Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1007 - If the Catastrophe Really Existed

Chapter 1007: If the Catastrophe Really Existed

Translator: CKtalon 

“Don’t board the ship? What ship?” Zhou Wen asked in puzzlement, but he had some thoughts.

“I don’t know what ship he’s talking about either. That’s all he sent. However, other than that, he also sent me a piece of paper that came from a diary and a hand-drawn sketch. There should be a connection between the two.” Frod gestured for Lance to take out a piece of paper from a box beside him for Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen took the piece of paper and looked at it. He realized that it was indeed a very ordinary piece of diary paper. It wasn’t very big. On one side of the paper was a sketch. It was an anchor with a woman’s side profile.

This picture… When Zhou Wen saw the picture, he immediately felt as though he had grasped something, but he couldn’t make the connections. It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

When Frod mentioned the ship, Zhou Wen had a nagging feeling that it might be related to the anchor woman he had seen before. Now, he was finally certain that this was the anchor woman.

Perhaps the disappearance of the former principal was related to this symbol.

Don’t board the ship… Could it be… There’s really such a ship… Then, could the missing former principal have boarded this ship? Countless thoughts flashed through Zhou Wen’s mind.

Frod continued, “Later on, when I wanted to contact Professor Ouyang Ting, there was a problem with the information network. Before I could deploy more people, something happened to the research team.”

“It would have been fine if something had happened during the research, but after my investigations, that wasn’t the case. The day before Professor Ouyang Ting and company went missing, a batch of things was transported out, but those things mysteriously disappeared. No matter how I investigated, I couldn’t find their whereabouts. If it wasn’t for the information left by the people I had previously planted, I wouldn’t have known that there was such a batch of things,” Frod said.

“What were the items?” Lance was also attracted by the story and couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t know. The people I planted were only in charge of supplies. They couldn’t enter the core research team. Furthermore, during that period of time, my information network was severely damaged. Only one survived. I only made contact with him a few days after the incident.”

Frod said coldly, “After that, I carefully studied the pattern and the Zhuolu research team. Clearly, someone had deliberately erased all the clues and made it impossible to find anything. However, the pattern has been discovered in some places and investigations bore fruit.”

Zhou Wen and Lance looked at Frod. They wanted to know what the anchor symbol represented.

After studying it for so long, Zhou Wen still couldn’t figure out what it represented.

Frod said, “You should have heard of myths regarding floods, right? No matter which district’s myths or a religion’s legend, there are similar legends of a flood.”

Zhou Wen nodded. “There’s indeed a similar flood legend in the East District. Legend has it that the Water God fought the Fire God and slammed into Mt. Buzhou, causing the heavenly pillar to shatter. A huge flood descended from the sky and drowned the entire world.”

Frod nodded and said, “Apart from the myths in your East District, there are many similar myths in the other districts. The ones that are more famous are the religious myths—Noah’s Ark. There are similar legends all over the world. Don’t you think it’s very coincidental? What if this really happened and isn’t a legend?”

“You mean that the anchor symbol originated from Noah’s Ark? Then what does Professor Ouyang Ting mean by not to board the ship? Isn’t Noah’s Ark a ship that saves humans and various creatures in myths?” Zhou Wen felt that this was somewhat contradictory.

However, Frod shook his head and said, “What I mean is the speculation of the flood, not the existence of Noah’s Ark.”

“Is there a difference?” Zhou Wen asked.

“Of course. Before the dimensional storms, research found that the continents that are scattered across the oceans might have been a whole. If there was some force that split the supercontinent, it could explain the flood that happened all over the world. It was because the supercontinent was forcefully separated by some force, resulting in a tidal wave that overwhelmed the entire world. What kind of force could split a supercontinent? In the past, someone raised a theory of continental drift, believing that the supercontinent had split because of the centrifugal force generated by a celestial body’s gravity and Earth’s rotation. However, ever since the appearance of the dimension, I’m more inclined to another explanation.” Frod’s eyes turned sharp.

“What explanation?” Zhou Wen asked.

“Perhaps a dimensional creature cracked the supercontinent,” said Frod.

“But why would they do that? What do they gain from doing so?” Zhou Wen said after some thought.

“Didn’t I say that dimensional creatures wanted to find something on Earth? Perhaps that’s why they cracked the supercontinent. Of course, this is only my guess.” Frod continued, “I’ve also discovered that symbol in some places, but they are all places related to dimensional zones. Furthermore, they have been discovered all over the world. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Perhaps a ship really appeared during the flood, but it wasn’t Noah’s Ark that saved the world. Instead, it was a terrifying creature from a dimensional zone that descended to Earth. They tore through the waves and ripped through the entire supercontinent with a wave of their hands. They directly entered the continent by ship and might have saved some creatures that looked more pleasing to the eye. This then gave rise to the legend of Noah’s Ark…”

Zhou Wen and Lance were dumbfounded when they heard that. To shatter the land with a wave of a hand was a terrifying force.

However, Zhou Wen felt that it wasn’t impossible. In the division of the Mythical stage, there was still the Calamity grade above the Terror grade. Perhaps a Calamity-grade powerhouse was capable of that.

If there’s really such a ship, is the ship the former principal said not to board the same one? That ship still exists on Earth? Then what about the dimensional creatures on the ship? Countless questions flashed through Zhou Wen’s mind.

“I’m not sure, but there’s one thing I’m certain of. I’ve seen creatures in the Holy Temples. I saw the anchor symbol on their clothes.” Frod’s last sentence reminded Zhou Wen of someone.

Previously, when Zhou Wen entered the Holy Temple, he had encountered an amnesiac named Ah Lai. He said that he had gone out to sea with his father before encountering a storm. However, when he woke up, he found himself inside the Holy Temple.

Now, Zhou Wen suddenly wanted to ask Ah Lai what the captain of the ship looked like.

Although Zhou Wen felt that the Ah Lai family’s ship was likely different from the ship in the catastrophe, he had a nagging feeling that there might be a connection between Ah Lai’s appearance in the Holy Temple after encountering the storm.

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