Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 284: Rather Be the Concubine of a Hero than the Wife of Someone Mediocre

Chapter 284: Rather Be the Concubine of a Hero than the Wife of Someone Mediocre

Qin Wanru sneered inside. This woman finally revealed her true intentions! That servant or slave whatever were all a pretense. With Qiu Honglei’s status, it was completely impossible.

This was her true objective.

She came all the way inside Chu estate to steal another person’s man. Absolutely preposterous!

Qin Wanru forcefully suppressed her anger. She didn’t act out on the spot, instead giving Zu An a big smile. “Our Chu clan has always been a reasonable clan. We have never relied on our authority to push around the common people. That is why this will mainly depend on Ah Zu himself, whether he is willing or not.”

She didn’t want the Chu clan’s reputation to be tarnished either. This was a mess he made, so he should clean it up himself.

“Sure, I’m willing. Why would I be?” Zu An blurted out. With this type of beautiful courtesan queen taking the initiative to free herself and become his concubine, why would he refuse? Just call me the king of moochers in the future!

Wait, why does this sound like I’m criticizing myself?

Even though he didn’t mind mooching off of women, his argument with Qin Wanru last time made him realize that the status of a live-in son-in-law really was too low. He was completely an attachment to the clan, unprotected by the different rules.

I should get rid of this status as soon as possible.

Besides, I’m so handsome, and I can still mooch off girls if I change my status… Ah! Pah pah pah! What mooching off women?

I’m so handsome, so suave, girls with money and beauty are naturally drawn to me! How am I wrong here?

Qin Wanru: “….”

You have successfully trolled Qin Wanru for +666 Rage!

She originally thought that Zu An would find some excuse to reject her. In her opinion no man would give up the revered and similarly beautiful Chu Chuan for some brothel girl, even if it was a courtesan queen who bewitched countless men.

She would then use this chance to ease the situation.

But this guy just refused to behave like a normal person!

As a duchess, how could she be shameless enough to go back on her world?

While she was stuck in a dilemma, Chu Chuyan suddenly spoke out.

“I don’t agree!”

Chu Zhongtian and Qin Wanru were both surprised. Their daughter actually straight up opposed this!

Chu Zhongtian was one thing, but Qin Wanru knew about some things between the two. Don’t tell me my daughter really likes Zu An?

Her goddess-like daughter and the extremely famous Qiu Honglei were both chasing after the same man! Those who didn’t know about the details might really think that this man was some incredible person.

But what virtue or ability did this Zu An have?

You have successfully trolled Qin Wnaru for +233 Rage!

Qiu Honglei gave her a surprised look. “Why is first miss Chu opposing this? According to what I heard, the two of you are actually not that close. Ah Zu’s status in your clan is also extremely low, so continuing this will only torment both parties.”

Zu An sighed inside. This woman is taking the words straight out of my mouth!

If I didn’t know this woman has a hidden agenda, I might really be moved to tears!

“Did Zu An tell you these things?” Chu Chuyan’s expression was a bit awful.

You have successfully trolled Chu Chuyan for +587 Rage!

Zu An inwardly thought that his wife really was angry this time. She didn’t even call him Ah Zu.

Qiu Honglei shook her head. “How could a wonderful man like Ah Zu talk behind others’ backs like this? These are things that he doesn’t even need to say, things everyone in Brightmoon City are aware of.”

Wonderful man?

Chu Zhongtian and Qin Wanru both had strange looks on their faces. Did she not know what these two words mean?

Chu Chuyan’s mind instead trembled. Actually, she had an inkling that this was the case, but she subconsciously chose to avoid thinking about it.

But when she heard this from the mouth of another, only then did she realize just how wronged Ah Zu had been during this time, how much others looked down on him.

“Who said that our relationship isn’t good?” Chu Chuyan felt greater and greater guilt when she thought of these things. She grabbed Zu An and latched onto his arm. “We’ve gone through life and death trials and tribulations in the Ursae Dungeon, our affection for each other far closer than you could imagine. Isn’t that right, Ah Zu?”

Even though she had a smile on her face, her other hand pinched him in the waist, reminding him to watch his mouth.

Chu Zhongtian was completely stunned when he saw how close his daughter was with Zu An. He subconsciously looked towards his wife, his eyes full of confusion: Is there something I don’t know about?

