Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1124 - Bride Island

Chapter 1124: Bride Island

Translator: CKtalon 

According to Sei Gasakai, the Ghost Parade covered many areas in the East Sea. Many places had large numbers of Yin-attribute dimensional creatures.

This was only the prelude to the Ghost Parade. When the true Calamity creature appeared, there were definitely more Yin-attribute dimensional creatures.


Zhou Wen didn’t know much about the legends here. Sei Gasakai told him that if the Ghost Parade was the same as the legends, there would probably be hundreds of dimensional creatures like the Ghost Train.

As for the source of the Ghost Parade, Sei Gasakai wasn’t too sure either. He only knew that a large number of Yin-attribute dimensional creatures had first appeared in the Ryukyu Islands. As for which dimensional zone had appeared first, Sei Gasakai wasn’t too sure.

Zhou Wen planned on heading to the Ryukyu Islands to take a look before the Calamity creature appeared.

Sei Gasakai originally wanted to accompany Zhou Wen, but because he needed to resist dimensional creatures that might appear, he ultimately chose to give up. However, he still got one of his personal disciples to be Zhou Wen’s guide.

As for Ji Moqing, who had been captured, Sei Gasakai didn’t plan on using her to threaten Fang Mingsu. Therefore, he got Zhou Wen to take Ji Moqing along and send her back inland.

Zhou Wen had plans on returning inland, so he agreed.

After the three of them set off together, Ji Moqing didn’t believe anything Zhou Wen said. She felt that Zhou Wen was a super devil overseas. There must be a conspiracy behind bringing her along. It was very likely to be to deal with Fang Mingsu.

Zhou Wen couldn’t be bothered to explain. On the other hand, Sei Gasakai’s disciple treated Zhou Wen as though he was a god. Or perhaps it was because of Sei Gasakai’s orders that she listened to Zhou Wen like a maid.

The female disciple of Sei Gasakai was named Shiraishi Satomi. She was around 27 years old. Although she was still at the Epic stage, she was accomplished in the way of the sword. Apart from Honn Shinsakura, she was the disciple Sei Gasakai was most proud of.

Not only was Shiraishi Satomi in charge of leading the way, but she also took care of Zhou Wen’s food and lodging during the journey. Almost without Zhou Wen needing to say a word, she prepared everything. She was even more meticulous than Zhou Wen when handling his own matters.

This devil is indeed lying to me. This isn’t the direction to return inland at all. Ji Moqing cursed inwardly, but she didn’t dare show it in front of Zhou Wen.

Under Shiraishi Satomi’s guidance, Zhou Wen quickly arrived at the Ryukyu Islands. Indeed, he realized that there were many Yin-attribute dimensional creatures on the islands.

“What famous dimensional zones does Ryukyu have?” Zhou Wen asked Shiraishi Satomi.

“Ryukyu isn’t too far from the overseas islands or inland. Its culture has been affected by two aspects. Its myths and legends aren’t overly complicated, but there are many scattered local legends. In particular, there are many legends regarding the uninhabited islands and sea monsters. Many of those uninhabited islands have dimensional zones. However, I’ve never heard of any of them being famous. With the Ghost Parade stemming from the Ryukyu area, it has left many people alarmed.”

After a pause, she continued, “If you want to talk about the famous ones, there are a total of four famous uninhabited islands’ dimensional zones here—Emotional Island, Bride Island, Minor God Island, and Seed Island.”

Shiraishi Satomi gave Zhou Wen the details of the four islands. Finally, she told him, “Minor God Island is rather far from the area where the Yin-attribute dimensional creatures are appearing. I don’t think it will be there. The most likely ones are Emotional Island, Bride Island, and Seed Island. We are the closest to Bride Island now. Do you want to take a look?”

“Let’s head to Bride Island first.” Zhou Wen nodded slightly.

It was still daytime, so there weren’t many Yin-attribute creatures that appeared. Furthermore, they were relatively low-level. It was hard to tell if that were the case at night. Even if it wasn’t an island, it would be very dangerous out at sea.

The reason Bride Island had this name was because of an ancient legend.

Legend had it that three diligent fisherman brothers lived on that island, but because they were too poor, the three brothers didn’t get married. In the end, the three brothers came up with a plan and gathered money to have their eldest brother wed somebody.

Furthermore, they agreed that after the eldest brother got a wife, the three brothers would continue working hard together and save money for the second brother.

The three brothers gathered enough money and got a wife for the eldest brother who was overjoyed because of her beauty.

Early the next morning after the wedding, the eldest brother went out to sea to catch fish. Considering how his second brother wasn’t getting any younger, he wanted to catch more fish for money to get him a wife.

However, the eldest brother never returned. A few days later, his boat floated back, but it was empty.

Unable to find their eldest brother, the two brothers knew that he was definitely doomed; they had no choice but to hold a funeral for him.

Life wasn’t easy back then, so there wasn’t much to be particular about. After the eldest brother died, the second brother and third brother came up with a plan and had the second brother marry their eldest brother’s wife.

On the second day of their marriage, the second brother went fishing out at sea, never to return as well.

The nearby fishermen began to spread rumors, saying that the bride jinxed her husband and that she was a witch.

However, the third brother didn’t believe them. He still married the same bride after his brother’s funeral.

After all, the bride was too beautiful. It was no wonder the third brother was tempted. However, he remained a little wary. After getting married, he planned on resting for a few days and not go out fishing so quickly.

However, no one saw the third brother again. After a period of time, someone boldly went to the island and arrived at the three brothers’ house. It had already been abandoned. In the house, there was a man’s skeleton, but the bride was nowhere to be seen.

The nearby fishermen said that the bride was a sea demon. No one dared to go to the island again, and that was how the name Bride Island came about.

After the dimensional storms, dimensional zones appeared on Bride Island. The nearby fishermen had once heard female sobbing on the island. None of the people who boldly went to the island returned alive. This island thus became notorious.

Now that the origins of the Ghost Parade were nearby, Bride Island was considered one of the more suspicious dimensional zones.

Soon, the three of them arrived near Bride Island. Zhou Wen looked at the legendary Bride Island and realized that it wasn’t very big. It was probably smaller than a village, but the island was covered in fog. Even with Truth Listener’s ability, it couldn’t hear what was on the island.

Just as Zhou Wen was sizing up Bride Island, he suddenly saw a few large ships approaching from afar. On careful look, the symbol on the large ship belonged to the Federation.

When Ji Moqing saw the Federation’s ships, she was delighted, then a little worried.

This place wasn’t too far inland, so it wasn’t strange to encounter Federation ships. However, in Ji Moqing’s opinion, Zhou Wen was a peerless overseas devil. If she sought help from those Federation ships, she might end up harming them.

Just as Ji Moqing was still hesitating about whether to call for help, the ships had already cruised over. There was a person standing on the deck of the large ship in front. When Ji Moqing saw the person’s appearance, she was immediately overjoyed.

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