Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1387 - The Traitorous Cave Era

Chapter 1387: The Traitorous Cave Era

“Thank you!” Cave Era felt the power of Infinite Time erupt from her body. Although she couldn’t reach Infinite Time in the true sense of the word due to her level and make time truly stop, such power was already the limit of the Terror grade. In some aspects, she had even broken through the limits of the Terror grade.

Without any hesitation, Cave Era knew that this was the power produced by the Guardian consuming her body. It wouldn’t last long. She could only do something—no matter how negligible—during this period of time.

Attack Perfect Sword Immortal? Of course not. Cave Era knew very well that her strength was far inferior. Even if the Guardian consumed her body for power, it wouldn’t be enough to leave Perfect Sword Immortal flinching.

“Therefore…” Cave Era’s eyes flashed as she ran towards Zhou Wen.

Under the influence of Infinite Time, time in the surroundings seemed to come to a standstill. Even the Calamity-grade sword beam didn’t appear fast. At the very least, Cave Era could keep up with the speed of the Calamity-grade sword beam.

Cave Era’s figure shuttled through the sword beam like a ghost in the river of time. She rushed in and landed on the Chaos Egg.

“Do you know what the outcome of betrayal will be?” Perfect Sword Immortal stared coldly at Cave Era. The sword intent on his body was still expanding crazily. Jiang Yan’s body was already half crystallized.

“I only know that Immortal is the owner of the League of Guardians.” As Cave Era spoke, she pressed her hands on the Chaos Egg. The condensed temporal powers instantly erupted, causing the surrounding time to distort and change, producing a phenomenon of temporal chaos. Even the Calamity-grade sword beam seemed to be stuck.

“Time… Samsara…” Cave Era screamed as though it was the only way to squeeze out the last bit of her strength.

She knew that she couldn’t injure Perfect Sword Immortal, much less stop him from unleashing his strength. The only thing she could do was take Zhou Wen away.

As long as she took Zhou Wen away, there was no reason for Perfect Sword Immortal to continue unleashing his might. Then, Jiang Yan might be able to live.

Time for the Chaos Egg was distorted as Cave Era and the Chaos Egg vanished into thin air, leaving the range of Perfect Sword Immortal’s domain.

However, less than three kilometers away from Perfect Sword Immortal’s domain, the Chaos Egg and Cave Era fell to the ground.

The glow over the Guardian armor on Cave Era’s body vanished as though it had fossilized.

With Terror-grade strength, Cave Era couldn’t withstand such expenditure required to continuously use two top temporal skills—Infinite Time and Samsara.

Zhou Wen saw everything from inside the Chaos Egg. At the instant the Chaos Egg and Cave Era dropped, Zhou Wen rushed out of the Chaos Egg and grabbed the enervated Cave Era. He wanted to use interstellar teleportation and head straight for Venus.

However, he soon realized that interstellar teleportation was still unusable. The surroundings lit up as Zhou Wen looked up and saw that the sky was completely enveloped by sword beams.

At some point in time, Perfect Sword Immortal was already floating in the sky like a sun. The light emitted from his body was the omnipresent sword beams.

“We didn’t make it after all?” Cave Era smiled bitterly. She had already tried her best to evacuate Zhou Wen, but the expenditure needed to escape the Calamity Zone was just too great. The spot she had brought Zhou Wen to was still too close.

Now that Perfect Sword Immortal’s Calamity Zone had expanded, she no longer had the strength to take Zhou Wen out.

“Traitor, it’s time to atone for your sins.” Perfect Sword Immortal looked down at Zhou Wen and Cave Era like a true immortal from the nine heavens.

At that moment, his gaze was mostly on Cave Era. At the same time, his body emitted blinding sword beams that illuminated everything like the sun. They were everywhere.

Zhou Wen hadn’t advanced to the Terror grade and wanted to send Cave Era into the Chaos Bead, but the Chaos Bead required creatures to enter willingly. Cave Era was worried about Jiang Yan and had no intention of escaping, so Zhou Wen wasn’t able to send her in.

However, the Chaos Egg could only protect Zhou Wen. If he used the Chaos Egg now, he would have to leave Cave Era outside.

Zhou Wen wasn’t a goody two-shoes, but he wasn’t willing to watch Cave Era die. She was, after all, Jiang Yan’s sister and had tried to save him.

“I’ll just make a Hail Mary effort. If it works, you’ll live. If it doesn’t, I’ve done my best. Don’t blame me for escaping when the time comes.” Zhou Wen grabbed Cave Era and quickly instant transmitted.

When they phased into existence, Zhou Wen had already produced the Chaos Egg and shielded Cave Era behind him.

The sun-like sword beams were everywhere. They were struck the moment they phased into existence.

Thankfully, with the Chaos Egg in front of them, Cave Era wasn’t injured. Otherwise, with her present state, she would probably be dead.


The Chaos Egg slammed into Cave Era and flew out like a cannonball. It slammed into a mountain range, snapping a mountain peak and smashing into a valley, thereby creating another huge hole at the bottom.

Zhou Wen came out of the Chaos Egg and pulled up Cave Era, who was coughing out blood. When he looked up, he realized that the sun-like Perfect Sword Immortal had already arrived less than five meters in front of them. He was staring coldly at them.

Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan, I hope you weren’t joking with me. Zhou Wen looked around, but he didn’t discover anything special.

This was the place where Jiang Yan had pointed out to Zhou Wen. He had tried his best to bring Cave Era here, hoping that there was something special here that he could utilize in his defense.

However, no matter how he looked at the area, he couldn’t see anything special about it. There wasn’t even a dimensional zone, so it was impossible for him to escape into one.

Perfect Sword Immortal didn’t wish to waste any more time. He once again unleashed a sword beam that resembled the sun, hoping to kill Zhou Wen and Cave Era together.

Zhou Wen had already planned on hiding in the Chaos Egg, but he suddenly realized that the sword beams stopped less than a meter away from them.

Jiang Yan really didn’t lie to me, but what’s going on? I didn’t discover any special powers nearby. What stopped this sword art? Zhou Wen was pleasantly surprised as he looked at the sword beam that resembled sunlight. He looked up at Perfect Sword Immortal and saw him pressing his face with one hand, his body trembling slightly, as though he was in a battle with the heavens.

“You are too naive to think that you can vie for control of your body from me. Everything that belongs to you already belongs to me. What else can you use to vie with me?” Perfect Sword Immortal seemed to be muttering to himself. His tone was ruthless as he gradually lifted his face.

Although one couldn’t see his face under the mask, his eyes seemed to be returning to normal.

Suddenly, a petal that resembled a rose flew out of the valley. It passed through the layers of sword beams and landed on the forehead of Perfect Sword Immortal.

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