Lord of Pets

Chapter 784

Chapter 784: the multi-armed dragon ape

Translator: 549690339

bai wushang bought everything.

he didn’t feel any heartache, nor did he feel much.

his cultivation level was ultimately different. he could only advance and not fall.

” senior, for the last item, i need as much information as possible on the evolution methods of the monster apes, ultimate forms, ultimate forms, and immortal forms. this is very important and is a top priority. ”

the knowledge scroll given by han ziyan might also have related content.

however, bai wushang did not have the time to look through it in such a short time, so he could only choose to go both ways and expand his thinking from other channels.

“the evolution method is broken?” silvan understood immediately. ” have you tried the ultimate evolution? ” this is the ultimate evolution mode, and it has the best effect.”

bai wushang raised his eyebrows and opened the book of oath, calling ah zhou out.

” this is the ‘extreme demon ape’, a transcendent creature that possesses both the elements of blood and darkness. it was evolved from a dark gold demon ape. ”

” it’s facing a bloodline barrier, and i’m currently looking for a relevant evolutionary path so that it doesn’t lose its intelligence. at the same time, it’ll try its best to obtain a high-quality bloodline with high abilities. if it can still maintain its current warrior-type status on this basis, then it’s the best choice. ”

“i wonder if senior has any wise ideas? i’m willing to pay for consultation, and everything will be done according to the rules.”

“blood and darkness, the extreme evil demon ape?”

silvan stood up and walked around the area twice. he touched his hair and pinched his joints with great interest.

“come, attack me with all your might!”


ah zhou and bai wushang thought it through. without hesitation, they slapped him.

” too weak. is this the peak of the ultimate form? ” silvan blocked the attack with his arm, frowning again.

” its ability is rather special. if it were to go all out, it would have to be stuck on the edge of life and death … ”

bai wushang explained briefly. silvan nodded and pointed at the blue candle.

a few minutes later, a king body level inferno-clawed pterosaur dragon dragged a huge black shadow and threw it into the room before turning around and leaving.

bai wushang looked on in silence.

this was a long-legged devil monkey. it was in the early stage of the immortal body stage and was a 3-star overlord. it was famous for its strength and jumping ability. it was considered an ordinary species.

if he was in his complete state, the gap between them would be like a chasm, and ah zhou would definitely not be able to beat him.

but now, the long-legged devil monkey was severely injured. its eye sockets were sunken, its hair was yellow, one of its arms was broken, and its leg was twisted. it had lost 90% of its fighting power.

“roar!” ah zhou charged out again.

the first thing he did was use blind gaze and shadow dash. he didn’t care about anything else and started fighting at close range.

the long-legged devil monkey was obviously in a state of extreme anxiety. it bared its teeth and charged forward, knocking away the half-black and half-red ape shadow. it staggered and rushed out of the door, trying to escape.

however, it failed. the hazy light curtain became solid, forcing it to return to the battle.

“if you can win or hold on for ten minutes, i can set you free.”

silvan said indifferently, exuding a trace of the aura of a saint venerable. the long-legged demon ape was so shocked that it took a few steps back, not daring to get close to xiao budian.

it went mad. it turned around and kicked the extreme demon ape. with a boom, ah zhou’s chest caved in and blood spurted out.

“roar!” the scene of killing on the spot that he had imagined did not appear. blood gushed out and a pair of sharp claws with five fingers extended.

this was not the end. a vortex appeared on the ground and three faint blood-colored shadows quickly wrapped around the long-legged devil monkey’s lower limbs like ghosts.

skill: blood-thirsty frenzy!

this was one of the three additional skills that ah zhou had comprehended when he was climbing from the peak of the intermediate stage of the ultimate form.

the effect was more of a control effect. those who were possessed by the blood shadow would feel as if they were in a sticky spider web, and their movement speed would be greatly reduced.

if he could make use of this point to launch his strongest attack, it would be very easy for him to kill his prey in one blow.

unfortunately, a starving camel was still bigger than a horse. the long-legged devil monkey’s level was higher than the extreme demon ape’s, so even with its heavy injuries, it still managed to dodge the set of skills.

it even adjusted its angle and kicked seven times in a row, landing on ah zhou’s chest and creating a bloody hole.

bai wushang’s breathing became heavy.

with the help of the contract, he could sense that ah zhou was still suffering from heart-shattering torture even with the help of pain reduction.

furthermore, its injuries had jumped from severe to severe, and it had actually fallen directly to near death.

” roar!!!! ”

at his limit, ah zhou fell forward as if he was going to die in the next second.

but at the same time, his left eye exploded. black mist gushed out and a bloody light appeared.

it was a claw.

it was a blood-red sharp claw formed by endless killing intent and monstrous evil intent!

skill: misty soul-seizing blood claw!

“pfft, pfft, pfft.”

the long-legged devil monkey’s chest was torn open.

the blood-red sharp claws followed the original wound on his chest and stabbed in, pierced through, and then exploded!

wisps of blood extended from its skin, intertwining and intertwining.


ah zhou charged forward and smacked the devil monkey’s head with his blood curse palm.

even in the end, it didn’t fall. no matter how serious its injuries were, no matter how much blood it lost, it still stood firmly in place, grinning at bai wushang.

“such a strong desire to win!” silvan was a little moved.

” in less than a minute, from exchanging damage and accumulating power to giving a lightning strike, there were no unnecessary movements. all of his attacks were effective. ”

” even in my opinion, i can only say that this monster ape’s fighting will and fighting skills are the best among its peers. it is a perfect pet … ”

silvan was not stingy with his praise. bai wushang also didn’t hide it. he activated his fragrant taste buds and poured out all of his fragrant energy to prevent ah zhou’s injuries from worsening.

“senior, do you have any ideas?”

bai wushang recalled ah zhou and let him return to the book of oath to rest.

silvan closed his eyes and did not say a word, as if he was searching through the ocean of memories.

five minutes later, he opened his eyes and said with a strange expression, ”

” if i don’t consider the strength of my bloodline and the reverse reduction of my ability points, i have seven ways to refer to. ”

” but if you want a perfect and excellent result, the difficulty will increase exponentially. ”

” i think that instead of looking for other bloodline species, we should try the ‘dragon’ path. this is the field that the dragon court is best at and most familiar with. ”

” there’s a clan of dragonblood called the ‘multi-armed dragon apes’. they were born with two arms and were at the undying level. ”

” through natural evolution, it can easily transcend nirvana and advance to the sovereign king body level, the four-armed dragon ape. ”

” of course, although four arms is the upper limit of this bloodline, legend has it that someone cultivated a legendary 7-star ‘eight-armed dragon ape’ through fusion and evolution. it fought with the golden giant in close combat for seven days and seven nights, and the outcome was still difficult to determine. ”

” this grafting method has a success rate of more than 60% with the will and nature of your demonic ape. if you add suitable supplementary materials, it’s possible to exceed 70%. ”

” this is the most excellent plan i can think of. including the information fee, three hundred drops of holy dragon blood essence. do you want it or not? ”

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