Lord of Pets

Chapter 1053

1053 the faith of the angel race

in the central temple, in the church of light, the four eight-winged angels were stunned.

the eight-winged warrior, who was carefree but actually extremely powerful, said with a serious expression, ”

“if that’s the case, it’s indeed a little troublesome.”

“we don’t care about what the ancestral dragons say.”

” however, the three heads of the dragon clan are the most ancient mythical creatures. even though they have fallen for a long time, their remaining reputation still shocks the world. ”

” they’re not only the origin of the dragon race, but also the origin of the extraordinary. they have a profound meaning … ”

“you two are too rash.”

eight-winged silence suddenly snorted and interrupted, ”

“do you know why my main body returned instead of my clone? there’s another important point.”

“xing quan was originally living well, but because of his clone’s divination, his main body was implicated.”

” he’s in a half-dead state now, so heping doesn’t dare to leave him, afraid that he’ll die just like that. ”

” the backlash is that serious?! ” the eight-winged paradise frowned and stopped talking.

“i think the authority of the stars has inflated a little, and it’s also a little too hasty.”

“the star art of numerology, although it’s one of the main laws of fate and has the power to reach the heavens and the earth …”

“however, if you pry too much into fate, the stacked karma will plague you. when there’s a backlash, you might die suddenly at any time.”

“fortunately, this time it’s not his main body, but a clone.”

“it’s also fortunate that heiping was with us and was able to provide the most timely assistance.”

” otherwise, there would be one more divine monument in the heaven realm. at that time, the wails of the gods would linger in our ears. it would be a heavy blow to the angel race … ”

the two angels were speechless.

in a logical order, the star authority was the first to judge, and the angel that the light of guidance was matched with was of utmost importance and could not be lost.

however, when they were looking for him, it was the two of them who requested for xing quan to perform another divination, hoping to use it to lock onto the target.

this was really … a bad debt!

he couldn’t understand.

the eight-winged shadow’s face fell, and he said gloomily,

” no way. why do i feel like i came back at the wrong time? i just happened to run into such a troublesome matter. ”

“what do we do now? this human is holding the golden plate of immortality. if we touch him, it will be equivalent to provoking the dragon clan, which will lead to the collapse of the two great forces within the realm gate.”

“but not doing anything to him … seems strange.”

” my angel race is not weaker than the dragon race. the ancient god of angels is equal to the three big shots in terms of status and reputation. ”

” i can recognize xing’s bloodline. i can recognize that her future is bright and bright. ”

“i acknowledge master bai’s profound background. he’s also a person with outstanding talent and is blessed by luck.”

” but … a divine angel is entangled with humans. ”

” to put it nicely, it’s called ‘protection’, but to put it bluntly, it’s called’ submission’. .. this is not just an individual problem, but it will also affect the faith of the entire angel race. ”

“additional suggestion.” the eight-winged warrior nodded slowly.

“i’ve heard from lord mi dalen that the essence of the ancient covenant is to promote the competition between the four ancient forces.”

” only healthy competition can ensure the long-term development of the ecosystem.

” everyone knows that the power of the human’s oath is the link for the integration of all races. it can be used as a reference. ”

” in fact, it is precisely because of the existence of humans that the transcendents are not chaotic. instead, they are maintained by a certain degree of order. ”

“but! to the strongest races, the core rule that has existed since ancient times is still “those who are not of our race must have different hearts,” and “when two tigers fight, one will die.””

the eight-winged elite pursed his lips and looked at the four-winged glass sword angel. he said in a serious tone, ”

“xing, i know. perhaps your master has done a lot for you.”

” without his company and help, you would not have made it this far. you would still be wandering in the vortex of despair and darkness. ”

” but since you’re an angel, born in the heavenly realm and nurtured by the deity’s lake, you have your own bottom line and responsibilities that you have to adhere to. ”

” in my opinion, the holy court should pool their funds together and give each angel a share. they’ll raise a super-standard ultimate treasure comparable to the chaos ‘core for you, which will be multiplied by five to eight times to compensate master ren for his efforts. ”

” after this, you can maintain your relationship as friends. ”

” but … i hope to stop the seal of contract. ”

” i have a feeling that your future will surpass both me and paradise. ”

” you will become the pillar of heaven, the faith of the race, and the pride of the extraordinary. ”

” and such existences should not lose their freedom and be bound to the human race. there is a difference between being a master and being a servant. ”

xing listened quietly, not saying a word.

after a moment of silence, she shook her head and firmly said, ”

“lord eight-winged champion, i can’t deny my past. i’ve received too much help from the sacred court.”

” especially silence and military power. these two take care of me as if i’m their daughter. ”

” however, the fact that i could evolve and transform into the bloodline i have today is not directly related to the saint dynasty. ”

” in fact, i was once abandoned. when i couldn’t see any hope or light, i had no choice but to be abandoned. ”

“now that i’ve achieved success, you want me to burn the bridge after crossing it and betray you.”

“i’m sorry, i can’t do that.”

“this isn’t something that can be compensated by reversing the situation.”

“also, let’s change the angle.”

” i think my master, sword finger emperor ancestor, will become the strongest human in the future. ”

“each of his pets is extraordinary, and the bond between them is particularly strong.”

” perhaps in your eyes, i’m unique, a mythical species that can not be profaned, and i shoulder the future of the angel race. ”

” but how do you know that his future isn’t a gathering of divine beasts where all living beings prostrate before him? ”

the eight-winged warrior snorted and said unhappily, ”

“you’re still too young. when you grow to our level, you won’t have such naive fantasies anymore.”

“so what if the fate of one of the three heads of the ancestral dragon sect is in your favor?”

” 9-star mythical-level godkings at the peak of the proto-body realm will still die. there will still be dangers and despair that they can’t face. ”

” they don’t mean they’re right. if they are, they won’t fall or die. ”

” i’m telling you all this because i’m doing my best. i hope that you’ll wake up and do something that’s more in line with your identity. ”

“strong battle, this topic ends here.” ba yi stirred the grey mist and protected xing. he said solemnly,

“i think that the saying of” it’s either black or white,”” it’s not right or wrong “is not rigorous enough.”

“regarding the relationship between xing and imperial master bai, as well as the roles the sacred court and ancestral dragon court play in it, i think there will be a better compromise.”

“calculating the time, steel elbow, darkness, bow and arrow, yellow road, wrath … they should be here soon.”

” if there are any problems, we can talk about it in the parliament. ”

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