Level Up Legacy

Chapter 759: Light Emperor

Chapter 759: Light Emperor

Guests arrived one after the other, each holding an imposing aura. Arthur counted every single one, estimating their strength, despite the no-mana zone that made it more challenging. If he was going into a fight, then he needed intel.

"Those sitting on the third row are the Vice-Commander, followed by the captains," explained Lyle to Arthur, but the explanation didn't make sense. The two of them were sitting on the fifth, despite Lyle becoming a Vice-Commander after arresting his grandfather. "Those are for the pure-blood."


"Relatives of the nobles and the royal family," said Lyle without much emotion. It seems that the separation did not bother him. "The fourth row is for the pure-blood captains. The fifth is for the common-blood Vice Commanders, and you get the rest."

"What about the first and the second?"

"The first row is for the imperial family, and the second is for the Trinity Members," answered Lyle. "Once they enter the room, bow your head down."

"Are you giving him instructions? How cute," said Eloisa from in front of them. "However, you forgot to explain that there are exceptions like me."

"Special divisions are seated with the pure-blood captains," said Lyle. "However, they are the black swans of the Gold District, so there is no need to respect them."

"Understood," nodded Arthur.

"That is the first time you answer him," said Eloisa while glaring at Arthur, who ignored her. "Your instructions will break his neck in half!"

"Try breaking it if you want," said Lyle with a grin, which made the woman raise her eyebrows in surprise and look at Arthur with newfound interest.

New guests would enter the hall every few minutes before finding their seats. Most of them gave Lyle disdainful eyes, probably for a common-blood to become a commander at such a young age. However, Lyle's strength rivaled Astra-ranker while just being a deme-ranker, so his potential was limitless.

If not for his runes and Reality Manipulation, Arthur would have never won against Lyle, who was a genius for reaching such a level at his age. If Arthur strengthened Lyle further, he would have no problems executing his plans.

Pure-blood captains walked in with arrogance, looking down on their peers, who sat down with expressionless faces. Arthur stared back and watched their eyes, as cold as Lyle's but seeming to hold something dangerous.

'How can the emperor allow such a wedge to form between his ranks?' wondered Arthur, feeling that this decision had been foolish. However, the emperor stands to gain nothing from this. The noble families are the ones who demand such treatment.

As the Holy Knights filled the rows, Arthur realized that none of the first two rows had been occupied yet. So it was the classic late entrance for the grand guests who wouldn't wait for a second longer than they needed.

After the Vice-Commanders arrived and all rows had been filled. Silence descended soon after, and a knight entered the grand hall. Everyone bowed their heads, and Arthur followed Lyle to do the same. However, the newcomer didn't sit in the first row but walked to the fifth and stood beside Lyle.

"Raise your head," said a feminine voice, but Lyle didn't move. Arthur was interested, so he glanced at the two and saw someone standing next to Lyle.

"That would be inappropriate, your highness," answered Lyle with his head down. Arthur glanced upward and caught a glimpse of the newcomer's face. It was a young woman with short red hair and a cross earring hanging from one side. Her expression was not arrogant but annoyed. Unlucky, she met his eyes.

"It seems your follower has more balls to look at me than you," said the woman while grinning. Lyle sighed and raised his head, meeting her eyes. Arthur couldn't see his expression, but he knew it was three straight horizontal lines for eyes and mouth. "You have grown stronger, I heard," grinned the woman.

"Not as strong as you imagine, your highness," said Lyle before looking ahead. "I looked at you and raised my head, so please return to your seat."

Arthur stared with a smile, unknowingly raising his head as well. Despite warning him, Lyle was treating this woman with less respect than he treated Arthur himself. Thus, the two must be close.

"You have been ignoring my summons," said the girl before she pushed Eloisa aside and sat in front of Lyle, but this time facing him.

Eloisa was upset about being shoved aside but dared not let it show. Arthur noticed the slight twitch in her expression before she slid away. Then, he turned to look at the woman.

"I was busy doing my duties," said Lyle, looking ahead but not at her. "Please don't make a scene here. The emperor will be displeased."

"I'm the one who nominated you for a commander, so father will understand," said the woman with a grin. "Tell me, how strong?"

Arthur allowed no words to go unregistered, but the revelation was shocking. Was Lyle close to the emperor's daughter? This makes her a princess, no less. However, unlike usual princesses, this woman wore a knight's armor and had a sharp and dangerous aura.

"Enough to win," answered Lyle without a beat but with all the confidence a man can exhibit. Arthur saw the princess's face glow as if hearing the most joyful news.

"And is that why you refused my summons?" asked the knight without finding Lyle's disregard offensive but treating it as nonexistent.

"As I said, I was fulfilling my duties," said Lyle before turning toward Arthur. "Lower your head."

Arthur glanced before bowing again, not feeling offended. The person before him was a princess; even a thug knew better than to disrespect her. Thus, he needed to keep his act convincing, and so did Lyle.

"Raise it," said the woman.

"Keep it lowered."

The two disagreed, and Arthur felt an incoming headache. In the end, he raised it and stretched his neck. Lyle glared at the princess, and she glared back. Then, in one swift motion, the princess pulled out her dagger and slashed toward Lyle. The Vice-Commander was prepared and struck the attack with a wind blade of his own.


A gale of wind exploded from the two's collision, shaking the grand hall. The rows slid backward, and the knights almost fell on their buttocks from the impact. But, despite being closest to the impact, Arthur stood still, staring at the two, almost ripping each other apart.

"Enough!" shouted a voice from the front rows, shaking the halls. The princess did not care, pushing her dagger forward. However, Lyle glanced at the man who shouted and pushed the princess back before making his wind blade disappear.

Arthur watched the princess have a change of face, and it was filled with disappointment. She didn't strike again but retreated instead. Lyle grabbed Arthur's neck and made him bow down before the rest of the knights did the same.

"He is the Nobles Commander," whispered Lyle loud enough for Arthur to hear, and he understood who the newcomer was.

"Are you trying to dishonor your father?" asked the Nobles Commander with his beard shaking by his loud voice. "Fights are prohibited inside the Light Palace!"

"No need to be so loud, old man," said the princess before sitting in the front row. "Your voice did just as much damage, not to mention the mental damage caused by your face."

"Insolent brat!" shouted the man again, making the hall shake. Arthur feared that his eardrums would rupture just from listening. But, then, the man sat behind the princess, and the iron bench bent underneath his weight.

Arthur and the rest raised their heads, staring at the towering man who looked like he could touch the ceiling. His bald head and white beard made him even more radiating light, blinding their eyes.

The rest of the imperial family, including Erin, entered together. All of them bowed their heads except for the princess and the Nobles Commander. After everyone assembled, the hall was silent as bells started to chime.

Arthur was confused as the doors closed, but the emperor was not here. Then, the ground started to shake as the wall in front of them opened like sliding doors, revealing the pedestal with the light emperor sitting atop it.

The first thought Arthur had was that the emperor looked too young. At that moment, everyone bowed, and Arthur followed. The emperor raised his hand for them to raise their heads and face him.

"Dear Subjects, no need for such formalities," said the emperor with a smile. "I have missed every one of you dearly, and seeing your faces brings me joy more than your respect."

"Father is too kind," said Erin with a smile.

"I'm overjoyed to see you well, Erin," said the emperor as he turned toward his son. "Don't worry, since our great knights will bring safety back to our great empire. But, before we proceed with this meeting, I'm afraid I carry some bad news. We have a liar in our midst."

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