Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 366 - Heavy Responsibility

Chapter 366 - Heavy Responsibility

After hearing Ao Shen's words, the chameleon did not hesitate to hand over a small bronze boat to him that seemed to have many cracks on the surface.

This small boat was the reason he was able to break through the array of the Dao Opening Sect and Wang Wei's Quasi-Emperor Void Blocking Talisman. Although he knew how valuable such a treasure was, he did not dare steal it.

After receiving the boat, Ao Shen nodded in satisfaction before saying: "I know that you are the only True Monarch of your Chameleon Tribe. After what you did today, the Tribal Council will reward you and your tribes greatly."

The Chameleon Chief bowed politely before rapidly exiting the room. Ao Shen just glanced at him before focusing on the vial of blood. After one last look, he placed it into his space ring.

He could not absorb it now as this would bring visions between Heaven and Earth. And once that happened, the human race might discover him. Then, he took out a small golden orb while in deep thought.

After succeeding in his bloodline transformation, Ao Shen not only inherited the surname "Ao" but also inherited a cultivation technique, a few Divine Abilities, and memories of ancient times.

In these memories, he learned many secrets regarding the reason that the Null Era occurred: the battle between Acquire and Innate Lifes that spread to countless Heaven Will Worlds.

A battle that covered the entire lower dimension.

One secret was particularly important to him. He learned that Innate Lifes could not absorb the Heaven Will to become Great Emperors.

After getting that information, Ao Shen was worried thinking that all the efforts of their demon race were for nothing. However, after digging deeper, he realized that things were not as simple as he previously thought.

The reason that Innate Lifes could not absorb the Heaven Will was not that they were born from Heaven and Earth; it was because of Heavenly Dao. During the [Innate-Acquire War], every single individual, every single race, every single world has to choose a side: there was no exception–including Heavenly Dao.

The Myriad Emperor World–which was the place the entire war originated–was the first world to choose a side: it chose Acquired Life. As a result of this, Innate Lifeforms could not absorb the Heaven Will.

At the pinnacle of the war, Great Emperors and Innate Demon Gods did whatever possible to convince the Heavenly Dao of Heaven Will Worlds to choose their side.

The Innate Demon Gods were fascinated by the prospect of becoming a Great Emperor and having access to the Grand Dao Source. Adding to that their already heaven-defying bloodlines, those Innate Great Emperors were cream of the top.

By the end of the war, only a few Heavenly Dao could still remain neutral.

After thinking about this, Ao Shen frowned as he muttered: "Heavenly Dao is ruthless and the epitome of indifference; it is only a bunch of laws designed to operate the world in a standard and controlled manner.

"How could it choose a side? Although it can have some slight favoritism to something or someone, only if they benefit the entire world as a whole.

"Unless it gained sentience! However, if that was true, the Myriad Emperor World would be completely different than it currently was. Additionally, many Great Emperors would have noticed if it had gained sentience."

After pondering for a few minutes and not coming up with an answer, Ao Shen did not continue on the subject. Once he is more powerful he can find the answer to these secrets.

According to his plans, as long as he has enough Merit, Heavenly Dao should not stop him from accepting the Heaven Will. The question is how to get enough merit.

As he had more important things to do, Ao Shen places these thoughts at the back of his head. He looked at the cracked boat in his hand after putting the golden light away.

"It's time for me to leave."

He rushed to a secret room inside the mansion and activated a formation. A door appeared and Ao Shen stepped into it. A few seconds later, he found himself in a small world with a few people waiting for him.

They were the Four Head Chiefs: Golden Lion Chieftess, Battle Ape Chief, Golden Roc Chief, and Black Tiger Chief.

"Did you succeed?" asked the Golden Lion Chieftess, to which, Ao Shen replied simply by nodding his head.

A peaceful smile appeared on her face before handing him two things: one ring and a jade talisman. Ao Shen used his Divine Sense to check the space ring and a slight surprise flashed across his eyes.

Inside was a very large space full of white mountains. However, these were not real mountains but ones made of origin source.

"The origin source is mainly for you as an energy source for the Immortal Bronze Boat. However, there should be more than enough for you to cultivate for a while after you arrived."

Ao Shen nodded as he guessed that the Chiefs must have blackmailed the Golden Crow Tribe to get so many resources. The demon race was too poor to use so much on him.

"You should be able to arrive at the closest World Community to ours with no problem," said the chieftess. "The talisman contained some basic information of the Heaven Will World known as Martial Hegemony World that led the world community."

She paused for a moment, then a determined light flashed in her eyes.

"No one will go to serve as your Dao Protector. As probably the only True Dragon existing in the lower dimension, you will be sought after by any world.

"So, be prepared to be enemy of the entire world and be constantly hunted down."

Ao Shen was not surprised by this decision; this was the best way to temper himself into a truly terrifying Heaven Chosen. During all the life and death battles, he can grow rapidly.

And if he survives, no, when he survives, he will reach his full potential.

So, he looked at the things handed to him. Ao Shen could guess that the Golden Crow Tribe would not give all these origin sources. Most likely, the council paid 50 to 60% of it.

And with the current situation of the demon race, this was a very large number.

So, he sighed internally. Thinking about how many people were relying on him for the future, Ao Shen felt a heavy burden placed on his shoulder.

'No matter what, I must survive and come back; I must become an Eternal Emperor.'

With a determined look, he activated the bronze boat and began his voyage to another World Community.

"Chieftess, is it really alright to sent him away without any Dao Protector?" asked the Black Tiger Chief. "After all, even Dao Ancestors and Immortal Venerables will be interested in an Innate Demon."

"You don't have to worry about this. Many Dao Ancestors and Immortal Venerables of our race have secretly planted savings means on him–although they will only activate in case someone of the same level acted on him."

"What about lower levels? What if he dies at the hands of other Heaven Chosens in the Martial Hegemony World?"

"Then he is not the destined one we have been waiting for," replied the Golden Lion Chieftess calmly.

"If he cannot survive this experience, it can only mean that he does not have the luck to become an Emperor."

Inside a cave, Wang Wei suddenly opened his eyes and sighed deeply. He looked at his Sea of Consciousness with a frown. He had just tried to combine his Chaos Flame with his Good Fortune Flame in an attempt to refine his soul into a Primordial Spirit.

But he failed.

"In the end, I still have to rely on the Origin Pill Flame Scripture. Hopefully, my plan works otherwise things will get complicated and troublesome."

He then checked the Communication Talisman that he received from his third senior sister telling him that it was time to leave. Apparently, the True Monarchs of the Origin Pill Dao Sect were leaving and it was not safe to stay here alone.

After taking notes on the meeting location she sent him, he checked the talisman from his clone. It mainly contained information about his encounter with Huo Fenghuang, the memories of their battles and interactions, and his analysis of her.

For once, the clone was not lazy and did some work.

Once he was done, Wang Wei turned back into Lou Cheng before flying away to meet the rest of the group. Thirty minutes later, he arrived at the place where everybody first entered the Secret Realm.

He saw the boat belonging to the Origin Pill Dao Sect waiting for him. As he landed near the boat, he first noticed that the number of people coming back had drastically decreased.

Most likely dead.

And if someone paid close attention, they would realize that the majority of these casualties were people from Fu Caiyun's faction.

'It seems that the sect did a great job.'

Originally, Wang Wei wanted to kill these people himself but soon realized that it would be easier to be detected if it was him.. So, he contacted his Fate Shadow to do the dirty work for him.

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