Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 851 - Enter Into The Giant Demon's Stomach

"Yuechan, what do you think, by using the Heavenly Armor, I can enter this demon's body?" Ye Chen asked Chu Yuechan for advice, he wanted to know whether or not he could enter the body of a giant demon using Heavenly Armor.

"If you fully use the Heavenly Armor on your body, the chances of you doing that are quite large." Chu Yuechan said that Ye Chen could possibly enter safely if he used Heavenly Armor on his entire body.

Heavenly Armor is a Heavenly Tier artifact, if Ye Chen uses Heavenly Tier, he will be very difficult to injure by the Giant Demon.

"Very good, then let's start the plan." After hearing Chu Yuechan's words, Ye Chen decided to immediately carry out his plan.

"Yanyan, I will destroy this Tornado, after this Tornado is gone you immediately attack the Demon with all your strength, after you do that immediately retreat to a safe place" Ye Chen started telling Zhao Yanyan what he should do.

"Fine, I will do as you say" Zhao Yanyan immediately nodded to Ye Chen, she would immediately do what Ye Chen just said.

"Very good." Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction at Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Yanyan was really very easy to work with him.

Ye Chen immediately went to the core of this Tornado, intending to destroy this tornado from its core.

Every technique had a weakness, this included the tornado currently confining Ye Chen and Zhao Yanyan, this tornado must have a weakness that Ye Chen could use to destroy it.

"Found" After searching for a while, Ye Chen finally found the core of the Tornado, if Ye Chen broke this core, then this Tornado would immediately vanish.

" Sky wind Law" , Ye Chen used Sky wind Law to break the core of the Tornado, this is the only way to break this Tornado..

An extremely powerful blast of wind shot out from Ye Chen's body, this blast of wind blew away the wind within the Tornado.

When the core of the foundation held by the Tornado collapsed, the Tornado immediately disappeared into thin air.

" What ! ! ! " The Giant Demon was quite surprised when he saw the Tornado he had made disappear, he had no idea what had happened, why did the Tornado he made suddenly disappear like this.

"Yanyan, now" Ye Chen told Zhao Yanyan to attack the Giant Demon right now.

Zhao Yanyan understood, he immediately attacked the Giant Demon with all the strength she had.

As thousands of swords of light began to form around Zhao Yanyan's body, Zhao Yanyan immediately turned all of these blades of light towards the Giant Demon.

The Giant Demon was completely unprepared for the attack that came from Zhao Yanyan, because it was not ready for the attack that came from Zhao Yanyan, he had to accept Zhao Yanyan's attack which was very painful.

"Arghh, it hurts." The Giant Demon started to roar in pain, its mouth opened very wide as it roared in pain.

This was Ye Chen's chance to enter, he shouldn't waste any more time.

Ye Chen opened his wind veins again, instantly Ye Chen's speed increased very rapidly.

Ye Chen immediately flew into the Giant Demon's mouth, when Ye Chen was about to enter the Giant Demon's stomach, Ye Chen immediately wore the Heavenly Armor around his body, a very cool Armor with 10 wings made of golden light.

After wearing the Heavenly Armor on his body, Ye Chen was no longer afraid when he entered the Giant Demon's body, he was very confident when he fully used the Heavenly Armor on his body.

"Husband, I wish you success." Zhao Yanyan could only pray for Ye Chen's success.

Zhao Yanyan hoped that Ye Chen could defeat this Giant Demon, after completing her task, Zhao Yanyan decided to retreat to a place that was a little safer, here it was too dangerous for him.

Using the Heavenly Armor on his body, Ye Chen easily entered the Giant Demon's body which was dark and damp like a cave.

Luckily, Ye Chen got the light from the golden light wings on his back, using this, Ye Chen could clearly see everything around this place.

Around this place it is very dirty, there are lots of rubble and rubble scattered everywhere, it looks like this Giant Demon swallowed all these things into its stomach.

"This place is really very dirty, who wants to live in a place like this" Ye Chen said that this place is so dirty, there is no way anyone would want to live in a dirty place like this.

"This is a demon's stomach, who wants to live in a place like this." Chu Yuechan began to shake his head.

This is the stomach of a demon, that is so terrifying, who would want to live in a place like the stomach of a terrifying like demon.

"Roar", When Chu Yuechan had just finished saying her words, there were several small magical beasts appearing among the rubble, it seemed that these magical beasts were the inhabitants of this place.

"-_-" Chu Yuechan did not expect that in this place there would be a horde of magical beasts, what was the actually doing Magical Beast Hordein the stomach of a Giant Demon, were they all swallowed up by a giant demon or something.

"Hooo, so it turns out. There are also magical beasts living in this place, it's interesting. "Ye Chen was a little surprised when he saw that there were several magical beasts living in the Giant Demon's stomach.

These magical beasts are quite powerful because they can survive in the stomach of monsters like Giant Demons.

These magical beasts looked at Ye Chen, they all considered Ye Chen to be a very dangerous enemy.

In view of the aura which is owned by Magical Beast in this place,  be can sure that the Magical Beast in this place have the power of darkness.

So when they saw the Heavenly Armor that wearing Ye Chen was, all of the Magical Beasts felt very threatened by Ye Chen's Heavenly Armor.

"Human how dare you enter my body, my pet can quickly kill this intruder" Giant Demon spoke to Ye Chen, he even ordered the Magical Beast who was inside to kill Ye Chen.

The Giant Demon really felt nauseous and sick when he felt the radiance emitted by the Heavenly Armor, this really made the Demon very uncomfortable.

"Oh, so this magical beast is your pet, then I will kill them all" Ye Chen wanted to kill all the magical beasts in this place.

The magical beasts who were in this place growled louder at Ye Chen, it seemed they all understood what Ye Chen had just said.

"Are you mad at me, if you are angry go ahead" Ye Chen challenged all the magical beasts that were in this place.

When Ye Chen just finished his words, all the Magical Beasts who were in this place immediately rushed towards Ye Chen, they looked like they wanted to attack and kill Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled when he saw this, it seems like it will be easier than he thought.

The magical beasts in this place were quite stupid, they were easily provoked by Ye Chen's fiery words.

The Magical Beast horde that was in this place immediately headed towards Ye Chen, they all intended to gang up on Ye Chen.

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