Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

Bear-San Fights Bellung Part 4

*Ryan’s PoV*

I could feel Ronne’s feelings.

Ronne was always crying.

I was tormented by the realization that I brought Ronne here.

I did not expect Bellung’s obsession with fairies to go this far.

I just wanted to make Bellung happy. But Bellung was jealous of me for being able to see fairies and wanted to make Ronne his own.

When I tried to make Ronne leave, Bellung refused.

He became angry and said that he would not allow such a thing.

And I was drugged and laid here for a long time. I couldn’t open my eyes or my mouth, but every once in a while, I would regain consciousness. Sometimes, I regain consciousness when Ronne was near me or when I felt a great emotional response from her.

But that was always when Ronne was crying.

I was unable to reach out to her, talk to her, or comfort her.

I would like to see Ronne’s face.

“Ryan.” (Ronne)

She was crying again today.

“My sister came looking for me. She asked me to come home with her. But I said terrible things and turned her away.” (Ronne)

“I can’t go home with her.” (Ronne)

“Primme would be in danger if I left with her.” (Ronne)

“I think Bellung will come after me.” (Ronne)

“Well, listen, Primme’s partner is dressed as a bear. But she is a lovely girl.” (Ronne)

Ronne narrated what happened that day. Sometimes happily, sometimes sadly.

“But it was nice to see Primme one last time.” (Ronne)

It wasn’t the last time. I wanted to tell her they would see each other again.

However, I couldn’t even speak those words.

Ronne was sad, but I couldn’t do anything to help her.

I gradually fell asleep, as if sinking into the depths of darkness, and my consciousness was vanishing.

Ronne…I’m sorry.

A shock of pain suddenly struck my body.

I was awakened again.

I could hear Ronne’s voice.

It appeared that Ronne’s sister came to attempt to rescue Ronne with somebody.

It might be her sister Primme’s partner, the girl dressed as a bear that I heard the other day.

They then started to take me away with them but gave up when I started to suffer.

This room was designed to channel the magic of the inhabitants of the town to me, Ronne, and Bellung.

The effective range was within this room. If I moved further away, I would not be able to receive the magic power, but Bellung would continue unilaterally to take magic power away from me. Therefore, I could not leave this mansion without Bellung’s permission.

The fact that they have abandoned the idea of carrying me away eases the bitterness.

Ronne, just abandon me and run far away with your sister.

I wish I could tell her that, but I could not. fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

Then I heard a knight of the mansion appear, and a girl named Yuna, who came to help Ronne, decided to fight.

The girl was fighting the Knight to get me and Ronne out.

If the girl were to die, I would not be able to forgive myself.

Please, just leave me and take Ronne and run away.

In vain, I could hear nothing but the sound of the Knight and the girl, fighting.

Then, while the knight and the girl were talking, Bellung appeared, and I knew that he had killed the knight.

For Bellung, now I have nothing but hate.

I could not forgive Bellung for causing Ronne to suffer.

He trampled on my kindness and Ronne’s kindness.

Bellung also had his eyes on the girl named Yuna, who could see Primme, Ronne’s sister.

And he wanted the girl for himself.

I didn’t want the girl to be like me.

I wanted her to escape.

But she agreed to fight.

Then Bellung said that they would be moving to another place to fight to prevent the destruction of this room.

I did not care about myself anymore. Destroy this room, kill me, and take Ronne with you.


Just kill me.

No one could hear me.

The room became empty and quiet.

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How much time had passed since then?

No one returned.

At that moment, a large amount of magic power flowed into my body.

I had experienced this once in the past.

Bellung would only do this when he urgently required a surge of magic power.

Magic power entered and left my body at the same time.

It hurts. I could feel Ronne’s pain as well.

I wanted to run to her immediately but couldn’t move my body.

What is happening?

As the flow of magic power subsided, I noticed a strange sensation.

My eyelids, which I was unable to open before, opened.

I was inside the room. Perhaps the enormous flow of magic power at once woke me up?

However, when I tried to get up, my body didn’t move.

How long have I been asleep?

I have no sense of time, so I didn’t know.

All I could feel was Ronne’s feeling of anxiety.

Please, please move.

I put effort into it, but I could barely move at all.

I could not walk, nor could I stand up.

I wanted to go to Ronne.

Just then, I heard someone coming down the stairs.

“What is it? What is this room?”

“Hey, what’s this cloth?”



“Captain… he’s dead.”

“How could he be dead in a place like this?”

“I don’t know. This place is off-limits, the door is always locked. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, but…”

“But the lock is broken, and the door is open, so I just came to check what happened here.”

