in addition with the 'Destruction' spear technique he comprehended earlier on, only then did he pass the selections to become a guest.

Several secrets of the most ancient historical remains in the Deity world and abyss might even be secrets amongst powerful existences! Usually, they would exchange secrets for secrets, and would not easily inform others. Otherwise, there would not merely be 29 true gods who came to attempt the trials. One had to know that just counting the number of powerful existences in the Deity world, there was a total of more than 100.

"Realm should be the fundamental." Sir commander lightly said, "Most importantly as a World Deity, one has to transcend. Joining the Destruction Legion might me the greatest mistake of my life."

"But there are many seniors who transcended after joining the Destruction Legion, and the final reason is still because of me." The commander lightly shook his head, "I can't blame others. But you, little brat, you must be reminded. Using I as an example… remember, realm should be fundamental. And you must not be blinded by power."

"I understand." Xue Ying nodded.

The commander then spoke inwardly to himself.

This logic had been spoken by his teacher many times. But only after he experienced it bitterly did he understand. Still, it was too late and he could not go back to the past. His teacher had been an extremely high existence in the past–being the master of the Lake Heart ISland, yet he could not help him at all.

"The resources of my Destruction Legion is dwindling currently, and I can't accept many members currently. The difficulty to join us is greater as a result." The commander pointed to the many obelisks, "There are a total of three trials you have to pass. Some might be life-threatening, but I estimate this should just be an avatar of yours, and losing an avatar isn't considered much. You can give up at any time."

"No need." Xue Ying replied. If he gave up, and was thrown out, he would similarly be attacked by the blockade of Nine Yang Palace Head and the others.

"The first trial, choose an obelisk. Any one will do." The commander stated.

Xue Ying felt puzzled. He carefully looked at the obelisks ahead of him.

The obelisks were ancient and simple, with many deity imprints on them. They were also emitting an ancient aura, just that he could not see what's so different between any of them.

Still, he could only obediently go forward, casually choosing one before saying, "This one."

"Alright." The commander pointed to the obelisk. The surface of the obelisk started lighting up. Many golden seals on it began shining, "This is one of the most apex World Deity ranked secret technique, and is just a slightly different from an absolute art. You are requires to cultivate to the seventh layer of this secret technique within 10,000 years. This is the first trial. If you are to fail, you'll be directly forced out of the Destruction Eden."

"I see that the hopes of you succeeding isn't high." The monkey murmured from the side, "Most likely, you'll be forced out, though I have to remind you that there are more than 90% who have been eliminated right from the start."


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