How could he have expected that Qin Wanru was just as surprised. This didn’t match her daughter’s nature at all!

Sensing the hostility around him, Zu An said with a smile, “Indeed, us husband and wife feel incredible affection for each other. I really don’t want to leave my wife! Honglei, I fear that you have no choice but to become a concubine.”

With his personality, how could he give up such a great chance?

He reached out a hand to hold Chu Chuyan’s waist as he said this. Oh man, this is what I was missing!

Chu Chuyan’s entire body went rigid when she noticed his actions. She was so tense it was as if she would immediately blow up.

But she still didn’t say anything in the end. She pursed her lips and relaxed her entire body.

Chu Zhongtian and Qin Wanru almost spat out when they heard Zu An straight up ask Qiu Honglei to become a concubine. This guy’s shamelessness really was in a class of its own!

But they quickly noticed what was happening between those two as well. They stared at that hand around their daughter’s waist. When they saw that she didn’t show any signs of resistance, they couldn’t help but exchange a look. Did their daughter and this man already become true husband and wife?

Chu Zhongtian actually treated Zu An kindly and politely normally, but that was only because of his self-restraint. When he thought about how his precious daughter had been toyed with by a swine, that feeling of gloominess and dejectedness was something all fathers could sympathize with.

You have successfully trolled Chu Zhongtian for +211 Rage!

Comparatively speaking, Qin Wanru was actually a bit better off. After all, she already heard from her daughter about the naked treatments, so she had a bit of mental preparation.

Qiu Honglei looked at these two that were glued together, a faintly discernible smile appearing on the corners of her lips. “Honglei is definitely not the type of shameless and brazen girl who wishes to break up families…”

Qin Wanru immediately scoffed inwardly when she heard these words. Isn’t that exactly who you are?

Chu Chuyan’s face also became cold. Her mood was clearly not that great either.

Qiu Honglei said, “Since Ah Zu isn’t willing to leave miss Chu and I don’t want to be away from you either, then I guess I’ll become miss Chu’s younger sister. I wonder if first miss Chu is willing?”

“I already have a younger sister!” Chu Chuyan wanted to directly refuse her, but her rationality still won out when she thought about the Chu clan’s current predicament. She coldly added, “If I say that I am not willing, will lady Qiu choose to not tell us about young master Wang’s whereabouts?”

“Big sis Chu’s words really make me feel a bit ashamed. However, people like us tormented by fate only wish to seek that one true love in our lives, so we can’t help but use some methods. I hope big sis doesn’t mind.”

Chu Chuyan still felt a bit uncomfortable. This girl even directly called her big sis!

You have successfully trolled Chu Chuyan for +369 Rage!

She took a deep breath, and then said with an overcast voice, “Lady Qiu’s prestige is renown. There are too many men who are willing to make you their main wife. Wouldn’t you feel a bit wronged if you become our Zu An’s concubine?”

Even she was a bit baffled. No matter how outstanding Ah Zu was, he was but the lowest live-in son-in-law. Just what was she plotting?

“I won’t feel wronged!” Qiu Honglei turned around and gave Zu An a sincere look. “I would rather become the concubine of a hero than the wife of someone mediocre! If I can become Ah Zu’s woman, then that would be the greatest blessing of my lifetime! How can I call this being wronged?”

Chu Chuyan: “……”

Chu Zhongtian: “……”

Qin Wanru: “……”

Zu An was the only one struggling to hold back his laughter like an idiot.

Chu Chuyan’s face became gloomy. Only after remaining silent for a while did she say, “I have a question I wish to ask lady Qiu about. Just how did you find out about young master Wang’s whereabouts? After all, our Chu clan couldn’t find him even after moving out all of our men.”

“Is big sis suspecting that I was the one who sent out men to kidnap young master Wang? Where would Honglei get the courage to do this type of thing?” Qiu Honglei smiled. “It is just that everyone has their own methods. Our Immortal Abode has all types of guests, so the flow of information is a bit faster than other places. I just happened to pick up this piece of information as well.”

Chu Chuyan nodded, finding her explanation still acceptable. “Fine, I agree with letting you join our household. When the time comes, the Chu clan will also send people to pay the fee to bring you out of Immortal Abode and formally take you in. You can tell us where young master Wang is now, right?”

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