Lord of Pets

Chapter 644

Chapter 644: the lotus of seven wonders

Translator: 549690339

the icebreak fanged dragon’s main attribute was ice, and its derivative attribute was sharp teeth.

it couldn’t fly, but it moved quickly. it could be considered a half-strength, half-agility type extraordinary creature. it shouldered a large number of ice-type magic skills, which was somewhat similar to the positioning ability of the ” three-tailed ice flame fox. ”

bai wushang was a little surprised.

he had never thought that ji cangyun’s luck would be so good, obtaining a total of three dragon eggs, two of which were dragon species that had the potential to evolve into a peak sovereign king body.

this was already of high quality. apart from the most special ‘wangcai dragon’, the rest of the four dragon eggs that ji ranran had were mediocre.

the high-level bloodline ” dragonflame ” was not like the turbine, which focused on strengthening fire-type creatures.

as a result, ji cangyun chose one of the two in the end. in order to better coordinate his team, he chose the “frost fanged dragon.”

“wushang, this is for you.”

after the initial exchange of information, ji cangyun opened his storage ring and took out three sparkling and translucent precious pearls, handing them over to bai wushang.

bai wushang looked over and was extremely surprised, ”

” your highness, the most precious thing about the seven wonders lotus is its seeds. you are a trial-taker, so it is more important for you to increase your strength. you don’t have to give it to me. ”

“take it!” ji cangyun forcefully stuffed it over, smiling as he pointed out, ”

” although this lotus of seven wonders only has a cultivation base of four thousand years, its root is fat and it has nurtured more than twenty lotus seeds. ”

” i’ll prepare six for myself and six for ran ran. the rest will just be for our teammates. ”

” wu xuan, wu huang, these are for you. each of you will get three pills. ”

“wushang saved us, so there shouldn’t be any problem with taking some of the spoils, right?”

the wu brothers nodded without any objections. if bai wushang wanted it, they could even give him their share.

” that’s enough, that’s enough. three lotus seeds is already a treasure beyond imagination. there are only two guardians left in your team, and you can’t slack off on your strength. you should keep them for your own use. ”

bai wushang didn’t pretend to be polite, and simply dissuaded the overly enthusiastic wu brothers.

the lotus seed of seven wonders was indeed a valuable item. it could be used on both humans and pets. it was extremely precious.

however, just as he said …

ji cangyun’s team was one person short, so the final tally was bound to have a portion of additional points reduced. the overall competitive pressure was not optimistic.

the only way to make up for this weakness was to advance with all of them and increase their strength.

seeing bai wushang’s insistence, the wu brothers no longer hesitated and decided on the ownership of the treasure.

” let’s leave this place first. the explosion of the dragon lotus caused quite a commotion. i could see it from far away at the foot of the mountain. i can’t rule out the possibility that there are other people or other evil beasts nearby. let’s change to a place to rest. ”

“alright, let’s not waste any time. let’s go,” ji cangyun summoned his life pet “li fire maple dragon.”

in the previous battle, he had recalled his pet in advance to avoid a backlash because he had predicted that it would be in a critical state.

therefore, two of his pets were still able to move. after some simple treatment and recovery, they were able to carry people and run.

the wu brothers had also changed their mounts. one was a wine-gold dream butterfly, and the other was a green-vortex wolf. they were both mutated ancient species that had perfectly evolved to reach a commander-level 9-star.

they were the brothers ‘most outstanding agility-type pets, and they were also top-tier mounts. previously, they had been healed by the little rabbit and had already recovered.


a few hours later, at the foot of another mountain.

bai wushang habitually placed the seal of the earth and the treant grenade, and instructed forest soul to plant three fence-type small thorn traps.

once prey approached and accidentally got cut by the trap, the brambles would grow wildly with the help of the devoured vitality.

such a commotion would be sensed by sen po in the area, and he would be able to determine if there was an enemy attack.

after doing so, bai wushang patrolled around to make sure it was safe.

with big lion and ah zhou’s help, they dug a few holes for them to stay in.

the wu brothers now had the strength to fight, so after bai wushang greeted them, he directly chose his own cave and sat down cross-legged.

he took out three crystal clear pearls and revealed a pensive expression.

the reason why the seven wonder lotus’s seeds were so precious was because they contained a total of seven hidden effects.

depending on whether the consumer was a human or an extraordinary creature, one would be randomly triggered.

the effects that humans could trigger were “body tempering,””soul refining,””essence cultivation,” and “spirit strengthening.”

if it wasn’t to strengthen the body, it would be to temper the soul and help to refine and increase the soul power.

transcendent beings could trigger spirit nurturing, vitality, and life preservation.

its functions were more special and powerful, and each one had extraordinary significance.

” i have to eat a lotus seed. if i can get the ‘refined soul’, i’ll have a chance to break through my soul power again in one to two weeks and reach the middle stage of the earthly adept rank. ”

” even ‘spirit reinforcement’ is not bad. it can stabilize one’s spirit and effectively defend against mental demons and external interference. ”

” the worst ones are body tempering and essence cultivation. i don’t really need to continue strengthening my physical strength and vitality now. it’s best to improve my strength in other aspects … ”

as he thought about it, bai wushang touched the fur on the great lion’s neck and pinched the soft ears of the little rabbit, trying to get a little bit of luck.

he then swallowed a lotus seed and focused on sensing and refining it.

this feeling was as if a furnace had appeared in his lower abdomen, and it was burning from nothing.

after reaching a certain level, bai wushang’s forehead was covered in sweat, and he had a faint feeling of discomfort as if his head was swelling.

half an hour later, he had completed the initial stage of refining the seven wonders lotus seed. he opened his eyes, which were bright and full of smiles.

“not bad. it wasn’t the most tempting” soul refining,”but i got” spirit reinforcement.””

” for a long time to come, at least two to three months, my resistance to mental attacks, mental interference, illusionary sounds, illusions … will be greatly improved, and i will be able to avoid more uncontrollable risks.

bai wushang was very satisfied with this result.

he enjoyed the feeling of getting stronger bit by bit.

“there are two more. one for ah zhou and one for xiao ci.”

bai wushang decided who the remaining lotus seeds belonged to.

the little rabbit had enough ability to protect itself, and it was also special enough. if this spirit herb was given to it to eat, it might not be able to show its value.

by the same logic, cang jiang, who had two lives, had all-rounded abilities and no absolute shortcomings.

furthermore, the 30 portions of emperor yan body sculpting liquid were priceless treasures and could last it for a long time.

the ones who really needed the lotus seed of seven wonders were sen po, ah zhou and xiao ci.

among these three options, bai wushang temporarily put sen po in a difficult position and prioritized the latter two.

spirit nurturing, vitality, and life preservation were all good things.

one could learn an additional skill, one could grant an individual a faster growth rate, and one could provide a light of protection that could passively block a fatal attack once. it could be called a miraculous power.

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