Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 709

Chapter 709

Bear-san Talks About What Would Happen After

Blitz stabbed Bellung in the chest with his sword from behind, making him fall to the ground.

“Yuna, are you okay?” (Blitz)

“Yeah, I’m fine…” (Yuna)

I nodded as I looked at Bellung lying on the ground.

Bellung was on the ground, bleeding from his chest.

“I don’t think you needed help, but I didn’t want to prolong the fight.” (Blitz)

“…Nah, thanks. You saved me.” (Yuna)

In my mind, I found myself feeling relieved.

But in return, I had to let Blitz kill Bellung.

Technically, he was still alive, but it was only a matter of time.

“Yuna!” (Primme)

Primme flew in as I was talking to Blitz.

“Did you beat him?” (Primme)

Primme turned to Bellung, who was lying on the ground.

“Ugh…” (Bellung)

Bellung made a pained sound and opened his eyes.

“…Did I lose?” (Bellung)

At first, Bellung looked distressed, but soon his power-obsessed expressionless face was gone, and he looked refreshed.

Now that he had regained his sanity, I could talk to him.

“Why did you betray Ronne and Ryan’s feelings?” (Yuna)

“…I didn’t intend to at first. But during research, the side effects of transferring magic power strengthened my emotions. As I continued my research, I started to feel that I wanted to take Ronne away from Ryan, and I couldn’t stop myself from doing so. And soon enough, I ran out of control.” (Bellung)

A side effect of using Ronne’s power.

Perhaps, though, things only went out of control because he himself had a desire to make Ronne his own. The side effect of using Ronne’s power was probably like a devil’s whisper. It magnifies negative emotions.

“I have one last favor to ask. …I want you to kill me.” (Bellung)

Healing magic flashed through my mind when he said so.

“I’ll cast a healing spell.” (Yuna)

“No, I doubt that will help. It won’t save me. The only reason I’m still alive right now is that magic power is still flowing through me.” (Bellung)

“Even though the magic stone is destroyed?” (Yuna)

“Destroying the magic stone only cut off my ability to control magic power. Now magic power is flowing unchecked and unrestricted.” (Bellung)

If Bellung did not die, the transfer of magic power would not stop.

We had to kill him or Ryan to stop the flow of magic power from Ronne….

“Then why don’t we just destroy the device that takes away the magic power now?” (Yuna)

“There is no time. I can feel the suffering of the residents from the magic power flowing through me. If we don’t do something, there will be deaths. This is retribution for a crime I committed. Don’t worry about it.” (Bellung)

The balance between the residents’ lives and Bellung’s life was now hanging on the edge.

“Also, do me a favor. Please dispose of all materials related to fairies so that no one like me ever appears again.” (Bellung)

Bellung spoke in agony but told the location of the fairy laboratory and magic circles.

Then, when he finished, he closed his eyes.

Blitz spoke to Bellung, “Any last words?”

“Tell Ronne I’m sorry.” (Bellung)

“Okay.” (Blitz)

Blitz nodded and plunged his sword into Bellung’s heart once more.

Stabbed with the mithril sword, Bellung died.

It was over.

I found myself relieved that I didn’t have to kill someone with my own hands.

“Blitz, thank you for that.” (Yuna)

“…Yuna, when the time comes, don’t hesitate.” (Blitz)

Blitz said as he placed his hand on my head.

Did he notice that I was hesitant to kill Bellung?

Did Blitz realize that and kill Bellung on my behalf?

“I once hesitated as well and, as a result, injured a comrade of mine. If my friends had died, I would not have been able to forgive myself.” (Blitz)

Not everyone could kill people wily nily or if they wanted to… even if the other party was pure evil.

We worry, we think, we kill. This world was that kind of world.

“However, Yuna might be able to find a way forward without killing. But just don’t choose a path where you or your friend end up getting hurt or dying because of a moment of hesitation.” (Blitz)

Blitz told me and smiled softly.

“…Yeah.” (Yuna)

I could now understand why Rosa-san and the others adored Blitz.

There may come a time when I, too, must kill someone.

I would like to know if I can do it properly then.

The day after the fight with Bellung….

We destroyed everything related to the fairies that Bellung had asked us to destroy and burned all his research materials and other things involved.

At that time, Ran was screaming, “The precious materials!” and was making a fuss about it.

It was true that some of their research may be valuable, but there was information that was better hidden from the world. The research material with information about fairies was something that definitely should stay hidden.

However, as a former gamer, I couldn’t help but understand Ran’s feelings.

I wanted to get my hands on the precious items as well.

After all was said and done, we were now in a room on the upper floor of the Adventurers’ Guild.

“So that’s it, then.” (Noa)

Noa said from the window of the room, looking out.

After the battle was over, Rosa-san asked about Noa, so I immediately used the bear’s transfer gate to bring her here.

Of course, I set up the bear gate in a hidden place so that Rosa-san and the others would not know about it.

I stood next to Noa and looked outside.

Although many of the residents had lost consciousness from the loss of magic power, they seemed to be alive and well.

At least, none of the residents died.

However, I heard that quite a few people have been bedridden. They should recover in the next few days.

