Lord of Pets

Chapter 781

Chapter 781: sparda, the guide

Translator: 549690339


within the longquan villa, there was only a small area to the north where dozens of large single villas were built.

in addition, there were bamboo forests and a sea of flowers, lakes and hot springs. there were countless beautiful sceneries.

however, on this day, his peaceful life was broken.

one by one, the pterosaurs landed on the ground and leaned against the glistening lake, huffing and puffing as they did the hard work.

“dig a hole here and bury the fire scale stone. we’ll use it to roast meat at night!” he said.

” build a fence here. we can barely keep some rare and exotic beasts! ”

“flatten this small mound, it’s blocking the light!”

more than 50 dark-skinned foreign humans wearing dark blue felt hats shuttled back and forth among the pterosaurs, either giving orders or working together. they looked like they were in full swing.

bai wushang waited patiently for half an hour, and then he saw that exquisite hemispherical buildings had been built. looking down from the sky, it actually included living areas, leisure areas, training areas, breeding areas … a small-scale assembly city, which was probably nothing more than this.

“everyone, the flying dragon merchant association will be staying here for half a year. if you want to exchange for suitable materials, you can enter the largest and most luxurious” tent.”the president, vice president, and gold-level traders of our merchant association will welcome you at any time.”

a middle-aged man took the initiative to walk over. he was tall and strong, but he wore delicate gold-rimmed glasses on his face, which gave him a calm and elegant demeanor.

he clenched his right hand into a fist and hammered his chest three times in a special way. then he explained in a powerful voice, ”

” i’m sparta, the president silvan, my great-grandfather. if you need a guide, i’ll be waiting for you at any time. ”

“you’re too polite.” li ming cupped his fists and returned the greeting.

if his perception wasn’t wrong, the man in front of him was by no means a mediocre person.

his soul power aura was close to that of the family elders, not far from the lord level.

in the end, it was still odiph who laughed and said,

“senior, let’s trade directly! we’ve been in contact with the other two chambers of commerce in the royal court, but we’ve never seen the storage of the flying dragon!”

“i heard that senior silvan was ranked tenth among the 108 holy dragon guards when he was at his peak. he was once a dragon knight of judgment. i can’t wait to start a chamber of commerce with such a big shot!”

“hahaha, you’re so well-informed. your background can’t be that bad, right?”

sparta grinned and pointed to the central tent.”please go ahead. that is a special spatial magical treasure, which is equivalent to half a small secret realm. you will be able to buy the most suitable treasures at the best price ~~~”

“let’s go and see the world!” leng mi yue was looking forward to it.

compared to the luxurious team of young masters, young masters, and young ladies of xiichuan, her background and experience were nothing.

it was not impossible to find a large number of low-level sacred venerates like ji ranran and the red dragon emperor in the heavenly grave spiritual sect.

he had to cherish such an opportunity. if he missed it, he would definitely beat his chest and stomp his feet in regret.

bai wushang smiled slightly and followed behind the group at a steady pace.

passing through the curtain was like passing through a water curtain, and the temperature around him dropped rapidly.

inside the tent was a world of ice!

fluorescent lights were everywhere, reflecting the blue light.

the walls on both sides had obvious traces of man-made chiseling. freezers, ice caves, and igloos were opened up, filled with a feast for the eyes.

” these are the more valuable ‘collections’. as for the ones outside, they are actually the lowest grade’ miscellaneous goods’. ”

sparda led the group around and briefly introduced, ”

“if there’s anything you like, you can ask the attendant to take it.”

” however, we’re serving the royal court this time, so we don’t intend to make any money. as for the price, we won’t accept low-end trading methods such as gold coins, low-grade crystals, and low-quality herbs. all transactions are done by bartering, and all the pricing calculations will be done by us. i hope you can understand. ”

steve nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. he looked around and couldn’t help but ask,

“more valuable? in other words, there were even more precious treasures? do we have the right to exchange for it?”

“naturally,” sparta’s smile didn’t falter. ” i’ll provide you with something of equivalent value. if you want high-quality holy dragon eggs, they’re also available here. ”

“f * ck, this is a little ruthless!”

steve scratched his head and mumbled,””can i go home and ask my father to pay? didn’t that person say that it’s only right and proper for the father to pay the son’s debt?”

cuizhu glared at him and walked away quickly, her face full of disdain.

sparta laughed and shrugged.”i’m afraid that won’t do. this is a benefit of the royal court. if you move all your assets here and exchange them for cheap items as you please, when the chamber of commerce goes bankrupt tomorrow, the sacred dragon guards will line up to visit your family. you’d better show some filial piety on behalf of your father ~~~”

“i see …” odiph sighed regretfully. he didn’t know if he wanted to be filial or not.

xibei chuan couldn’t stand it anymore. he glanced at this clown and left the team. he walked alone in the ice cave, observing the collections on both sides.

bai wushang followed suit.

however, he didn’t last long.

the flying dragon chamber of commerce indeed had a lot of top-notch treasures. a year ago, he wouldn’t have even dared to think about it.

however, he had touched upon the mythological realm and was facing the path of a sequence. everything at this stage was just a transition in his opinion. nothing was absolutely precious. they were just high-grade consumables.

he walked around twice symbolically and found sparta again. he requested to directly view the trade file without any inspection or inspection procedures.

” follow me. there’s a separate room in the direct trade fair, and it provides the most comfortable, safest, and most secretive services. ”

sparta smiled and led bai wushang into the depths of the ice cave.

shangguan haojie, who was peeking in the dark, frowned and whispered to cuizhu, ”

” this person’s dragon blessing power far exceeds the four of us. it’s even possible that even all the surviving teams combined wouldn’t be as amazing as him. ”

” if that’s the case, his profits on dragon emperor island are unimaginable. could he really have exchanged for high-quality holy dragon eggs and have been above brother chuan, who is a holy disciple, all this time? ”

cuizhu’s fingers twirled around her hair and played with the sharp dagger. she was unmoved.

“forget it. don’t blame me for not reminding you. don’t go and find trouble with this kind of person. it’s best not to even think about it.”

“don’t forget that the holy dragon guard is already watching.”

” and our background, especially brother chuan … ”

” he’s just a holy disciple. even if he’s a holy son, he has the dragon court’s backing and can enjoy its resources. at the same time, he doesn’t dare to be offended. ”

” as for the other things that we can give, even though the tian jun spiritual sect has shrunk a little, they are still far more than ordinary masters, and even most dynasties can give them. ”

” if we’re still young birds learning to fly, he’s already standing on the back of the heavenly eagle and looking at the stars. ”

” so … there’s no need for that. i don’t even want to get involved, let alone provoke him. it’s best if he belongs to him, and we belong to us. we’ll each go our own way and stay as far away from each other as possible … ”

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