“Let’s just get out of here.”

Wait, please don’t go.

I moved my body.

“Hey, there’s a guy over there…”

He noticed me.

“Is he dead?”

“I don’t know.”

A man and a woman approached me.

“Is this man…?”

“This is Ryan-san.”

I recognized him. A knight and a servant woman in the service of this mansion.

“How did he end up here, in a place like this, looking like this?” (Knight)

I tried to open my mouth, but my voice wouldn’t come out.

“Ryan-san, are you okay?” (Maid)

“Water…!” (Ryan)

“Ryan-san, wait a minute.” (Knight)

The knight magically created water and poured it into my mouth.

The water quickly went down my throat.

“Thank, you, thank you.” (Ryan)

My voice was raspy, but I was able to speak.

“Are you all right?” (Knight)

“Why are you here?” (Maid)

The room shook.

“We’ll talk later, but for now, let’s get out of here.” (Ryan)

“I know, Ryan-san, I’ll carry you on my back.” (Knight)

The man helped me up, and with the help of the woman, he put me on his back.

“Thank… thank you.” (Ryan)

“For now, I’m going to leave the room, so please hold on tight.” (Knight)

I grabbed onto his shoulders with all my strength, trying not to fall off.

That was all I could do.

The man took one look at the dead man on the floor before walking up the stairs.

“What the heck happened to you?” (Knight)

I could not answer that question at the moment.

The only thing I could think of was the uneasy feeling Ronne was conveying.

*Yuna’s PoV*

Bellung’s power was getting stronger and stronger.

He was moving at an unbelievable speed for a human, unleashing powerful magic when he was far away, and attacking with his mithril sword when I closed the distance.

Bellung gathered the magic power of the town’s inhabitants and was further strengthened by Ronne’s power.

I, on the other hand, was strengthened by bear magic.

I wondered if his supply of magic power siphoned from the local residents or if my own power would run out first.

Our mithril weapons collided.

Bellung staggered, but he quickly got back up.

I might believe him if he said he was no longer human.

“Yuna!” (Primme)

Primme looked at me, concerned.

“It’s my fault. Don’t fight anymore.” (Ronne)

“Ronne…” (Yuna)

“Yuna, thank you for fighting for me, thank you for letting me see Primme.” (Ronne)

She looked at me with a look of realization, of having made up her mind to do something.

“What are you thinking about?” (Yuna)

I asked, anxiously.

“I didn’t have the courage to die.” (Ronne)

Ronne pulled out something small.

A knife!

“I should have done this from the beginning.” (Ronne)

Next, Ronne gripped the knife-like object with both hands and swung it down towards her throat.

I was too far away to do anything. Thankfully, Primme, who was nearby, reacted first and stopped her in time.

“Sis!” (Primme)

I could see what looked like blood flowing from Primme’s tiny hands.

She was holding something that looked like a tiny knife, which Ronne was holding.

“Primme…” (Ronne)

“Sis, stop. Why should my sister have to die for that man? It’s not your fault.” (Primme)

“No, it’s because I helped Bellung with his research.” (Ronne)

“That was for your partner, Ryan, wasn’t it?” (Primme)

Ronne liked Ryan.

I could tell just by listening to her talk.

She was helping out for the sake of that favorite Ryan.

“Primme is right, Ronne is not the one who should die. I won’t say that Ronne doesn’t have any sin. But you simply had no choice and were at the mercy of that man, and you were only helping him to protect Ryan.” (Yuna)

There was nothing wrong with making others unhappy to protect someone you care about.

But sometimes, that would be the only path you could take and you would have no choice but to move forward.

Even if it was a path you didn’t want to take.

There were times in this world when choices were not available.

“Yuna…” (Ronne)

“I know… you were probably thinking how I am going to defeat Bellung, right?” (Yuna)

“No, I don’t think you can win. And even if you can, the people of this town will be in trouble because of me. Please, let me die…” (Ronne)

“Sis…” (Primme)

Things ended up this way because I was trying not to kill people as my mind refused to commit to it.

Even now, I remain perplexed by the thought of killing someone.

As a person who had lived a normal life before coming to this world, I never had the nerve to kill people, even when I had the power to do so. It was not easy to change my mind and kill someone just because I arrived in this new world.

That only happens in mangas and novels. I never had the instincts to do so.

But if I did not kill Bellung here, no one would be saved.

While my heart wavered, a voice answered.

“What’s going on here?”

A man and a woman come out from the mansion.

They wore the clothes of a Knight and a maid. And there was someone with them piggybacking on the Knight’s back.

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