Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 263: Battle of the Top 3 (II)

Lin Fan knew that his injuries this time were truly severe, after all, it was his heart that was attacked. However, he was not that worried. Not because of how powerful his fleshly body is, but because of the string of Chaos Qi that the Academy gave him--which was located inside his heart.

And he was right. Soon after, a mysterious power came from his heart and healed it. Nevertheless, Lin Fan was not happy as he could see a red flame slowly appearing inside his Sea of Consciousness.

Immediately, he used his spiritual power or soul power to try to extinguish the flame, but it was of no use. On the contrary, his action seemed to fasten the growth of the red flame.

Lin Fan then looked at Su Ya and said: "What did you do to me?"

The latter sneered before answering: "Don’t you like to play with flame? Then enjoy my [Flame of Anger]."

After a few seconds, the flame turned from a small ember to a raging forest fire. As for Lin Fan, he immediately found himself in deep trouble. He felt a wave of overwhelming anger slowly occupying his mind; it was as if every time he ever felt the emotion "anger" in his century-long life was condensed into a single moment. And he was experiencing it all at once.

No, it might not just be the anger he felt in his life, but also the ones he will feel in the future. Although that sounded impossible, that was how he felt.

Although he tried to resist this immense amount of emotion, it was futile. Soon, his mind was overtaken, and Lin Fan lost consciousness.

A powerful and bestial roar echoed throughout the entire arena, making many of the audience members shuttered. This roar was primal, containing no emotion or reason--except for the desire to destroy everything in its path.

So, that’s exactly what Lin Fan did. Countless shapes made of Chaos Thunder-Flame manifested around him: there were swords, dragons, phoenixes, Pagodas, figures of the Academy’s Great Emperors, etc.

Then, they started to bomb the entire arena indiscriminately. Hundreds if not thousands of explosions similar to nuclear explosions occurred in the arena. Mushroom clouds were everywhere the eyes could see. Powerful shock waves created by these attacks, creating even more damage.

The array surrounding the arena was quickly activated to prevent the audience from being affected. However, the entire formation was shaking far greater than an earthquake of Magnitude of 10 or higher. So, many of them who had low cultivation feared that the array would not be able to hold on for long.

During the entire process, Lin Fan was still standing in the arena. Due to his madness, he did not even evade his own attack, so he was injured. Luckily for him, his origin essence still automatically erected a barrier around him. Unfortunately, that only managed to slightly reduce the damage he received.

So, a very burned Lin Fan was standing in the arena. More importantly, he did not stop after the first volley of attack but continued to indiscriminately attack the surroundings. Luckily for him, his Absolute Chaos Physique provided him with a powerful fleshly body, and the Chaos Qi inside his body quickly healed his body.

Unfortunately for him, his origin essence was rapidly consuming with these large attacks. Although he could replenish it by absorbing the spiritual qi in the surrounding, with how much these powerful attacks cost him, he won’t be able to last long.

Meanwhile, during the entire process, Su Ya was floating in the sky, far from Lin Fan and the arena, watching everything with a sneer on her face.

There is a reason that the Seven Emotions Six Desire Physique is ranked third in the Heavenly Physique List. No matter the person or cultivator, he or she cannot escape the shackles of emotions and desires.

Whether it was those cultivators who cultivate the Indifferent Dao and abandoned their emotions or the Taoist Sect cultivators who practice a form of Indifferent Dao that involves accepting that things in the universe happened for a reason--even life and death, so do not worry about them; all of them also have desires: the desire to pursue the Dao.

So, even they would be susceptible to Su Ya’s powers. Fighting her is like fighting yourself, or always being in a state of Heart Demon. She can take advantage of the slightest flaws in your mind and use them to her advantage. Given that no being in existence is absolutely perfect, no one can escape her power.

Down in the arena, after Lin Fan went on his fifth round of attack, his complexion was pale, and he was breathing heavily. The amount of time it took him to heal his injuries has dramatically increased.

When he was about to commence his sixth round, a bell suddenly rang in Lin Fan’s Sea of Consciousness. Immediately afterward, Lin Fan managed to regain consciousness for a brief moment. Without wasting this opportunity, he immediately controlled his Chaos Qi to enter his Sea of Consciousness and purged the [Flame of Anger] from his body.

While taking deep breaths, Lin Fan half-knelt in the arena.

On the sky, Su Ya frowned after seeing this, then she muttered softly: "Soul Protection Treasure?"

She is not blind to Soul Protection Treasure as she has one too. All the Heaven Chosens from Emperor Lineages will be granted a Soul Protection Treasure once they enter the Supernatural Realm.

As the name implies, the treasure is to protect their souls from being directly attacked and destroyed, protect their bodies from being taken over by other cultivators, and when they reach the Primordial Spirit Realm, the Soul Protection Treasure can save their Primordial Spirit in case their bodies are destroyed. That way, as long as their sect creates a new body for them, or finds another one for them to occupy, they can be revived.

As for Wang Wei, the only reason that he did not have one was that his soul was too unique. His Paragon Soul can protect him from most soul attacks and destroy anyone who enters his Sea of Consciousness and tries to occupy his body.

According to a test that the Dao Opening Sect made, it would take an average Supreme Realm True Monarchs an entire hour constantly attacking Wang Wei’s soul before they could injure him.

And the reason for that is because although the quality of his soul is very high, the amount of Soul Power he had cannot be compared to Supreme Realm powerhouses.

Another reason was that his soul was somewhat arrogant. After placing a Saint Level Soul Protection Treasure inside his Sea of Consciousness, it was kicked out by his own soul, telling him that it was not worthy to share the same space as him.

So, Wang Wei tried a Supreme Tier one. Although it was not kicked out, he felt very uncomfortable for some reason. So, he placed the treasure in his space ring instead. Hopefully, if one day he actually needs to use that treasure, he will have enough time to remove it from his space ring, or it can activate on his own.

Of course, after that test, Wang Wei’s grandfather warned him not to be too arrogant or careless about this ability as in this world, nothing is absolute. Wang Chang went on to tell his grandson a story about something that happened in his generation.

Apparently, a mortal once killed a Supreme Realm Powerhouse. According to the tale, this Supreme Realm True Monarchs accidentally killed this mortal’s family during a battle. As a result, the mortal held a tremendous amount of hatred for him.

Hundred years later, when that mortal was close to death, he somehow managed to track down the True Monarch. Then, in front of him, the mortal slit his own throat while cursing the True Monarch to die a painful death.

The mortal’s hatred was so strong that he actually managed to create a powerful curse after sacrificing his life. The True Monarch was entangled by the curse for a few hundred years before he died a painful and gruesome death.

This event was famous during Wang Chang’s generation as cultivators never imagined that a mortal could actually kill a cultivator--let alone one at the top of the food chain.

Meanwhile, back to the fight, after Lin Fan woke up from his madness, he looked at Su Ya with hatred. However, knowing that his opponent can use his own emotions against him, he quickly used the Chaos Qi to calm himself down.

Then, tattoos or symbols started appearing all over Lin Fan’s body; he was prepared to use his Innate Talent.

His body turned into a Purple-Black color, and similar aura-like energy seemed to enveloped him; it was as if it was part of his body. Stars, galaxies, and worlds could be seen in the aura surrounding him. His eyes turned completely white; it was a very pure white, the purest of white that ever existed in the universe.

A noble aura emanated from his body; it was like the aura of the noble creatures between Heaven and Earth.

After his transformation, Lin Fan looked at Su Ya as he said with a majestic voice: "Now, you will experience the power of my [Chaos Demon God Body]."

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