Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 386: Where Are They And What Are They Doing? Part 2

Chapter 386: Where Are They And What Are They Doing? Part 2

Eastern Azure Dragon Continent, Yin Moon Palace:

Su Ya–whose hair was now white and black–was in a deep cultivation state as she closed her eyes. She constructed a deep and elaborate illusion. She separated the illusion into two layers:

In one of them was a version of her with cultivation while the other layer was a mortal. However, in both layers, the two versions of Su Ya will undergo catastrophe after catastrophe, and their only purpose is to survive.

She created elaborate ways for her two selves to die over and over. And every time they found a way to survive the current catastrophe, another one would appear and the process would repeat itself.

During her cultivation, the death in the illusion resulted in her actual death in real life. However, the Heavenly Dao Protection would activate itself and brought her back to life and in perfect shape.

This was the way that Su Ya was created to cultivate one of the 6 Desires: the desire to survive.

After an unknown amount of time, she opened her eyes and exhaled deeply. Her eyes flashed with brilliance as she seemed to have gained greatly in her retreat.

"Come in."

A few seconds later, a beautiful maid walked into the room and bowed to Su Ya.

"Did you get what I asked for?"

"Yes, young lady," replied the maid as she handed her a book to her. Su Ya took the book and frowned after seeing the title: [Bloodline Curse]. A while ago, she felt that an important fortunate encounter awaited her.

However, she was in the middle of something and could not go, so she sent the Elders of the Yin Moon Palace to fetch it for her. However, based on the title, it did not seems as important as her intuition told her.

She opened the book and read through it quickly.

"How vicious," commented Su Ya once she was done, nevertheless, she was slightly disappointed as this spell was too circumstantial in terms of use or application. However, it did offer her some new insight into using "despair" as an emotion, so this was a silver lining.

"Where is Jian Wushuang?" asked Su Ya after putting the book away.

"The last we saw him was a few days ago in the south area after he had a Sword-Fight with a sword cultivator of the last generation."

"When you discover his location, tell me."

"Young Lady, are you going to fight with him again."

Su Ya nodded her head before beginning a conversation with the maid regarding all the information she has gathered about the location and doings of the other Heaven Chosens.

In the southern area of the Eastern Continent, inside a cave dugout on a snowy mountain. Jian Wushuang had his eyes closed. A terrifying sword intent emanating from his body, but it was not affecting the cave because of how well-controlled it was.

He was reviewing all the battles he had over the years, thus tempering his sword realm. He then used all his accumulation to create a new sword technique: the Infinite Sword Slash.

An attack that could grow without limit

After an unknown amount of time, the sword was created and Jian Wushuang felt a sublimation; it was if he had crossed some kind of threshold.

He opened his eyes and waved his hand. A sword Qi was in his hand and a smile appeared on Jian Wushuang's eyes. Although he did not succeed in creating an attack that could grow without limit, this new infinite sword qi also had a growable characteristic.

Whether it was in battle or just with time, it will slowly grow on its own. And by the time of the Heaven Will Battle, Jian Wushuang could not fathom how powerful it will be then.

A confident smile appeared on his face. What he did not realize was that the moment he created that sword qi, weird fluctuation came from this body and blended with Heaven and Earth.

That fluctuation did not affect the world not alert anyone as only two people noticed it.

A few domains away, a young Taoist priest dressed in blue robes with a yin-yang symbol on it was walking. With each step, he traveled thousands of miles away.

Suddenly, the young Taoist stopped in looked in the direction of the South. His eyes turned blue and red as the Yin-Yang Symbol flashed inside to replace his pupils.

"This change in Heaven and Earth, another Outlaw was born? Who could it be?" muttered the young Taoist who was Feng Heng, or Shi Fuyu turning into Feng Heng. His eyes seemed to evolve the truth of the world as he found the answer to his question.

"Jian Wushuang?" Then he shook his head while muttering. "At least he's not a Supreme Outlaw and has a chance at passing and living."

