Level Up Legacy

Chapter 537 - Rise Of Creator

It was called the awakening, but no one could tell what caused it. However, the number of people who stepped up proved reality. They all said that they had gained memories, skills, or knowledge that they would need years to study.

The public assumed it was a gift from the gods for humanity to stand against an incoming calamity. However, for scientists and grandmasters, it was more than that.

An uneventful day became world-changing when a great light descended from the sky, bestowing certain individuals with knowledge that made them geniuses compared to their peers. But, of course, the amount of knowledge was different from one person to another, and for Ori, it was an immense amount of knowledge.

After waking up from the long dream, Ori forgot what it was about because it made no sense for him when he opened his eyes. However, his knowledge from that dream was mainly about runes and alchemy.

"Ark..." he muttered a name that he did not know as his eyes were filled with tears. "My chest... hurts..." he grabbed his heart as it felt as he was being torn apart.

The pain disappeared after he calmed down, but there was a feeling within him as if he had forgotten something. However, the knowledge transferred to him left his head in disarray.

His father summoned Oriole, who had not spoken to him for years, to answer a few questions. It seems that his brother received knowledge that allowed him to progress in his arts, so his father hoped Ori was the same.

"I am sorry, father," replied Oriole. "I received no such thing."

His father looked at him disappointed before he dismissed him, and Oriole was happy to leave. If this were before he 'awakened,' then he would have hurried to prove himself more capable.

There was something different about his awakening, and it was something that no one else mentioned. Oriole felt like there was more than just knowledge in a certain field, but the future as well.

As he arrived at the academy, Ori could see many people clustering around those who received knowledge, calling them the chosen. His steps carried him quicker lest someone asked him, but it seems that as forever, his presence was too weak.

Even though lessons had yet to start, Oriole went straight toward the clubroom. As he entered, he found the person he was with last night, Ellen.

"You are early, Ori. Have you seen Arthur?"

Her question made Ori startle, as the name of his friend left him disoriented. There were instructions within his dreams told to him by a black cat with three golden eyes, and one of them was to protect Ellen yesterday.

The instructions were clear, but Ori was confused by their reason. Finally, however, some memories awakened in his mind involving something terrible happening to Ellen and him in the cafe yesterday.

"I did not hear from him for a while," muttered Ori with a sigh. "However, I hope he is alright."


As the Chains of Order destroyed the two worlds, Arthur needed to intervene to collapse their timeline into the alternative one where Ellen never became the hybrid, and he never gave away his powers.

However, a few ends ended up being loose, and it involved Solomon, the Holy Crown, and a few more. This was the original goal from Arthur's quest in Alka, but he needed to make sure that it happened.

As the timeline collapsed into the past, Arthur used the Isotox he possessed to create a temporal fissure inside Rovaro Mountain Range, transferring it into Trial of the Holy Crown.

Then, along with the mountain range and Kira, Arthur was transferred into the trial to meet with Solomon, stuck inside the dungeon beneath the trial grounds.

"...who are you?" asked the husk of a king with confusion. Arthur stared at him silently, realizing that this Solomon never met Arthur Silvera or the Seika.

"I am a fragment that fell into this timeline from the future," he answered, and it sounded complicated. Arthur planned to use the trial as a changing point since their timeline differed from both worlds. "I need to ask for a favor."

"I... need a favor too."

"Your lover, I know," answered Arthur with a smile. "The favor I ask of you will save Ruki. You will come across a man who looks a bit like me but far weaker, and I want you to save him."

"...and how do I know that I can trust you?"

"You are nothing but a husk from your former self," smiled Arthur. "I know that you have made a deal with Kar to resurrect your lover because the prophecy was never fulfilled."

"You know about the prophet..."

"Indeed, but the prophet did not know what I am capable of. I am the one-armed slave that never arrived at your kingdom."

"This does not make sense..."

"It does to me," smiled Arthur. "However, the only way that man can defeat the harpy is by receiving a little help from you. Give him this dagger."

Arthur raised his hand, and the laws of existence folded into themselves. This was the power that the Healer Guardian taught him thousands of years ago, a manifestation of power.

"A golden dagger..." muttered Solomon with tears in his eyes. "I will... save the man..."

Arthur left afterward after taking one final glance at Solomon. However, as his body was not a part of this timeline yet, Arthur managed to plant the seeds he needed before leaving.

It all made sense, somehow. Arthur closed his eyes as the timeline fell to pieces like countless shooting stars. The Chains of Order sought to destroy the knowledge he gained from this timeline, but he used the same knowledge to preserve fragments of the timeline.

This included memories of the past.

Arthur controlled the chains to transfer his memories into the alternate timeline, where he never went to Alka or fought against Ellen.

However, there were missing inconsistencies that he needed to fix to keep the timeline from deviating too much from the world he knows. That was why he sent his will to Master Ronin, informing him of the place Arthur would be.

Master Ronin told Arthur that he saw the destruction of the world and the end in the past. However, that changed when a voice informed him about Arthur.

The memories of him digging through dungeons were transferred to Master Ronin, but Arthur needed the master to wait until he obtained the power, lest he prevents Arthur.

Then, Arthur witnessed his choice to face inside the trial grounds. Miko and Erin stood on opposite sides, and he was about to choose Erin until Arthur sent himself a single message.

"Trust the silver."

The pieces were falling into place, and the timeline started to deviate under the effects of his choice. Finally, Arthur refused to create the hybrid, and it broke the loop, but any of his enemies did not calculate the consequences.

Arthur made sure that his friend avoided Tyrin and the fallen beings and prevented Ellen from falling into the darkness. This was a simple matter because he had to use the memories Ori had to warn him.

As the Chains of Order began to destroy his body, Arthur smiled for one last time. The memories that he lived will be transferred to a different body, but his weak body cannot handle the knowledge of Gaia and the runes.

That was the reason that he couldn't transfer his current memories into the past. Furthermore, such a change will make the timeline deviate beyond repair, which was unstable enough.

Arthur needed to reach the peak of the rei-rank for him to receive this knowledge. So that was an ideal point for the transfer of knowledge: his meeting with Gaia in this alternate timeline.

As his memories disappeared from this body and merged with another, Arthur closed his eyes with happiness. This time, he will do everything right. This time, he will make sure that Diana lives.


"Welcome again, my child," a voice greeted him as Arthur opened his eyes. "It seems we have met already and that you already know everything I need to teach you."

"That was not... a dream?"

"You found a way to give this world a chance," the voice was amazed. "You are independent of the timelines now, and the new timeline is one that Nameless cannot predict."

"However, I have no recollection of the past," he said with a frown in front of the world's core. "There is something wrong."

"Your memories were too vast for this current body to handle, as they contain knowledge and secrets of creation. As a result, you have forgotten what you would have lived in this timeline."

"...this was not what I wished for," he said with sadness.

"You saved yourself inside the trial and used these memories to guide yourself through the same steps that made you powerful. There would be no current timeline if not for you."

"Then, now what?"

"You tell me, Creator. The world awaits your awakening, and now it has happened.. Let us witness the rise of the creator."

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