“Yeah, thanks, Noa, you also did your best.” (Yuna)

This chapter is updat𝙚d by freeweɓnovel.cøm.

“I’m sad that I didn’t get to see Yuna-san’s fight at the end.” (Noa)

For my part, I was glad Noa didn’t see Bellung die.

As Noa and I looked out, Primme flew over and sat on the window sill.

“Yuna and Noa, thank you so much.” (Primme)

“I’m glad we were able to help you find Ronne-san.” (Noa)

“So, have you heard what Ronne is going to do?” (Yuna)

“No, I haven’t heard yet.” (Primme)

Ryan somehow managed to survive.

I managed to heal Ryan just when he was barely hanging at life.

He probably survived because he was in a similar state to Bellung.

The magic power of the residents kept flowing, and it barely kept him alive.

That mansion room with magic circles was destroyed. And with Bellung dead, there was no more magic power flowing towards Ryan or being drained from him.

However, Ryan was still severely injured, so he was now sleeping on his bed.

The wound was closed, but the blood he lost was not restored, and he was still in some pain.

My healing magic was not a perfect.

But I could at least heal him enough to give him time to recover.

“Fuuu, I’m so tired.” (Rosa)

While we were relaxing in the room, Rosa-san and the others returned.

“Welcome back.” (Yuna)

“I’m back. Swaying Bear, Hugging Bear, I’m tired.” (Rosa)

Rosa-san hugged Swaying Bear, who was now in bear cub form.

“Me as well.” (Ran)

Ran also hugged Hugging Bear as if to take it away from me.

“How was the town?” (Yuna)

“Ummm. Well, it’s calm for now. Although there are some people who are speaking out against the knights who lost their power.” (Rosa)

Well, it could be said that they deserved it since they had been using the magical power they had stolen from the residents to assert their authority and make fun of them until now.

“But it appears that there were some knights among them who were kind before, so I’m sure they will work hard for the town.” (Rosa)

So there were people like that.

Knowing that not all of them were bad guys was a huge relief.

“The problem is Blitz.” (Rosa)

“What happened?” (Yuna)

“Blitz, he became too popular.” (Rosa)

Ran’s cheeks puffed out as she said so.

The Adventurers’ Guild explained that the Lord had died.

They did not disclose the reason for the Lord’s death, but word spread through the town that Blitz and his party had defeated him.

It was also known that he had been seen riding to the Lord’s mansion on horseback, and that he had been fighting with the Knights.

Furthermore, the gatekeeper also told the residents about the Blitz and the others, so they were treated as heroes for defeating the corrupt Knights and overthrowing the Evil Lord who was responsible for all the bad things that happened.

“Just by walking around, Blitz is appreciated, and there is a line of women approaching him with twinkles in their eyes.” (Rosa)

Well, knowing that he saved the town, and he was also good-looking, I was not surprised by that reaction.

Someone who was good-looking, had a great personality, and was strong would naturally be popular.

Besides, Blitz originally acted as if he was the ringleader of this whole thing.

The Guild Master and the others were on board with Blitz’s idea because they didn’t want to get in trouble with the people.

So this time, Blitz and the others were supposed to be the main instigators of the whole thing.

“Yuna-chan, are you sure you don’t want to reveal the truth?” (Rosa)

“No, thanks. Besides, even if I told them that I fought the Lord, they wouldn’t believe me.” (Yuna)

After all, I was dressed as a bear.

No one would believe I defeated the Knights in the mansion and fought Bellung.

Besides, it was Blitz who had ended up with blood on his hands. It was Blitz who technically saved the day.

After hearing about the town, I went to the room where Ryan was sleeping to check on Ronne.

When I entered the room, Ronne was sitting by Ryan’s side.

“Yuna?” (Ronne)

“How is Ryan?” (Yuna)

“He’s fine. We had a little conversation earlier. Since he’s a little exhausted, he’s just sleeping now.” (Ronne)

“Ronne, have you decided what you are going to do?” (Yuna)

“I’m leaving.” (Ronne)

Ronne answered without hesitation.

It seemed like she had already found the answer.

“Ronne-san…” (Yuna)

“People in this town don’t have a good impression of fairies.” (Ronne)

“It’s not like the others can see Ronne, you know…” (Yuna)

Without her partner’s magic, others could not see the fairy.

“Besides, I talked to Ryan earlier, and he said that he will live for this town to make up for what he, Bellung, and I did.” (Ronne)

Ryan apparently wanted to make amends to all three of them.

Ronne might be feeling responsible for this guy as well.

“If I stay by his side, I will only be getting in his way. After all, if word gets out about me being by his side, someone might come after him.” (Ronne)

Until now, Bellung was protecting Ronne.

But that Bellung was no longer around.

“Therefore, I am leaving this town. That’s what the residents want, and that’s what Ryan wants.” (Ronne)

Ronne touched Ryan’s cheek with her tiny hand.

“Besides, Ryan promised me that he would come see me when he was done making amends to the town, so it’s not like we’ll never see each other again.” (Ronne)

If Ronne and Ryan had made their decision, I would not interfere with it.

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