Feng Heng was wondering what was wrong with this generation. Outlaws are very rare individuals, and yet, in this generation along, there are three of two; well, four if you count that anomaly Di Tian.

However, he did not care about these things now as he had to focus on his own thing. After cultivating the [Absolute Beginning Dao Art], he had already completed the basis for his Tao Buddhism Path.

As long as he becomes a Great Emperor, he can trace the beginning of Buddhism that was cut off and slightly modified what happened and ensure that his Tao Buddhism was not affected, thus allowing him to spread it to the world.

Although Feng Heng would like to completely remove that magic, he knew that it might not be possible even if he became an Eternal Emperor so he was satisfied with his current plan.

However, there are a few more things needed for his plan to work; he needed a treasure to condense the luck of Tao Buddhism and bind it with the luck of Taoism; that way, they will be one.

As long as one prospers, the other will also. As long as one declined, the other will as well.

Feng Heng was searching all over the world to find such a unique treasure needed for his task, and he did not know whether he would succeed. But, he would not give up so easily when he was so close to achieving his mission.

Central Continent, Great Wu Dynasty:

Sun Jiaolong was wearing a black dragon robe while sitting on a throne; the majesty of a ruler emanated from his body as he looked at his subordinate who was lowering his head and not dare look at him.

"Did you find it?"

"Your highness, please forgive my incompetence the Northern Continent is vast and it will take some time."

"What about the talisman that I gave you?"

"It only showed vague responses."

"Continue searching. Use as many resources as needed but be discrete," said Sun Jiaolong as he dismissed the latter; he did not blame him for his failure as he knew that it was not an easy task.

Sun Jiaolong knew the current situation he was in. The Human Destiny Sword has too much significance for the cultivators of the Myriad Emperor World and will not be allowed to be in anyone's hands.

Especially in this generation where an Eternal Emperor might appear, the importance of the sword is too important. The only reason that the sword is still in his hand is because of a temporary compromise by the Emperor Lineages.

Let the younger generation decide the fate of the sword. In other words, the final winner of this generation's Heaven Will will be the final owner of this sword.

Knowing this, Sun Jiaolong has to prepare beforehand.

Endless Void, Wu Hong sat cross-legged in her Void Boat heading somewhere; she was heading to a place called the Extremity Sea, which was located at the end of the world.

Most cultivators know that the Endless Void is infinite, and to some extent, that is true. However, that rule only applied to the weak. As long as someone is powerful enough, they can reach the end of the Endless Void.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked in a direction.

"Has Wang Wei's tribulation begun?"

After acquiring Dao Monarch Qianwu's inheritance, she wanted to return to the Myriad Emperor World. However, she suddenly had a whim and wanted to check the Extremity Sea.

As powerful as she was, she knew that something or someone had used the power of Cause and Effect to guide her there, and one of the reasons for that was they did not want her to intervene in Wang Wei's tribulations.

Even knowing this, she still took the bait.

The path of cultivation was not an easy one. As cultivation is a process of defying the heavens, cultivators usually have to undergo many tribulations in their lives.

And so far, Wang Wei's path has been too smooth, and was about to suffer his first real tribulation. And Wu Hong will not intervene as this was something that every cultivator had to do.

During her Emperor Path, her entire life was full of tribulations and this is the reason she became so powerful. And if Wang Wei were to fail, all she had to do is ensure that a part of his soul entered reincarnation and start all over again.

Wu Hong stood up from the ground as she had arrived at her destination. As she looked at Extremity Sea in front of her, a deep frown appeared. The entire place was now covered in a silver-grey fog.

From her memories, this should not be the case. Although she expected major changes to this timeline, she did not think it would be this great.

As she looked at the fog, she frowned for two reasons: one, she could not find the origin or any information whatsoever from this fog. Not only from her memories but with her power, she could not find anything.

The other odd thing was that the fog seemed very familiar to her: it gave her a very intimate feeling.

(This volume will end in a few chapters.)

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